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Jose Luis SARDON

• Public law expert, independent practice (present).
• Former Magistrate of Peru’s Constitutional Court (2014-22), and its Vice-president (January-May 2022).
• Professor, Law School, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) (2000-present), and its Dean (2010-14).
• Former Member of the Competition and the Market Access Commissions of Indecopi (Peru’ competition authority) (2000-13), and President of the latter (2008-13).
• Author of the books Democracia sin populismo (2014), Libertad económica y régimen político (2010), La Constitución incompleta (1999), Walter Piazza en el MEF (1995), and Aproximaciones (1985); and, of more than four hundred articles and columns that have appeared in different periodicals. He received the First Prize in the Peruvian National Press 1984 Contest.
• Member of The Mont-Pelerin Society, The Philadelphia Society, and Yale Law School’s SELA. Since 1997, he is included in the Marquis’ Who’s Who in The World as “law and political science educator”.
• J.D., Universidad Católica Santa María, Arequipa (1985); M.A. in Political Science, The American University, Washington D.C. (1990); and, Ph.D. in Economics, ESEADE, Buenos Aires (2009).
• Born in Arequipa, Peru, in 1963. Since 1992, he is married with Educational Psychologist Sandra Bisso, with whom he has three children: Sebastian, Joaquín, and Ignacio.

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