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Documents by opinions and studies

1210/2024 - Rule of Law Checklist: Update
1199/2024 - Checklist on the influence of money on democracy
1197/2024 - Study on the status of the European Charter of Local Self-Government in the domestic legal systems of Council of Europe member States
1194/2024 - Study on Migration and Asylum in Electoral Campaigns
1175/2024 - Report on Judicial Councils
1174/2024 - Report on Judicial Appointments
1009/2020 - Study - Fostering Healthy Democracy in Europe
869/2016 - Study on Gender Equality in Constitutions
448/2007 - The reopening of Judicial Procedures following the finding of a breach of the right to a fair trial
447/2007 - European Union accession to the European Court of Human Rights
331/2005 - Constitutional Law and European Integration (New Members)
293/2004 - The Ad Hoc Inter-sectoral Group of Specialists on e-governance
152/2001 - Constitutional requirement of the judiciary control for administrative acts
148/2001 - Electoral authority
109/1999 - Opinion on the execution of decisions of the European court of Human Rights
85/1998 - Guidelines on Prohibition of Political Parties and Analogous Measures
11/1995 - Circle of the Charge of regional or minority languages
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