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65th Plenary session of the Commission (Venice)

16/12/2005 - 17/12/2005

Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista - The Commission is to be informed on follow-up to:

- Amicus Curiae opinionon the nature of the proceedings before the Human Rights Chamber and the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- final opinion on constitutional reform in the Republic of Armenia;
- opinion on the constitutional situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the powers of the High Representative.

The Commission is invited to examine with a view to adoption the draft opinions on:

- standards applicable to the referendum in Montenegro;
- the Law on making amendments to the law of Ukraine on elections of people’s deputies of Ukraine of 7 July 2005 and draft law on the state register of voters of Ukraine;
- the amendments to the Electoral Code of Moldova;
- the Draft Organic Law on “making amendments and additions into the Organic law – Elections Code of Georgia”.

Declarations on women’s participation in elections and on stability of electoral law, prepared by the Council for Democratic Elections are also on the agenda.

The Commission is invited to hold an exchange of views with:

- Mr Iuri Kliuchkovskyi, Representative of the President of Ukraine;
- Mr Ranko Krivokapic, Speaker of the Parliament of Montenegro, and Mr Velizar Kaludjerovic, the representative of the Socialist People’s Party of Montenegro;
- Ms Svetala Bychkova, Member, Constitutional Council and Ms Zhemis Turmagambetova, Deputy Director, International Bureau on Human Rights and Rule of Law.

The Commission is to be informed on constitutional developments in Iceland, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Montenegro, Slovenia and on the situation of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.

All adopted opinions of the Commission become public after the session and will available on the website of the Commission.




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Madrid, Centre for Constitutional and Political Studies (CEPC)


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