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Tunisia - meeting on electoral systems

18/12/2012 - 19/12/2012

Strasbourg - A delegation of the Commission of general legislation of the Tunisian Constituent Assembly visits the Council of Europe and meets experts of the Venice Commission to discuss the issue of electoral systems.

Related documents
CDL-EL(2012)010  English  17/12/2012 -  Public
Applied aspects of simple systems for proportional representation (SPR)  (N. VULCHANOV)
CDL-EL(2012)008  English  14/12/2012 -  Public
Electoral systems and their political consequences: Elements of interest for Tunisia  (F. GROTZ)
CDL-EL(2012)007  French  14/12/2012 -  Public
Quelques éléments à prendre en compte dans le choix d'un système électoral  (J. COLLIARD)
CDL-EL(2012)010rev  English  14/03/2013 -  Public
Applied aspects of simple systems for proportional representation (SPR)  (N. VULCHANOV)



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