Michael Frendo

Date of Birth: 29 July 1955
LLM (European Law) Master of Laws in European Legal Studies, Centre for European Legal Studies, University of Exeter, U.K., 1978-79
LLD Doctorate in Laws: University of Malta, 1972-1977
Granted Presidential warrant to practice law in Malta and in the Maltese Courts, 1978
Minister of Foreign Affairs with responsibility also for relations with the European Union, International Economic Organisations, External Trade, Development: 2004-2008
Political achievements in this period included:
Euro-Arab Relations
• In September 2006 launched with the EU and with the League of Arab States (September 2006) the Malta Initiative proposing the holding of the first-ever European Union-League of Arab States Ministerial Meeting (49 states). The Foreign Ministers Meeting was held in Malta in February 2008 engaging in an open dialogue on international issues including energy, climate change, development, economic collaboration and regional political issues. Resulting in a Joint Commission-Arab League working group being set up for continuation of the work set out in the Conference’s Malta Communiqué leading up to the second Meeting. Co-chaired the Ministerial meeting with Prince Saud al- Faisal, Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia. Amr Musa, Secretary General of the Arab League and EU External Relations Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner also participated together with Javier Solana, EU High Representative, at the time. The second EU-LAS Ministerial Meeting (Malta II) took place in November 2012 in Cairo, Egypt. Meetings are now scheduled to be held every two years with the next meeting in Brussels scheduled for 2014.
• Chair, Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (2005-2007) (CMAG is made up of nine foreign ministers from member states of the Commonwealth and the Secretary General of the Commonwealth. It was set up by the Commonwealth Heads of Government in November 1995 to deal with serious and persistent violations of the Harare Declaration on the Commonwealth’s fundamental political values. Under Michael Frendo’s Chairmanship, CMAG suspended Fiji and Pakistan from the Councils of the Commonwealth).
• Candidate for the post of Secretary-General of the Commonwealth (Kampala CHOGM, 2007).
• Chair, Commonwealth Connects (Commonwealth Telecommunications/ICT for Development Project) (2005-2007).
Treaty of Lisbon, European Convention
• Participating and negotiating Malta’s positions in the European Convention, the Inter-Governmental Conference leading to the Treaty on the European Constitution, the Inter-Governmental Conference leading to the 2007 Treaty of Lisbon. Signatory to the Treaty of Lisbon, and earlier to the Treaty on the European Constitution and the Draft Treaty arising from the European Convention. Obtained guaranteed sixth seats for Malta in the European Parliament.
• Negotiating successfully Malta’s sixth seat in the European Parliament in the
Treaty of Lisbon.
• Negotiating successfully Malta’s cohesion fund assistance package €855 million for the period 2007-2013.
Minister for Transport, Communications and Technology with responsibility also for Telemalta Corporation (now privatised as GO Plc), Malta Council for Science and Technology, Civil Aviation, Malta International Airport, Maritime Affairs, Malta Maritime Authority, Postal Services, Public Transport Authority, Traffic, Major Roads Network: 1994-1996.
Political achievements relating to telecommunications in that period included:
Introduction of Internet (Liberalised ISP licensing), 1995
National Science and Technology Policy, 1994
Launching of first Submarine Fibre-Optic Link with Italy, 1994
Participation in FLAG (Fibre-Optic Cable Around the Globe), 1995
Liberalisation of the Tourist Coach sector, 1995
Malta Maritime Flag achieved, for the first time, top ten ranking in flag states worldwide
Minister of Culture with responsibility for Broadcasting, Culture, Sport, Youth: 1992-1994.
Minister of State (Parliamentary Secretary) for Youth and the Arts with responsibility for Broadcasting, Culture, Sport, Youth, Consumer Protection: 1990-1992.
Political achievements in that period included:
• Liberalisation of Broadcasting in Malta, including the formulation and parliamentary passage of a new Broadcasting Act 1991 removing State monopoly on broadcasting and introducing pluralism in broadcasting and the licensing of a number of radio and television stations.
• Introduction of Cable Television (1990).
• Setting up of a national heritage foundation, Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti
(1991). Now past its 22nd year of operation.
• Launching the Malta Jazz Festival (1991). Now past its 22nd edition.
• Launching the Malta Offshore Boats Class I Grand Prix (1991-1994)
• Launching of National Youth Council and National Youth Policy (1992). In successful operation for the past 21 years.
Speaker, House of Representatives, Maltese Parliament: 2010-2013;
Chairman, Foreign Affairs Committee, Maltese Parliament, 2008-2010; 2003-2004; Member, 1999-2003
• Member of Maltese Parliament, Since 1987-2013:
• (Observer) Member of the European Parliament 2003-2004;
• First Vice-President, Joint Parliamentary Committee, European Parliament- Maltese Parliament, 1999-2004; Member of the Joint Committee Maltese Parliament - European Parliament (EU) 1996-1998. Chairman (formerly Member) Maltese Parliamentary Delegation to the European Parliament (EU) 1987-1992;
• Shadow Minister for Commerce, 1996-1998.
Member, European Convention on the Future of Europe setting out the new constitutional framework for the European Union under the chairmanship of former French President Valery Giscard d’Estaing, Brussels 2002-2003;
Conciliator to the Court of Conciliation and Arbitration, Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Vienna 2001-2004;
President, Eurocontrol, Brussels 1995/6;
Member, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg (Also Member of the Economic Affairs Committee; Member of the Environment Committee) 1987-1992;
Member, European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission), Council of Europe, Strasbourg, 2013-;
Chairman (Non-Executive), Banif Bank (Malta) plc, 2013-;
Scordis Papapetrou & Co, Partner, 2012-; Scordis Papapetrou & Co is an international law firm with offices in Nicosia, Limassol, Athens, Moscow and Valletta.
Frendo Advocates, Principal, 2008-2012;
Foreign Clients represented in Malta include global companies such as Odebrecht Group (Brazil), HNA Group (China) and QSI International (USA).
Gatt Frendo Tufigno, Advocates (now GTG Advocates), Partner and Head, Telecommunications, IT and Media Practice, and European Law practice, 1997-2004 of which Managing Partner 1997-2002 (during which the firm’s annual turnover doubled each year for the first three years);
Foreign Clients represented included companies such as Microsoft, SITA, Cintra, Grupo Ferrovial, ACSA (Airport Company South Africa).
Scicluna & Frendo, Advocates, Partner, (General Civil/Commercial Practice) 1985-1990
Mainly local practice. However received referrals from London firms such as Dental Hall and from Nabarro Nathanson.
Managing Director, Scordis Papapetrou & Co Consultants Ltd, July 2012-; Business in Salamander (Consultancy) Ltd was transferred to this company in July 2012.
Managing Director (Sole Shareholder), Salamander (Consultancy) Ltd assisting companies in business development, consultancy and government relations in Malta and in its immediate region as well as the Middle East and the Gulf and countries of the Commonwealth. 2008-2012;
Training and Customer Liaison Manager, (1980-1982), earlier International Sales and Marketing Executive (1979-1980), Eurolex Ltd, Thomson Corporation now Thomson-Reuters, London, United Kingdom. Eurolex, set up in 1979, was the first- ever British legal on-line database covering UK and European law and case-law, made available on a Europe-wide level. Authored the EUROLEX user handbook.
Michael Frendo has given numerous presentations on a number of subjects and authored articles and books on European and Mediterranean issues, law and current affairs.
European and Mediterranean Issues:
Latest publications include:
The Mosaic of Mediterranean Integration in Mediterranean Quarterly, Duke University Press, 2010
Ambassadors and Public Diplomacy, in Strategic Public Diplomacy, Shaping the Future of International Relations, ed., Nabil Ayad and Daryl Copeland, University of Westminster, London, 2009
A Voice for Europe in the Mediterranean, in European Public Law, annual publication of the European Public Law Organisation, Athens, 2010 (7th Manuel Chrysoloras International Lecture)
Other publications on European and Mediterranean Issues
• Modernisation in Europe 2004, Malta Chapter, Global Competition Review, Getting the Deal Through series, 2004 Data Protection in Malta: Compliance with the EU Directive and Maltese Law, in conference “Ensuring Compliance with Your Data Protection Obligations – Tips, Traps and Techniques for Business”, Malta Business Bureau, Valletta, Malta, February 2004
• Handbook on European Enlargement, A commentary on the enlargement process, ed. Andrea Ott and Kristys Inglis, T.M.C. Asser Instituut, The Hague, Netherlands (Contributor), 2002
• Port Regulation in the European Union, in the Foundation for Transport Studies Annual Conference, Maritime Museum, Vittoriosa, Malta, October 2002
• The Industrial Relations Bill, the EU Social Acquis and the European Social Charter, in “The new Employment and Industrial Relations legislation”, Annual Conference, Malta Employers’ Association, Malta, May 2002
• A Future for Parliamentary Democracy in the European Union, in Democracy and Bureaucracy, Enlargement and the Future of Europe, European Documentation and Research Centre Annual Conference, University of Malta, April 2002
• Terrorism – Is Europe prepared to counteract? Keynote Speech in NSTF Mini-European Assembly Final Session, House of Representatives, Malta, March 2002
• Which Parliament, National or European? A greater involvement for National Parliaments in the European Union, in European Documentation and Research Centre Newsletter, 2/2001, University of Malta 2002
• Peripherality in the European Union, in The Effects of E.U. Membership on the Island Region of Gozo, Gozo Business Chamber, University of Malta Gozo Centre, and Ministry for Gozo, July 2000, pp78-86
• The Euro – A Silent Revolution? Keynote speech at International Seminar, Academy for the Development of a Democratic Environment (AZAD), Malta, November 1997
• A view from the Mediterranean - Strategic and Population Issues, Seminar at Calhoun College, University of Yale, New Haven, USA, 1995
• A Europe from the Arctic to the Mediterranean, paper presented at Oxford University Strategic Studies Group, All Souls College, Oxford University, UK, 1993
• A European Charter and Convention on the Environment and Sustainable Development, (Rapporteur) Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France, 1989
• The Mediterranean between Europe and Africa: the role of the European Community, in Contemporary Review, London, UK, 1989
Books on European Issues:
• The Future is Europe, Valletta, (covering also contributions to the European Convention, Brussels) 2003
• Europe, The Case for Membership, Valletta, 1996
• Malta in the Council of Europe, NSTF, Valletta, 1990
• Malta in the European Community, Commercial and Legal considerations, Chamber of Commerce, Valletta (co-author with Professor Josef Bonnici) 1989
• Telecommunications in “Small Island States”, in Law and Technology Journal, WJA, Washington D.C., U.S.A, 1999
• Competition or Cooperation? Policy Roundtable Panel Member and presentation (chaired by Yoshio Utsumi), Strategies Summit, Telecom ’95, International Telecommunications Union, Geneva, October 1995
• Progressive Liberalisation : The Key to Telecommunications Sector reform, Paper presented at 17th Annual Conference of the Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC); Honolulu Hawaii, January 1995
• Why should Lawyers bother about computerised legal research? in De Jure
Law Journal, 1985
• Computer Contracts – the right way in Informatics, August/September 1984
Books on ICT Issues:
• Eurolex, Computerised Legal Research Handbook, European Law Centre, London, 1982
• The Future of Open Registers in the European Union, in Lloyds Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, London, UK, August 2000, 2000 L.M.C.L.Q 383
• Current Trends in the regulation of ship registration, (with Jonathan Pace), in Vol I, of Studi in Onore di Antonio Lefebvre d’Ovidio in occasione dei Cinquant’Anni del Diritto della Navigazione, Giuffre’, Facolta di Giurisprudenza, Universita’ di Macerata 1995 Two Volumes, Elda Turco Bulgherini ed., at pp457-465.
*Note that, in Malta, the Speaker of the House and Members of Parliament, including Chairmen of Committees, are part-time and are expected to be in full-time employment or professional or other practice. Only holders of Government Office (Ministers and Junior Ministers) are full time during their tenure.
1st October 2014