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28 April 2014 – Present                    - Judge of the Constitutional Court of Latvia

6 May 2014 – 8 May 2017                - President of the Constitutional Court of Latvia

21 August 2008 – 27 April 2014      - Senator of the Department of Civil Cases of the Supreme Court

26 April 2008 – 20 August 2008      - Senator of the Department of Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court

2 February 2004 – 25 April 2008     - President of the Regional Administrative Court, Judge of the Regional Administrative Court

21 July 2003 – 1 February 2004       - Judge of the Chamber for Civil Cases at Riga regional Court, Riga Regional Court

September 2002 – Present               - Teacher at the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia

September 2002 – Present               - Lecturer at the Latvian Judicial Training Centre

16 December 1999 – 20 July 2003   - Judge at Riga City Zemgale Suburb Court

12 January 1998 – 15 December 1999 - Senior officer at the Legal Department of the Treasury of the Republic of Latvia 

12 April 1997 – 21 October 1997      - Inspector at the Department for Investigating Economic Crimes, Criminal Police General Directorate of the State Police



2013 – Present  - PhD candidate

2000 – 2002    - Master’s Degree in Law, University of Latvia Faculty of Law, Legal Theory, Private Law, Public Law

1996 – 1997    - Master’s Degree in Law, The Police Academy of Latvia,

1991 – 1996    - Bachelor of Law, the Police Academy of Latvia, Criminal law, Criminal Procedure, Civil Law, Tort Law, Labour Law, Commercial Law, Administrative Law, Civil Procedure, International Law, etc.





1)         Laviņš A. „Pārdomas par Satversmes prasībām tiesnesis” [Reflections on the Constitution’s demands to a judge] / „Jurista Vārds” 15.05.2018, 20 (1026);

2)         Laviņš A., Tamužs K. “Satversmes tiesas pieredze saistībā ar prejudiciālajiem jautājumiem” [Talking to Luxembourg: the Experience of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia] /Jurista Vārds” 06. 12. 2016, 49 (952);

3)         Laviņš A. „Pārdomas par Senāta darbības efektivitāti” [Reflections on the Effectiveness of the Senate’s Work] / „Jurista Vārds” 07.05.2013, 18 (769);

4)         Civilprocesa likuma komentāri. II daļa (29.-60.¹ nodaļa). Sagatavojis autoru kolektīvs prof. K.Torgāna zinātniskajā redakcijā [Comments to the Civil Procedure Law. Part II (Chapters 29–60¹). Prepared by a group of authors under the scientific editorship of prof. K. Torgāns]. – Rīga: Tiesu namu aģentūra, 2012. (Comments to Chapters 58, 59, and 60 of the Civil Procedure Law were prepared by Aldis Laviņš);

5)         Laviņš A. „Bioloģiskā tēva tiesības apstrīdēt brīvprātīgi atzītu paternitāti” [Biological Father’s Right to Contest Voluntarily Acknowledged Paternity] / „Jurista Vārds” 04.09.2012, 36 (735);

6)         Laviņš A. „Daži jautājumi par kasācijas instances kompetenci” [Some Issues Concerning the Competence of a Cassation Instance Court]/ „Jurista Vārds” 24.04.2012, 17/17 (716/717);

7)         Laviņš A., Kramiņa I. „Daži aspekti tiesiskās paļāvības principa izpratnē” [Some Aspects of Understanding the Principle of Legitimate Expectations] / „Jurista Vārds” 11.10.2005, 38 (393);

8)         Laviņš A. „Satversmes tiesas spriedums izbeidz diskusijas” [The Constitutional Court Judgement Puts an End to Discussions] / „Jurista Vārds” 18.01.2005, 2 (357);

9)         Laviņš A. „Kā šobrīd strādā administratīvās tiesas” [How Administrative Courts Work Today] / „Jurista Vārds” 23.11.2004, 45 (350).




1)         Participation with paper at the trilateral conference of the Constitutional Court of Czech Republic, oranised by the Constitutional Court of Latvia and the Constitutional Court of Belgium; Brno, 25 October 2016.

Paper: “Talking to Luxembourg: The Experience of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia”.

2)         Participation with paper at the conference “Role of Constitutional Courts in Protecting Democratic Values” which was organised by the Association of Constitutional Justice of the Countries of the Baltic and Black See Regions. Chisinau, 29 June 2016.

Paper: “Effects of Decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia”.

3)         Participation with paper at the International conference organised by the Constitutional Court of Bulgaria, Sofia, 21 - 22 September 2016.

Paper: “The Protection of Fundamental Citizens’ Rights and National Security: Latvian Experience”.

4)         Participation with paper at the International conference organised by the University of Regensburg, Regensburg, 14 - 15 October 2016.

Paper: “Constitutional Justice and Politics”.


1)         Short-term expert in EU Project “Support to Justice Sector Reforms in Ukraine”, 2016-2019;

2)         Short-term expert in the EU funded project “Promotion of Rule of Law in the Kyrgyz Republic”, 2016;

3)         Co-author of a summary of case law Morālā kaitējuma atlīdzināšana [Compensation for Non-Material Damage];

4)         Science editor for Administratīvās apgabaltiesas nolēmumu apkopojums 2004. gads [2004 Compilation of the Administrative Regional Court Decisions] – Rīga: Tiesu namu aģentūra, 2005.

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