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Bosnia and Herzegovina - Revision of the electoral law

21/02/2005 - 23/02/2005

Sarajevo - A joint OSCE/ODIHR - Venice Commission delegation visits Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to resume the co-operation on the revision of the electoral law. The revision of the electoral legislation, in co-operation with the Venice Commission, is a commitment taken by Bosnia and Herzegovina upon accession to the Council of Europe.

The joint delegation is to meet representatives of the international community, including the Office of the High Representative (OHR), of the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina and of the legislative and executive branches of power. The members of the delegation are:

o Ms Mirjana Lazarova-Trajkovska, member of the Venice Commission, “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”
o Mr Taavi Annus, member of the Venice Commission, Estonia
o Mr Pierre Garrone, Head of the Division of Elections and Referendums, Venice Commission
o Mr Vadim Zhdanovich, Election Adviser, OSCE/ODIHR




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