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Andreas Leonhard PAULUS

Dr. jur., Professor; former Justice of the Federal Constitutional Court

Professional career

•          At present:

  • Chair of Public and International Law at the University of Göttingen
  • Director of the Institute of International and European Law at the University of Göttingen

•             2014 - Course at the XXXth Session of the International Academy of Constitutional Law, Tunis

•             2014 – Paris II Panthéon Assas, Cours du Printemps, Visiting Professor

•             2010-2022 - Justice of the German Federal Constitutional Court, rapporteur, inter alia, for freedom of art, right to inheritance (until 2019), public fees and levies, intellectual property, competition law (since 2019), adult guardianship law (since 2016)

•             Starting from 2006 - Full Professor at the University of Göttingen

•             1999-2006 - Lecturer at the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich

•             2003-2004 - Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor

•             2002 - Lecturer, Helsinki Summer Seminar on International Law

•             2001-2005 - Advisor of Germany in the Certain Property case (Liechtenstein v. Germany) at the International Court of Justice

•             2005 - Lecturer, Duke-Geneva Institute of Transnational Law

•             2000-2003 - Elected Member of the Faculty Council of the Law Faculty of the Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich

•             1999-2001 - Counsel of Germany in the LaGrand case (Germany v. United States of America) at the International Court of Justice

•             1999-2005 - Wissenschaftlicher Assistent (Lecturer) at the Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich

•             1996-1998 - Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Research and Teaching Assistant) at the Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich



•             1996-97 - Harvard Law School (Visiting Researcher and Research Associate)

•             1996 - Academy of European Law, Florence

•             1994 - Hague Academy of International Law (Stipend of the Netherlands)

•             1991-93 – Law, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, 

•             1990-91 – Université de Genève, Institut Universitaire des Hautes Études Internationales

•             1988-89 – University of Göttingen


•            2006 - Habilitation at the Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich

•             2006 - Venia legendi for Public Law, International Law, Constitutional History and Legal Philosophy, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich

•             2000 - Dissertation, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich (Supervisor: Professor Dr. Bruno Simma)

•             1996 - 2nd State Examination, Free State of Bavaria

•             1994 - 1st State Examination, Free State of Bavaria


Honours and Awards

•             2022 – Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany 

•             2003 – Bavarian Habilitation Prize

•             2000 – Faculty Prize for the dissertation on „Die internationale Gemeinschaft im Völkerrecht“

•             1988-94, 1996-98 - Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes

•             1989 – Stipend Geneva Program of the German Academic Exchange Service



•            German Chapter of the International Commission of Jurists (Vice-President since 2022, President 2020-22)

•             German Society of International Law (member of the Council since 2017)

•             Minerva Center for Human Rights, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv (Advisory Board, since 2010)

•             European Society of International Law

•             American Society of International Law

•             Staatsrechtslehrervereinigung (Association of Professors for Constitutional Law)

•             PluriCourts – Centre for the Study of the Legitimate Roles of the Judiciary in the Global Order (University of Oslo, 2013-22)

•             Scientific Advisory Board, Max-Planck-Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law  (2015-2022)


Publications (most recent and relevant)

•            Co-Editor: Charter of the United Nations – A Commentary (Oxford University Press, 3rd ed. 2012, 4th edition 2023 (expected))

•             Staatsrecht III mit Bezügen zum Völkerrecht und Europarecht (2nd ed., 2021, Beck-Verlag Mu-nich)

•             Art. 29, 103 UN Charter (with Matthias Lippold and Johann Ruben Leiss, respectively), in Simma et al, Charter of the United Nations, 3rd ed. 2012,
4th ed. (expected 2023)

•             International Integration and Its Counter-Limits (with Jan-Henrik Hinselmann) (Curtis R. Bradley, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Foreign Relations Law 2019)

•             Art. 5 (Freedom of expression, freedom of press and broadcast, freedom of art and science) (Hu-ber/Vosskuhle eds., Grundgesetz, Beck-Verlag Munich 2017/2023 (expected 2023))

•             Handbuch des Staatsrechts (Kischel/Kube eds., 4th ed. 2023 (expected), § 2 – Der souveräne Staat in der Staatengemeinschaft

•             Handbuch des Staatsrechts (Isensee/Kirchhof eds., 3rd ed. 2013) § 247 – Geistiges Eigentum





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