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North Macedonia – post-electoral workshop

05/11/2024 - 05/11/2024

Skopje – Following the presidential and parliamentary elections held in North Macedonia on 24 April and 8 May 2024, the Venice Commission and the State Election Commission of North Macedonia (SEC) organised a post-election workshop for members and staff of the SEC and of several Municipal Election Commissions of the city of Skopje and surrounding areas.

The workshop, which took place in Skopje on 5 November 2024, brought together election officials, representatives of the Venice Commission and international experts. It focussed on lessons learned from the 2024 elections, in particular in the field of election dispute resolution.

Participants discussed Council of Europe standards and guidelines, Venice Commission opinions and reports, as well as the experience of various countries, and elaborated proposals for improving practice and tools for handling election disputes.




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