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Georgia - Electoral questions

22/09/2003 - 24/09/2003

In view of the parliamentary elections in Georgia on 2 November 2003, the Venice Commission organises an electoral training workshop for members of electoral administrations, judges dealing with electoral litigations, observers, and proxies.

The training will focus on three stages of the electoral process: the pre-electoral period (electoral campaign, role of electoral administrations), the election day (duties and responsibilities of voters, electoral administrations, observers and proxies), and counting and electoral litigation procedures.

At the last day of the training a mock vote and counting will be conducted at a polling station, specifically created for this occasion.

Related documents
CDL-EL(2003)012  French  19/03/2004 -  Public
Atelier de formation électorale (Tbilisi, 22-24 septembre 2003) : Rapports  (B. OWEN, D. VINOLAS, C. GEISER, G. BERNASCONI WALKER)
CDL-EL(2003)011syn  French  29/09/2003 -  Public
Atelier de formation électorale (Tbilisi, 22-24 septembre 2003) : Carnet de bord 
CDL-EL(2003)011syn  English  29/09/2003 -  Public
Electoral training workshop (Tbilisi, 22-24 September 2003): Synopsis 



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