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Countries of the former Yugoslavia and Albania – International conference on European integration

29/10/2012 - 30/10/2012

Sarajevo - the Constitutional and Legal Committees of the BiH Parlamentary Assembly, with the support of the OSCE Mission in BiH and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, organised the Conference of Constitutional and Legal Committees, and the Committees for European Integration, from the countries of the former Yugoslavia and Albania.
The topic of conference was “The Role of Parliaments in the European Integration Process: Constitutional and Legislative Changes”.

The Secretary of the Venice Commission Thomas Markert participated in the 2nd panel entitled “Constitutional and Legislative changes - A necessity or a goodwill gesture?”




International conference

Money and Democracy – an Uneasy Relationship

07 - 08/12/2023, Cologne, Germany  

International seminar

“Constitutions and war”  

14 - 15 September 2023
Madrid, Centre for Constitutional and Political Studies (CEPC)


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