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Associate Professor Dr. iur. Öykü Didem Aydin



Associate Professor at the Hacettepe University Law School.


Dr. jur. since 2001 (University of Freiburg, Germany, with a published Dissertation on “Criminological, Crime-Theoretical and Constitutional Treatment of Hate Speech and Hate Crimes in Germany and the United States of America”)


Date of Birth: 25. 09 1970


Place of Birth: Ordu/Turkey

Director of the Department for Constitutional Law at the Hacettepe University Law School 

Member of the Academic Ethics Board of the Hacettepe University

Member of the Executive Committee of Hacettepe Center for Bioethics


Drafter and Reporter of The Committee for Drafting The Hacettepe Proposal for a New Constitution for Turkey (the proposal has been submitted to “The Constitution Reconciliation Committee” of the Turkish Grand National Assembly), please see at <>

Former Assistant Professor at the Law Schools of the University of Bilkent and the University of Baskent 

Former Fellow and Project Manager at the Max-Planck-Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg i. Br. (Germany)


Fellow of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (Altstipendiat)


Teaching: Constitutional Law, Constitutional Adjudication, Comparative Law, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedural Law, Human Rights Law, Ethics and Information Technologies, Basic Concepts and Terms of Law (in English), Grundbegriffe der Rechtswissenschaft (in German), New Latin American Constitutionalism, Introduction to Turkish Law (in English), Law and Literature, Medical Law and Health Rights, Legal Methodology


Visiting Professor at the University of Trier (June 2012-August 2014)


July, 2001: Completion of Doctoral Studies at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, on “Combating Xenophobia in Germany and in the USA” with the Presentation of a written thesis and success in the Oral Examination (“Rigorosum”). Title of the Thesis: Die strafrechtliche Bekämpfung von Hassdelikten in Deutschland und in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika Ein Vergleich des kriminologischen, strafrechtstheoretischen und verfassungsrechtlichen Umgangs beider Systeme mit der Fremdenfeindlichkeit unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Vorschrift der Volksverhetzung -§ 130 des deutschen StGB- und der U.S.-Amerikanischen Gesamtproblematik von Hate Speech/Crimes [Criminological, Crime-Theoretical and Constitutional Treatment of Hate Speech and Hate Crimes in Germany and the United States of America].


2009-2012: “Habilitation” (Doçentlik) in Constitutional Law


Habilitation with a Monography on “Constitutive Assemblies of the People (Constitutional Conventions) and Constitution Making: Towards a Model for Turkey on the Comparative Basis of United States of America and Latin America”




A very good command of English


A very good command of German


A very good command of Italian


Good working knowledge of Spanish


Limited working knowledge of French



1975-1980: Elementary School: Ankara Ahmet Vefik Pasa

1980-1983: Middle School Ankara Namik Kemal Ortaokulu


1983-1986: High School: Antalya Koleji (Private College of Antalya)





1986-1990: Ankara Hukuk Fakültesi (University of Ankara Law School).


1991-1992: Professional Legal Training at the Ankara Bar Association and Ankara                         Courts

February, 1991-1994: Master in Public Law at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Ankara.


1992-1994: LLM; Specialization Course (Corso di Specializzazione) in Italian Law at the Institute of Criminal and Criminal Procedural Law under the supervision of Professor Emilio Dolcini and Giorgio Marinucci with a scholarship from the Italian Government


Subject of Master Thesis: Security Measures in Turkish and Italian Criminal Law. Degree: Very Good (Pekiyi)


1994-1995: Completion of Doctoral Courses at the Law School of the University of Ankara


October, 1995: Scholarship for Doctorate in Germany for four years from the Konrad Adenauer Foundation after competitive examinations and interviews


October, 1995 -1996 April: German Courses at the Goethe Institute with the scholarship from the Konrad Adenauer Foundation


1996 April: Success in the Language Examination for University Entrance in Germany (PNDS) with the second best result within the entire Goethe Institute (Score: 557/600)


1996-1997: Completion of Seminar Studies within the framework of the Program for Doctor of Juridical Science (J.S.D) Studies with a paper on “Motions for Evidence in German Criminal Law and its Practical Significance” (57 pages): Paper written for the Seminar Class of Criminal and Criminal Procedural Law under the supervision of Professor K. Bernsmann, Professor Walter, Professor Weigend, Judge Dr. Terhorst, Attorney N. Gatzweiler. (sehr good) Best Score among participants.


February, 1997-2001: Continuing Doctoral Studies at the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg and the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Law. Scholarship also from the Max Planck Society.


End of July, 2001: Completion of Doctoral Studies.


Professional Experiences:


1992-1996. Research Assistant, Member of the Department of Criminal and Criminal Procedural Law, Ankara University Law School


1992 –1998. Member of the Ankara Bar Association


2000 –2005. Member of the Istanbul Bar Association


1998-2003. Research Fellow, Scientific Project Manager at the Max-Planck-Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiburg i.Br. Germany


2004-2005. Assistant Professor at the Baskent University Law School, Ankara


2004-2006. Assistant Professor at the Bilkent University Law School, Ankara


February 2005 – March 2007. Chief Legal Counsel of the Turkish Operations of a Multi-national Corporation


January 2008 – April 2008. Chief Legal Counsel of an Holding Company


2006-2010. Attorney at Law, Member of the Ankara Bar Association


2000- Novelist (published first in 2009), Essayist, Translator (Founding Member of the Turkish Union of Book Translators).


2010-2012 Assistant Professor of Constitutional Law at the Hacettepe University Law School


2012- Associate Professor of Constitutional Law at the Hacettepe University Law School



Fields of Research:


Constitutional Law, Constitutional Adjudication, Constitution Making Processes, Latin American Constitutionalism, Law and Literature Studies, Free Speech Rights, Comparative Legal Cultural Politics, Globalism and Constitutional Law, Constitutionalism and Criminal Justice with Focus on Europe, United States of Amercica and Latin America, Comparative Criminal Law and Comparative Constitutional Law with focus on Germany and the United States of America, Politics and Normative-Ethics of Lawgiving, Methodology of Law, Communitarianism v. Nationalism in Law, Civil Rights/Fundamental Freedoms, Democratization and Criminal Justice System, Politics of Civil Liberties and Law, Sexual Liberties, Human Rights and Criminal Justice System, International Criminal Justice, Legal Reforms, Racism and Racist Violence, Hate Speech and Hate Crimes, Minorities and Law, Medical Law and Health Rights


Selected Publications:



  1. 2011. TURKISH. ‘We, The People: ‘Proprietors of Sovereignty’ Constitutive Assemblies of the People (Constitutional Conventions) and Constitution Making: Towards a Model for Turkey on the Comparative Basis of United States of America and Latin America 576 pp., Ankara, Yetkin, 2011.
  2. 2008. TURKISH. SCIENTIFIC ADVISOR for the collection of essays on FREEDOM OF SPEECH (published by Bosphorus University Association for Performing Arts, Istanbul)
  3. 2006. GERMAN. Die strafrechtliche Bekämpfung von Hassdelikten in Deutschland und in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika Ein Vergleich des kriminologischen, strafrechtstheoretischen und verfassungsrechtlichen Umgangs beider Systeme mit der Fremdenfeindlichkeit unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Vorschrift der Volksverhetzung - § 130 des deutschen StGB - und der U.S.-Amerikanischen Gesamtproblematik von Hate Speech/Crimes], 495 pp., Germany  (Freiburg i.Br.), iuscrim Verlag of the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law (CRIMINOLOGICAL, CRIME-THEORETICAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL TREATMENT OF HATE SPEECH AND HATE CRIMES IN GERMANY AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA).
  5. 2009. Literary Fiction/Novel-Turkish. THE OLD SYNAGOGUE PLACE (first published in 2009 by Iletisim Yayinlari, Istanbul)


Sections Written in Books

  1. Anerkannte Opfer von Hate Crimes oder Schaumschläger der Identity Politics? Ursprünge und Ernte einer Kriminalpolitik der Alterität aufgrund des Geschlechts, der Abstammung, der Rasse, der Sprache, der Heimat und Herkunft, des Glaubens, der religiösen oder politischen Anschauung, in: Editor: Hans-Helmuth Gander, in red. Zusammenarbeit mit Tanja Zeeb, Anerkennung. Zu einer Kategorie gesellschaftlicher Praxis.Identitäten und Alteritäten, 231-255 pp., Würzburg, Ergon Verlag, 2004.
  2. Silvia Tellenbach, Öykü Didem Aydin, in: Editors: H.-J. Albrecht, M. Kilchling, Jugendstrafrecht in Europa: Begleitband zu Gutachten D für den 64. Deutschen Juristentag (“Jugendstrafrecht in der Türkei” 455-474 pp., Freiburg i.Br., edition iuscrim, 2002.



  1. 2013. (Turkish) New Constitutionalism in Latin America and the Theory of Peaciful Revolution under the Leadership of New-constitutionalist Presidents: -I-: Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías and The Example of a Democratic Constitutional Convention in Venezuela (Latin Amerika’da Yeni Anayasacilik ve Yeni-Anayasaci Baskanlar Öncülügünde Barisçil Devrim Kurami: -I- Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías ve Venezuela’da Demokratik Anayasa Konvansiyonu Örnegi ), in: Yeni Türkiye, Sayi 51, Mart-Nisan, pp. 790-808.
  2. 2011. (Turkish) Constitutionality of Restrictions on Free Speech in Light of Its Scope and Functions A Theoretical Framework on the Basis of the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America and Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights (“Düsünce Özgürlügünün Anlami ve Islevi Isiginda Düsünce Özgürlügünü Sinirlamanin Anayasalligi: ABD Anayasasinin Birinci Ek Maddesi ve AIHS Sözlesmesi’nin 10. Maddesi Zemininden Hareket Eden Bir Kuram Çatisi”), in: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, C. 1.,  S. 2,  26-63 pp.
  3. 2011. (Turkish) A New Mechanism in Turkish Constitutional Jurisdiction: Individual Application to The Constitutional Court (“Türk Anayasa Yargisinda Yeni Bir Mekanizma: Anayasa Mahkemesi’ne Bireysel Basvuru"), in: Gazi Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, C. XV, S. 4, 121-170, pp.,).
  4. 2011. (Turkish)  The System of Decrees Having Force of Law amidst the Necessities of Parliamentary Checks, Expedient and Effective Administration and the Rule of Law (“Parlamenter Denetim-Hizli ve Etkili Idare-Hukuk Devleti Isterleri Arasinda Kanun Hükmünde Kararnameler Rejimi"), in: Kazanci Hakemli Hukuk Dergisi , C. 7, S. 7-8, 106-162 pp.
  5. May-June 2010. (Turkish) Measure, Value and Ethical System and Types of Legislation and Goverments in Gulliver’s Travels III: Travel to the Houyhnhnm Land and Discourse on a Peculiar Type of Racism  ("Gulliver’in Gezileri’nde Ölçü, Deger, Töre Sistemleri ile Yasa ve Yönetim Biçimleri), III: Houyhnhnm Ülkesi’ne Seyahat ve En Sonunda Irkçiliga Dair Baska Türlü Kiraat”, an article writtenwithin the framework of  lectures given at the Hacettepe  University), in: Kurgu Dergisi, 38-63 pp.
  6. November 2010. (Turkish) Peace between the Two Omnipotent Enemies in the Same Universe, between Literature as a Creation in Fiction and Law as a Creation in Force: Literature and Law as an interdisciplinary Field of Research and Work (Ayni Evrende Her Seye Kadir Iki Düsmanin; Biri Bedii, Digeri Mer’i Yaratinin Barismasi: Disiplinlerarasi Bir Arastirma ve Yarati Alani Olarak Edebiyat Ve Hukuk Disiplini, in: Varlik Dergisi, Kasim Sayisi).
  7. 2009. Literary Critical Essay. (Turkish) A Feminist Critic of the Novel “Museum of Innocence and the Reality of the Hyper-Real Reality of the Museum of Innocence: The Never Ever Existed Female Thrown into the Trap of Fetichism and Voyeurism ("Masumiyet Müzesi Romani ve Hiperreal Masumiyet Müzesi “Gerçegi” Hakkinda Feminist Bir Elestiri: Fetisizm ve Voyörizm Kiskacinda “Hiç-Yok” Olan Kadin"), in: Kritik (Hakemli Akademik Edebiyat Bilimi Dergisi) , 295-375 pp. 60 pages, published in the Autumn 2009 issue of Kritik Dergisi  (Review for Literary Critics, Istanbul)
  8. 2008. (Turkish) Problems in the Framework of Conflict between Secularity Principle and Freedom of Religion and Womens’ Headscharf with a View to Freedom of Religion and Conscience (“Laiklik ile Din ve Vicdan Özgürlügü Çekismesinde Sorunlar ve Din ve Vicdan Özgürlügü Açisindan Basörtüsü"), in: Kültür ve Siyasette Feminist Yaklasimlar Dergisi, Hakemli Elektronik Dergi, Haziran.
  9. 2006. (Turkish) Freedom of Expression: A Critical Inquiry into the New Turkish Criminal Code (Düsünce Özgürlügü ve YTCK Açisindan Salt Ifade Suçu Tiplerine Elestirel Bir Bakis), in:  Hukuki Perspektifler Dergisi, 119–144 pp.
  10. 2004 Article (Turkish). Crimes Against Sexual Integrity (“Cinsel Dokunulmazliga Karsi Suçlar"), in: Hukuki Perspektifler Dergisi, 155 vd..
  11. 2004 (Turkish). The New Turkish Criminal Code according to the European Union Membership Criteria (“Ceza Hukukunun Çagdas Ilkeleri ve Avrupa Birligi Kriterleri Açisindan Türk Ceza Kanunu"), in: Türkiye Barolar Birligi Dergisi, pp. 2004. in: S. 53, 63-140, Temmuz.
  12. 2004. (Turkish)  Europe amidst the Conflict between Secularism and Freedom of Religion “Laiklik Ilkesi ve Din ve Vicdan Özgürlügü Çatismasinda Avrupa”, in: Açik Sayfa.
  13. 2003. Report. (English) “Comparative Study on Racial Violence in Europe” (Report prepared for the European Monitoring Center for Racism in Vienna), Study written together with Dr. Ulrich Baumann and Dr. Samuel Lindsey.
  14. 2002. (German) “Juvenile Criminality and Juvenile Criminal Law in Turkey”, article written together with Dr. Silvia Tellenbach, in: Juvenile Criminality in Europe, iuscrim. Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiburg i.Br.
  15. 2003. (German) “Combating Xenophobia and Homophobia by means of Criminal Law; an international Comparison”, in:
  16. 2001. (German) Combating Xenophobia by means of Criminal Law in Germany and Europe, in:
  17. 1998. (Turkish) Ethical and Legal Dimensions of Pre-selection of the Sex of Child (“Cinsiyeti Önceden Belirlemenin Ahlaki ve Hukuki Boyutlari”), in: Ankara Barosu Dergisi, Vol. 2, 85-121 pp.
  18. 1996. (Turkish) Procedure for Revision in Criminal Law ("Temyiz Inceleme Usulü”), in: Ankara Barosu Dergisi, S. 1996/4, 613-636 pp.
  19. 1994. (Turkish) Confiscation as a Pecuniary Security Measure in Turkish Criminal Law ("Malvarligina Iliskin Bir Emniyet Tedbiri Olarak Türk Ceza Yasasi’nda Müsadere"; Ayri Basim), in: Ankara Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 143-156 pp.
  20. 1994. (Turkish) The Code for Juvenile Courts and Security Mesaures Applied to Minors ("Çocuk Mahkemeleri Yasasi ve Çocuklara Uygulanan Emniyet Tedbirleri"), in: Ankara Barosu Dergisi, S. 3,  410-433 pp. 1993.
  21. 1993. (Turkish) Computer Crimes (“Bilgisayar Suçlari”), paper given in the Turkish Congress on Informatics, in: Bilisim-93 Bildiriler, Türkiye Bilisim Dernegi, pp. 72-81
  22. 1991. (Turkish-Essay) Gulf War and its Environmental Effects (“Körfez Savasi ve Çevresel Etkileri”), in: Mühendis ve Makina (TMMOB Makina Mühendisleri Odasi Yayini, pp. 23-32.
  23. Publishing a Web Site titled Literature and Law (Edebiyat ve Hukuk at <>  including numerous articles, course notes, lectures, translations and papers mostly written by myself and related both to my research field (constitutional studies and criminal law) as well as to literature and law studies.
  24. Essay. The Process for the Making of a New Constitution Which Cannot Surpass the Paradox of Liberal Constitutionalism (Parlamenter Anayasaciligin Paradoksunu Asamayan Yeni Anayasa Süreci), published by Toplumsal Alternatif, May, 2013.
  25. Essay. Die Neue Verfassung Der Türkei: Zwischen Skepsis und Hoffnung, published bt the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 26. April 2012, see at:
  26. Book Review of the Turkish Translation by Kudret Emiroglu of Giuseppe Fiori’s “Vita di Antonio Gramsci” (Istanbul, Iletisim Yayinlari, 2009) titled Antonio Gramsci: The Holistic Prince of the Action and Thought (Antonio Gramsci: Eylemin ve düsüncenin “bütünsel” prensi), published in: Yarinlar, Vol. 33, 2012; Also published in the Book Review of the Daily Bilingual Armenian-Turkish Journal AGOS, August, 2009.


Selected Papers given in national and international conferences

  1. Ankara, 3-5 October 2013. Paper titled Health Rights and the New Constitutional Developments in the Field of Health Rights Law (Saglik Haklari ve Saglik Haklari Alaninda Yeni Anayasal Gelismeler), in: Turco-American Symposium on Medical Law organized by the Hacettepe University).
  2. Ankara, 7 June 2013. Paper titled Combatting Hate Crimes in the World and Turkey from the Standpoint of Criminology, Criminal Law and Constitutional Rights (Kriminoloji, Ceza Hukuku ve Anayasa Açisindan Dünyada ve Türkiye’de Nefret Suçlariyla Mücadele), in: Panel organized by the Legislative Observation Committee of the Ankara Bar Association (Ankara Barosu Yasa Izleme Komitesi’nin Düzenledigi Panel).
  3. Ankara, 28 March 2013. Paper titled Sexual Harassment with a View to Ethics and Law (Etik ve Hukuk Açisindan Taciz), in: Conference organized by the Academic Ethics Board of the Hacettepe University.
  4. Ankara, 22 November 2011. Paper titled How is the Language of the New Constituton Ought to be Formulated? (Yeni Anayasanin Dili Nasil Olmalidir?), in: Panel organized by the Hacettepe University.
  5. Trier, 16 June 2012. (in German) Paper titled The Course to a New Constitution for Turkey in between Scepticism and Hope (Der Weg zu einer neuen Verfassung für die Türkei zwischen Skepsis und Hoffnung: rechtliche und rechtspolitische Bedingungen einer neuen Verfassung) –Vortrag-; Institut für Rechtspolitik der Universität Trier.
  6. Istanbul, 1-6 November 2010. Paper titled Philosophy of Constitutions and Constitution Making Processes, in: Conference on the New Constitution for Turkey in the Course of Democratization, organized by Kuyerel Platform and funded by the Heinrich-Böll Foundation (Demokratiklesen Türkiye’nin Yeni Anayasasi Küyerel Panelleri).
  7. Ankara, 2011. Kafka’s The Trial (Symposium Moderator at the Conference organized by the Atilim University in Ankara on Kafka’s Trial and Concept of Justice).
  8. Istanbul, February 2010. Paper on Educating Lawyers, in: Symposium on Legal Education organized by the Commerce University in Istanbul (Ticaret Üniversitesi’nde Düzenlenen Yargi Reformu Sempozyumu’na Sunulan “Hukuk Egitimi” konulu teblig).
  9. Istanbul, 2006. Speech on Freedom of Speech for Translators in: Panel organized by the Turkish Union of Book Translators; Actual Issues, Iletisim Yayinlari.
  10. Ankara, 28 June 2006. Paper on Provisions of the Criminal Code on Women and their Applications (“Türk Ceza Kanununda Kadina Iliskin Hükümler ve Uygulamasi”) in: Symposium on Women and Criminal Law organized by Ankara Bar Association ("Hukuk Mercegi Konferans ve Paneller" bildiri kitapçigindaki "Türk Ceza Kanunu’ndaki Kadina Iliskin Hükümler ve Uygulamasi", 2. Baski 2007, 8-19 pp., Ankara).
  11. Ankara, 08 November 2005. Paper titled Sexual Offenses in the Criminal Code, in: International Congress of Law organized by the Ankara Bar Association (Ankara Barosu Hukuk Kurultayi),"Yeni Türk Ceza Yasasi’nda Cinsel Suçlarin Düzenlenis Biçimi Ankara Barosu Hukuk Kurultayi, ( published on 03-07 2006, Ankara 2. Baski, Ankara Barosu Yayinlari, Cilt: 3, 247 -254 pp).
  12. Ordu, Giresun, Batman, Sakarya 2005. Series of conferences on The Draft Turkish Criminal Code as a member of the professors team established by the Turkish Union of Bar Associations (Sakarya, Ordu, Giresun,  Batman 2005: Türkiye Barolar Birligi tarafindan düzenlenen “Türk Ceza Kanunu” sempozyumlarina tebliglerle katilim).
  13. Ankara, May 2004. Paper on Terrorism under National and International Criminal Law, conference organized by Dr. Oyku D. Aydin at the Baskent University  (“Uluslararasi Ceza Hukuku Konferansi
    Organizasyonunu Gerçeklestirerek Konferansa ABD’nin Askeri Müdahaleleri, Guantanamo Bay ve Uluslararasi Insan Haklari Hukuku” adli tebligle katilim).
  14. Ankara May 2004. Intervention in: Panel on “Reform of Criminal Law in the Process of Social Transformation” (“Toplumsal Degisim Sürecinde Türk Ceza Kanunu Reformu Paneli”’ne Katilimci), Ankara 21-22 Mayis 2004.
  15. Istanbul, 2004. Paper on Secularism in Europe and Turkey, in: International Conference on Secularism and Religion organized by European Association of the Lawyers for Democracy.
  16. Istanbul 2004. Paper on Sexual Offences in the Draft Turkish Criminal Code, in: International Conference organized by Hukuki Perspektifler Dergisi.
  17. Istanbul 2004. Paper on Terrorism under National and International Criminal Law, in: Conference organized by Amnesty International.
  18. Freiburg i.Br., 2003. Paper at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law titled Criminal Policies against Organized Crime in Turkey, in: Conference within the Framework of the Project on “European Law and Policies against Organized Crimes” under the Management by Dr. Letizia Paoli (Max Planck Yabanci ve Uluslararasi Ceza Hukuku Enstitüsü’nde Dr. Letizia Paoli tarafindan düzenlenen ve yönetilen “Örgütlü Suçlara Karsi Avrupa Hukuku ve Siyaseti” konulu uluslararasi sempozyuma Türk Hukuku ve Organize Suç adli tebligle katilim).
  19. Vienna, November 2002/March 2003/July 2003: Conferences and Papers at the EUMC in Vienna. Presentation of the Reports on “Comparative Study of Reports from 15 Countries on Racial Violence in Europe” (Reports prepared for the European Monitoring Center for Racism in Vienna; Project Manager and Drafter of the Final Study written together with Dr. Ulrich Baumann and Dr. Samuel Lindsey.
  20. Macerata, Italy, 2002. Paper titled Denial of the Holocaust. Combating Revisionism in Europe by means of Criminal Law, in: Panel organized by Professor Isabella Rosoni (University of Macerata) on “The Holocaust”
  21.  Freiburg i.Br. 14. 12. 2001. Paper titled Recognized Victims of Hate Crimes or “Schaumschlaeger” of Identity Politics? Fundaments of and Return on a Criminal Policy of Responding to Crimes Committed on the basis of Sex, Descent, Race, Language, Nationality, National or Ethnic Origin, Religious or Political Belief, in: Conference under the auspices of Professor Hans-Helmut Gander and Professor Monika Fludernik within the framework of the interdisciplinary project of the Sub-Research-Section of the Broader Project on “Identitites and Alterities on “Multi-Culturalism. A Study of Moral and Political Fundaments of Modern Societies in the example of the United States” (Sonderforschungsbereich 541); supported by the German Research Society (Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft). The paper has been published by Egon Verlag as a section in a Collection of Essays (see above under “Publications”).
  22. Frankfurt, 2001. Paper titled Combating Xenophobia and Homophobia by means of Law in Germany and the United States with a particular attention on Hate Crimes Legislation (Bekaempfung von Fremdenfeindlichkeit und Homophobie durch Strafrecht; ein internationaler Vergleich) in: Conference on “Hate Crimes”, published on the Internet in:
  23. Freiburg i.Br. 06. 12. 2001. Paper titled Combating Xenophobia by means of Criminal Law in Germany and Europe (Bekaempfung von Fremdenfeindlichkeit durch Strafrecht in Deutschland und Europa), paper given for the honor of the Federal Justice Minister, Professor Daeubler-Gmelin during her visit to the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and Criminal Law, published on the Web Site of the Max-Planck-Institute for Foreign and International criminal Law and by iuscrim Verlag of the Institut, in:
  24. Ankara, 15 September-November 1997: Research at the State Security Courts in Ankara for an Analysis of the application of sec. 312 of the Turkish Criminal Code (incitement to hatred among the sections of the society).
  25. Ankara, Istanbul, Bursa 31.08-14.09.1997: One of the 26 winners of the competition for the participation in the Turco-German Summer Academy on “Mass Communication and the Media” organized by the Körber Foundation, with a paper on “One Incident, Two Reports, Comparative Analysis of Media Reporting on Crimes committed by Foreigners and Crimes committed against Foreigners” with the title “One Single Crime, Two Different Stories”.
  26. Cologne, March, 1997. Moderator at the International Business Conference organized by the University of Cologne on “Return on Globalization” moderating the presentation by Professor Saskia Sassen from the University of Columbia, New York on Global Cities.
  27. Ankara May, 1993. Assisting International Conference on Administrative Law organized by the Council of State (Danistay) as Translator in English and Italian.
  28. Istanbul June, 1993. Paper on Computer Crimes, in: Conference on Informatics organized by the Turkish Association for Informatics (“Bilisim” Konferansi), (published in "Bilisim-93 Bildiriler", "Bilgisayar Suçlulugu", 72-81 pp., Istanbul). The youngest speaker of the conference.
  29. Trondheim 1988: Contribution to the “Final Report” of the International Student Conference organized by the University of Trondheim on “Globalization” representing Turkey.

Selected Projects:


  1. 2001: Judicial Treatment of Violent Offenders, Study and Analysis of 500 Cases, Project supported by the Max Planck Society in Germany in research partnership with Professor Raymond Teske from the Sam Huston University, Texas USA and Ass. Professor Michael Braynt from the Toledo University, Ohio, USA.
  2. November, 2002 -June 2003. Comparative Study on Racial Violence in Europe: Writing a Comparative Study on Racial Violence in Europe after Peer-Review of 15 Country Reports


Selected Scientific Translations    

  1. 2014. BOOK. (published by Ithaki Yayinlari, Istanbul); Translation of GEORG SIMMELS PHILOSOPHY OF MONEY (PHILOSOPHIE DES GELDES) from German and English into Turkish, together with Yavuz Alogan
  2. Translation of Professor Stefan Huster’s “Das Verbot der "Auschwitzlüge", die Meinungsfreiheit und das Bundesverfassungsgericht” into Turkish (“Auschwitz Yalani”nin Yasaklanmasi, Düsünce Özgürlügü ve Federal Anayasa Mahkemesi), published in: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi [2011, Cilt 1, Sayi 1 (Haziran)].
  3. Translation of Professor Imer B. Flores’s, “The Struggle For Legal Philosophy (Vis-À-Vis Legal Education) into Turkish (Hukuk Egitiminde Hukuk Felsefesi Için Savasim: Yöntem ve Sorunlar), published in: Hukuk Felsefesi ve Sosyolojisi Arkivi, Istanbul Barosu Yayinlari, 28-48 pp., Istanbul 2008.
  4. Translation of Professor Angelo Porro’s “Le Origini del Sistema di Giustizia Amministrativa in Italia” from Italian into Turkish (“Italya'da Yönetsel Yargi Sisteminin Kökenleri”), published in: Idari Yarginin Dünyada Bugünkü Yeri, Danistay Mayis, 1993.
  5.  Translation from Professor Henry Petroski’s “Still Cogent After All These Years “(‘Newton’ Bunca Yildan Sonra Hâlâ Inanilir”), published in: Teknik ve Uygulama, TMMOB Makina Mühendisleri Odasi Yayini, 18- 21 pp., Aralik 1988.
  6. Translation from Thomas A. Nobbe’s “Technology under Service of Sports” (“Teknoloji Sporun Hizmetinde”), published  in:  Teknik ve Uygulama, TMMOB Makina Mühendisleri Odasi Yayini, 3-7 pp., Aralik 1988.

Selected Literary Translations:

Translation of William Blake’s Tyger into Turkish, in: Kirpi Düsün ve Edebiyat Dergisi, July, 2013, Vol. 2.

Translations of Kurt Tucholsky’s Augen in der Großstadt into Turkish, in: HUKAB, 2013.


Selected Literary and Literary Critical Essays


Essay titled First the Poem and Then the Green: A Picturesque Reading of “Romance Sonámbulo” by Federico García Lorca together with Dylan Thomas’ “And Death shall Have No Dominion” and W.B. Yeats’ “The Cat and the Moon. The essay includes my translations of the mentioned poems into Turkish (Federico García Lorca’nin “Uyurgezer Gönül Serüveni”nin Dylan Thomas’in “Ölümün Hiçbir Hükmü Olmayacak”li ve W.B. Yeats’in “Kedi ve Ay”li Okumasi), in: Kurgu, September 2010, Vol. 4.


Essay titled Literature and Crime (Edebiyat ve Suç), in: Varlik, Ocak 2011.


Professional Courses and Training:


June 2000. Seminar with Professor Albin Eser at the University of Freiburg  on Defamation Law (Certificate obtained)

December 1997. Seminar in Dusseldorf with on Criminal Defence Counseling  (Certificate obtained)

Summer 1994. Training Course at the Rene Cassen Institute for International Human Rights in Strasbourg with a Scholarship from the then European Communities. Training at the 25th Session for Human Rights; Success at the Final Exam entitling to a certificate, Lectures were mainly on Philosophy of Human Rights”, “United Nations`, Inter-American, European and African Systems of Protection, Politics of Human Rights. Additional courses on cultures, politics and sociology of human rights and human rights education were also included<

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