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81st meeting of the Council for Democratic Elections


Venice, Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista - The 81st meeting of the Council for Democratic Elections was held on 5 December 2024 in Venice, Italy.
The Council held an exchange of views with a representative of the Organization of American States (0AS) and invited the OAS General Secretariat, through the Department of Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO), to become an observer to the Council.
During this meeting, the Council approved:
• the draft Final Opinion on possible legislative solutions to conduct future electoral processes in Haiti;
• the draft Amicus curiae brief for the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Staderini and others v. Italy on the stability of electoral legislation and some features of a mixed electoral system;
• the draft Interpretative declaration to the Code of good practice in electoral matters on digital technologies and artificial intelligence; and
• the draft Report on electoral observers as human rights defenders.

The Council for Democratic Elections is the only tripartite body of the Council of Europe, comprising members of the Venice Commission, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe. Its aim is to unite the legal experience of the Venice Commission and the political experience of the Assembly and the Congress and to examine all the opinions relating to States and documents of a general nature concerning elections before their submission for adoption by the Venice Commission.

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