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Rafa Rubio
Professor of Constitutional Law, Complutense University of Madrid

Rafa Rubio has a PhD in Constitutional Law (with an Extraordinary Doctorate Award), he is an Associate Professor and Head of the Grupo de Investigación sobre participación y nuevas tecnologías (Research group for participation and new technologies, i+dem) at Complutense University of Madrid and Navarra University. Former Deputy Director for Studies and Research at the Centre for Political and Constitutional Studies (Ministry of the Presidency and Territorial Administrations), he is substitute member of the Venice Commission and member of the Spanish Open Government Forum.

He has taught postgraduate classes in more than 30 academic institutions around the world such as: Georgetown (USA), Universidad Panamericana (Mexico), Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico), UBA (Argentina), PUCMM (Dominican Republic), Universidad de Navarra, la Escuela Diplomática Española, la Universidad Pontifica de Comillas y la Fundación Ortega y Gasset (Spain). He has been a visiting researcher at Georgetown University, Harvard University, George Washington University (USA), Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Italy) and Dublin City University (Ireland). He has advised about open government and public participation at the Inter-American Development Bank, Ministry of Foreign Relations of Peru and the European Commission.

As a consultant for the IADB he has worked on a project centred on the openness of Latin-American parliaments (2011) and in particular, the openness of the Foreign Relations Department of Peru (2009). He has also worked as consultant for the European Commission in the ECI, for the Spanish government on the Transparency law and for different subnational governments in Spain (Murcia, Madrid...).

His research areas are transparency, public participation and electoral process, about which he has published several books: Pressure groups (CEPC, 2003),Political mobilization and new communities. An approximation to online political campaigns (Cuadernos para el diálogo, 23. Lima, 2012), Open Parliament. Parliaments in the XXI Century (UOC, 2017) and Open Parliament around the world. Evolution and good practices (Fundación Gimenez Abad, 2018). . He has also edited the following books, Open parliaments. Technology and networks for democracy (2014), and Marca España and public diplomacy: challenges for our external action (2012). He is also the author of more than 40 articles in academic journals and chapters in academic books that can be consulted on .

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