12/11/2012 - 15/11/2012
Tripoli – Following the request of 27 September 2012 by the Vice President of the General National Congress of Libya Dr. Saleh Mohammed ALMKHOZOM for the Venice Commission’s support to the Congress in its work of developing a constitution for democratic Libya, a delegation of the Venice Commission, will travel to Tripoli. Meetings with the National Congress of Libya and with the Presidency of the country on the process of preparing and adopting the new Constitution are foreseen.
The delegation is composed as follows:
• Thomas MARKERT, Secretary of the Commission;
• Nicolae ESANU, member in respect of Moldova; Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Moldova State University, Former Deputy Minister of Justice;
• Lucian MIHAI, member in respect of Romania; Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest, Former President of the Constitutional Court;
• Serhyi HOLOVATY, MP, former Minister of Justice, Ukraine;
• Schnutz DURR, Head of the Constitutional Justice Division, Secretariat of the Venice Commission.
This activity will be carried out jointly with the International Management Group (IMG) and within the framework of the co-operation of the country with the European Union. IMG and the EU Delegation suggested to the Libyan authorities to ask for the assistance of the Venice Commission.