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Kazakhstan - Conference on voters' lists

04/12/2012 - 06/12/2012

Astana - A Conference on "Voters' lists, establishment of electoral commissions and participation of political parties in elections" will take place in Astana, Kazakhstan on 4-6 December 2012.

This activity is aimed at judges, prosecutors, defence lawyers and members of electoral commissions. During a three day conference participants will look at a number of issues such as :
• standards on voters’ lists and the composition and functioning of electoral management bodies
• standards in the field of participation of political parties in elections
• different models of voters lists as well as electronic registers
• different models of composition of electoral commissions
• participation of representatives of political parties in electoral commissions

The lectures on specific topics are followed by workshops that enable lively discussions and informal exchanges between the participants and the lecturers.

This activity is organised in the framework of a joint project “Support to the election process in Kazakhstan” funded by the European Union and implemented by the Venice Commission.




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