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Janine M. Otálora Malassis

Judge, Federal Electoral Tribunal

Janine Madeline OTÁLORA MALASSIS (Mexico City, January 10th 1958) is a Mexican lawyer who serves as Justice of the High Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary (TEPJF) since November 2016.



Bachelor’s Degree in Law by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (1978-1982); Certificate of Higher Education Studies by the Sorbonne University (1982-1983); PhD with honors in Political Science by the Sorbonne University with the thesis “Senators in the IV and V Republics: towards a political professionalization”.


Professional Experience

She has worked in the Publications Department of the Center for Latin American Monetary Studies, CEMLA (1977 and 1980), as legal advisor of the Legislative Documentation Center of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (1980-1982), as analyst in the Consulting Firm A.M.G. CONSULTANTS (1988); as Legislative Adviser of the Republican and Independent Group of Senators of the French Senate in Paris, France (1988-1991) and as Coordinator of the Legislative Advisers of the same institution (1991-1996).


She served as Technical Secretary of a legal team in the Federal Judiciary Council (CJF) for ten years (1996-2006); as Chief Clerk of Justice Manuel González Oropeza’s Office of the High Chamber of the TEPJF (2006-2013); as Chief Justice of the Mexico City Regional Chamber of the TEPJF (2013-2016) and as Director General of the Electoral Public Defender’s Office for Indigenous Peoples and Communities (2016-2017). At the proposal of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJN), the Senate elected her as Justice of the High Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary for a 9-year period, starting her administration as of November 4 of the same year. She was elected by her peers as Chief Justice for the first four years of her mandate.



  • “Sistema judicial francés” (“Judicial French system”), A tribute to Jean Claude Colliard, Volume II, Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary, 2016, pp. 123-141
  • “La evolución del principio constitucional de la paridad de género en la jurisprudencia” (“The evolution of the constitutional principle of gender parity in jurisprudence”), Quid Iuris, No. 21, December 2015-February 2016 of the State Electoral Court of Chihuahua
  • “Construyendo la ciudadanía de las mujeres a través de la paridad”, (“Building women’s citizenship through parity”), Revista Igualdad, Federal Judiciary Council, México, Year 2, No. 5, January-April 2015.
  • Political debates and media, Collection of selected topics on Electoral Law, Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary, Mexico, 2014.
  • “Democracia representativa y reforma política”, (“Representative democracy and political reform”), en Monitor Democrático 2013-2. Democracia representativa electoral en México: ¡federalista! o ¿centralista? (Electoral representative democracy in Mexico, federalist! or centralist?) TEEM, UNAM, COPUEX, México, 2013, pp. 99-111
  • “El derecho de réplica” (“The right to reply”) in Human Rights in the Constitution: comments on constitutional and Inter-American jurisprudence, Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, National Autonomous University of Mexico and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Mexico, 2013.
  • “La justicia electoral en Francia” ("Electoral Justice in France”), in Electoral Law, Encyclopedic Legal Work, México, published by Porrúa and Escuela Libre de Derecho, 2012.
  • Constitution Politique des États-Unis du Mexique, (Political Constitution of the Mexican United States), review of the update of the translation to French, Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, 2010.
  • El control de legalidad y de constitucionalidad en Francia, México, (Control of Legality and Constitutionality in France) published by Porrúa, 2009.
  • La evolución del perfil socio-profesional de los jueces de Distrito y magistrados de Circuito: hacia una profesionalización judicial (The evolution of the social-professional profile of district judges and circuit justices: towards a judicial professionalization), Co-author with Elvia Díaz de León, in Judicatura e impartición de justicia en México (Judiciary and Administration of Justice in Mexico), México, published by Porrúa, 2008.
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