Venice Commission
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Human Rights
Rule of Law
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Council of Europe
Human Rights and Rule of Law
Venice Commission
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Documents by opinions and studies
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All opinions and studies
1210/2024 - Rule of Law Checklist: Update
1202/2024 - Report on election observers as human rights defenders
1199/2024 - Checklist on the influence of money on democracy
1197/2024 - Study on the status of the European Charter of Local Self-Government in the domestic legal systems of Council of Europe member States
1194/2024 - Study on Migration and Asylum in Electoral Campaigns
1175/2024 - Report on Judicial Councils
1174/2024 - Report on Judicial Appointments
1173/2024 - Report on a rule of law and human rights compliant regulation of spyware
1172/2024 - Revised interpretative declaration to the Code of good practice in electoral matters on the Stability of electoral law
1171/2024 - Interpretative declaration to the Code of good practice in electoral matters on digital technologies and artificial intelligence
1168/2023 - Study on "the rule of law requirements that an amnesty should fulfil"
1160/2023 - Report on the relations between Parliament and the Government: confidence and responsibility
1128/2023 - Report on Bicameralism
1089/2022 - Recent challenges to security in Europe: what role for the Council of Europe? Reply to Recommendation 2235 (2022) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
1045/2021 - Report on the Domestic Procedures of Ratification and Denunciation of International Treaties
1010/2020 - Study - Electoral Glossary English / French
1009/2020 - Study - Fostering Healthy Democracy in Europe
995/2020 - Report on the measures taken in the EU Member States as a result of the Covid-19 crisis and their impact on democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights
994/2020 - Role of national parliaments in the legislative process of the European Union and the eurozone
987/2020 - Study - Emergency Powers
974/2019 - Study - Principles for a fundamental rights-compliant use of digital technologies in electoral processes
970/2019 - Report to clarify in which circumstances, if any, the European Convention of Human Rights allows the criminalisation of calls by politicians or representatives of civil society for radical constitutional changes by peaceful means
965/2019 - Report on Electoral Law and Electoral Administration in Europe
955/2019 - Inclusion of a not internationally recognised territory in a State’s nationwide constituency for parliamentary elections
932/2018 - Report on Separate Opinions of Constitutional Courts
925/2018 - Study - Joint Report of the Venice Commission and of the Directorate of Information Society and Action against Crime of the Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law (DGI) on Digital Technologies and Elections
913/2018 - Study on election dispute resolution
910/2017 - Study - Recall of Mayors
908/2017 - Study on the Individual Right to Re-election
903/2017 - Comments on Recommendation 2110(2017) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on the Implementation of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights in view of the Reply of the Committee of Ministers
897/2017 - Study on principles on the protection and promotion of the Ombudsman Institution (Venice principles)
895/2017 - Study on Foreign Funding of Associations
887/2017 - Study on Referendums
881/2017 - Guidelines on Political Party regulation
879/2017 - Opinion on the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities' Checklist for compliance with international standards and best practices preventing misuse of administrative resources during electoral processes at local and regional level
874/2017 - Study on Identification of electoral irregularities through statistical methods
873/2017 - Report on Constituency Delineation and Seat Allocation
869/2016 - Study on Gender Equality in Constitutions
850/2016 - Electoral glossary French / English
845/2016 - Study on the Interaction Majority - Opposition in a democracy (update of the 2010 Study on the role of the Opposition in Democratic Parliament)
840/2016 - Study on publication of lists of voters having participated in elections
807/2015 - Exclusion of offenders from Parliament
806/2015 - Study - Report on the Freedom of Expression of Judges
778/2014 - Joint Guidelines on preventing and responding to the misuse of administrative resources during electoral processes
769/2014 - Revised Joint Venice Commission and OSCE/ODIHR Guidelines on Freedom of Peaceful Assembly
764/2014 - Report on open and closed lists in proportional electoral system
759/2014 - Amicus curiae brief in the case of Rywin v. Poland pending before the European Court of Human Rights
748/2013 - Electoral lists and voters residing de facto abroad
730/2013 - Opinion on the issue of so-called propaganda of homosexuality in the light of recent Legislation in some Council of Europe Member States, including Moldova, Russian Federation and Ukraine
721/2013 - Method of nomination of candidates within political parties
719/2013 - Update report on the Democratic Oversight of the Security Services
714/2013 - Parliamentary Immunity
713/2013 - Children's Rights
711/2013 - Rule of Law Checklist
706/2012 - Guidelines on Freedom of Association
690/2012 - Implementation of international human rights treaties in domestic law
687/2012 - Portrayal of migrants and refugees during election campaigns
682/2012 - Report on the relationship between political and criminal ministerial responsibility
678/2012 - Declaration of Global Principles for non-partisan election observation and monitoring by citizen organizations and Code of Conduct for non-partisan citizen election observers and monitors
656/2011 - Report on measures to improve the democratic nature of elections in Council of Europe member states
646/2011 - Report on Democracy, Limitation of Mandates and Incompatibility of Political Functions
601/2010 - Opinion on the need for a code of good practice in the field of funding of electoral campaigns
595/2010 - Guidelines on political party regulation
590/2010 - Report on the Role of Extra-Institutional Actors in the Democratic System (Lobbying)
586/2010 - Recommendation 273 (2009) of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe “Equal access to local and regional elections”
585/2010 - Use of administrative resources
584/2010 - Revised interpretative declaration to the code of good practice in electoral matters on the participation of people with disabilities in elections
583/2010 - Report on figure based management of possible election fraud
581/2010 - Guidelines on Freedom of Peaceful Assembly
580/2010 - Report on out-of-country voting
568/2010 - Freedom of Religion: Guidelines
558/2009 - Report on the timeline and inventory of political criteria for assessing an election -
553/2009 - Registration of voters
538/2009 - Study on individual access to constitutional justice
531/2009 - Report on Private Military and Security Firms and Erosion of the State Monopoly on the use of force
512/2009 - Report on the rule of law
507/2008 - Report on the cancellation of election results
500/2008 - Report on Counter-terrorism Measures and Human Rights
498/2008 - Report on Constitutional Issues raised by the Ratification of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court - Supplement to the Report on constitutional issues raised by the ratification of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
497/2008 - Report on the role of the opposition in a democratic Parliament
494/2008 - Report on European Standards as regards the Independence of the Judicial System
488/2008 - Report on the Imperative Mandate and Similar Practices
485/2008 - Report on Thresholds and other features of electoral systems which bar parties from access to Parliament
482/2008 - Report on the Impact of Electoral Systems on Women's Representation in Politics
477/2008 - Guidelines on an internationally recognised status of election observers
470/2008 - Stocktaking on the notions of "good governance" and "good administration"
469/2008 - Report on Constitutional Amendment
448/2007 - The reopening of Judicial Procedures following the finding of a breach of the right to a fair trial
447/2007 - European Union accession to the European Court of Human Rights
446/2007 - Report on Legislative Initiative
430/2007 - Opinion on video surveillance by private operators in the public and private spheres and by public authorities in the private sphere and human rights protection
428/2007 - Opinion on proposed changes to Recommendation R(99)15 on Media Coverage of Election Campaigns
426/2007 - Report on choosing the date of an election
415/2006 - Role of media for democracy
414/2006 - Code of Good Practice in the field of Political Parties
406/2006 - Report on the relationship between Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Religion: the issue of regulation and prosecution of Blasphemy, Religious Insult and Incitement to Religious Hatred
404/2006 - Opinion on Video Surveillance in Public Places by Public Authorities and the Protection of Human Rights
403/2006 - Comments on the Draft Opinion of the Consultative Council of European Judges on Judicial Councils
389/2006 - Report on the Democratic Control of the Armed Forces
388/2006 - Report on the Democratic oversight of the Security Services
387/2006 - Report on Dual Voting for Persons belonging to National Minorities
371/2006 - Code of Good Practice on Referendums
369/2006 - Guide on the evaluation of the elections
366/2006 - Opinion on the Prohibition of Financial Contributions to Political Parties from Foreign Sources
363/2005 - Opinion on the International legal obligations of Council of Europe member States in respect of secret detention facilities and inter-state transport of prisoners
359/2005 - Opinion on the Protection of Human Rights in Emergency Situations
353/2005 - Opinion on Pace Recommendation 1713(2005) on Democratic Oversight of the Security Sector in Member States
352/2005 - Report on Electoral Law and Electoral Administration in Europe - Synthesis study on recurrent challenges and problematic issues
351/2005 - Summary Report on the Secrecy of the Vote in the context of Elections by Parliament
348/2005 - Interpretative Declaration on the Stability of the Electoral Law
341/2005 - Opinion on Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 1704 (2005) on Referendums : towards good practices in Europe
335/2005 - The role of the Second Chamber
332/2005 - Opinion on OSCE/ODIHR Guidelines for drafting laws pertaining to freedom of Assembly
331/2005 - Constitutional Law and European Integration (New Members)
329/2004 - Report on the Participation of Political Parties in Elections
325/2004 - Declaration of Principles for International Election Observation and Code of Conduct for International Election Observers and Pledge to accompany the Code of Conduct for International Election Observers
324/2004 - Declaration on Women's Participation in Elections
316/2004 - Report on the effectiveness of national remedies in respect of excessive length of proceedings
307/2004 - Report on Electoral Rules and Affirmative Action for National Minorities' Participation in decision-making process in European countries
306/2004 - Opinion on Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 1714 (2005) on the Abolition of Restrictions on the Right to Vote
304/2004 - Status of International Human Rights Treaties in European legal systems
301/2004 - Election Observation Form
294/2004 - Report on Non-citizens and Minority Rights
293/2004 - The Ad Hoc Inter-sectoral Group of Specialists on e-governance
287/2004 - Referendums in Europe – An analysis of the legal rules in European States - Report
285/2004 - Report on Media Monitoring during Election Observation Missions
282/2004 - Opinion on the possible follow-up to Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 1629 (2003) on “Future of Democracy: Strengthening Democratic Institutions”
271/2004 - Guidelines for legislative reviews of laws affecting religion or belief
260/2003 - Report on the compatibility of remote voting and electronic voting with the standards of the Council of Europe
253/2003 - Opinion on the draft ACEEEO Convention on Election Standards, Electoral Rights and Freedoms
250/2003 - Report on Electoral Systems - Overview of available solutions and selection criteria
247/2003 - Guidelines on Legislation on Political Parties
245/2003 - Opinion on the possible need for further development of the Geneva Conventions
244/2003 - Documents informing electors
235/2003 - Election Evaluation Guide
209/2002 - Opinion on the Implementation of the Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights
190/2002 - Code of Good Practice in Electoral Matters: Guidelines and Explanatory Report
186/2001 - Preambles to Constitutions
168/2001 - Report on the Preferential Treatment of National Minorities by their Kin-State
152/2001 - Constitutional requirement of the judiciary control for administrative acts
148/2001 - Electoral authority
143/2001 - Guidelines for Constitutional Referendums at National Level
132/2000 - Report on constitutional issues raised by the ratification of the Rome statute of the International Criminal Court
126/2000 - A General Legal Reference Framework to Facilitate the Settlement of Ethno-Political Conflicts in Europe
125/2000 - Decisions of constitutional courts and equivalent bodies and their execution: Report
123/2000 - General judiciary authority
109/1999 - Opinion on the execution of decisions of the European court of Human Rights
97/1999 - Self-Determination and Secession in Constitutional Law
91/1999 - Federated and regional entities and international treaties - Report
85/1998 - Guidelines on Prohibition of Political Parties and Analogous Measures
82/1998 - Guidelines and Report on the Financing of Political Parties
63/1998 - Guidelines on Prohibition and Dissolution of Political Parties and Analogous Measures
51/1997 - Constitutional Law and European Integration
39/1997 - Control of Security Services
25/1996 - Federal and regional State
14/1995 - Opinion on the interpretation of Article 11 of the draft protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights appended to Recommendation 1201 of the Parliamentary Assembly
11/1995 - Circle of the Charge of regional or minority languages
10/1995 - Electoral law and national minorities
8/1995 - Composition and Formation of Constitutional Juridictions
7/1995 - Report on the legal foundation for foreign policy
3/1995 - Consequences of State succession on citizenship
1/1995 - Report on the regime of parliamentary immunity
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