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Ćazim Sadiković

Vice-President of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Born on 1 April 1935 in Ljubuški.

  • High School completed in Mostar and School of Law in Sarajevo in 1957.

  • Diploma in the field of Legal and Political Sciences at the European University Centre in Nancy (1965/66).

  • Doctoral Dissertation in «Marksističko shvatanje demokracije» (“Understanding of Democracy through Marxist Point of View”) at the University in Ljubljana  (1965).

University Career:

He taught the following courses:

  • Introduction to Political Sciences at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Sarajevo;
  • Introduction to Law at the Faculty of Law in Mostar;
  • International Public Law at the Faculty of Law in Sarajevo;
  • Human Rights at the Faculty of Criminology in Sarajevo. 

Public and Professional Positions: 

  • President of the Legal Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1971-1974);
  • President of the Constitutional Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1974-1982);
  • President and Judge of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1983-1991);
  • Vice-President of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, Brussels (1984-1991);
    International Arbitration Tribunal for Brčko District (1996-1999);
  • Associated Member of the Commission of the Council of Europe “Democracy through Law” (Venice Commission), (1996-2002).

He is currently teaching the course Contemporary political systems at the Faculty of Law in Sarajevo. He is also Vice-President of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina.  


  • “Socijalizam i vlast” (“Socialism and Power”), ed. Veselin Masleša, Sarajevo, 1969;
  • “Kriterij demokratiije” (“Criterion of Democracy”), ed. Svjetlost, Sarajevo, 1971;
  • “Ogledi u samoupravljanju” (“Models in Self-Government”), ed. Veselin Masleša, Sarajevo, 1982;
    “Predstavljanje i samoupravljanje” (“Representation and Self-Government”), ed. Svjetlost, Sarajevo, 1983;
  • “Država i samoupravljanje” (State and Self-Government”), ed. NIŠRO Oslobođenje, Sarajevo, 1987;
  • “Država ili strah od sutrašnjice” – “Esej o budućnosti političkih institucija” (“State or Fear of Tomorrow” – “Essay on the Future of Political Institutions”), ed. Oslobođenje, Sarajevo, 1992; “
  •  “Sumrak ujedinjenih nacija” (“Twilight of the United Nations”), ed. Međunarodni centar za Mir, Sarajevo, 1995;
  • “Ljudska prava bez zaštite” (“Human Rights without Protection”), ed. Bosanska knjiga, Sarajevo, 1998;
  • “Politički sistem” (Political System”), ed. Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu, 2000; Evropsko pravo ljudskih prava (“European Law of Human Rights”), ed. Magistrat, Sarajevo, 2001.
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