Venice Commission
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46 Countries
Council of Europe
Human Rights and Rule of Law
Venice Commission
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All opinions and studies
1212/2024 - Albania -Opinion on the implementation by Parliament of Constitutional Court decisions
1068/2021 - Albania - Opinion on the Extension of the Term of Office of the Transitional Bodies in charge of the re-evaluation of Judges and Prosecutors
1049/2021 - Albania - Amicus Curiae Brief on the competence of the Constitutional Court regarding the validity of the local elections held on 30 June 2019
1006/2020 - Albania – Joint Opinion of the Venice Commission and the OSCE/ODIHR on the amendments to the Constitution of 30 July 2020 and to the Electoral Code of 5 October 2020
980/2020 - Albania - Opinion on the draft amendments on the Law no 97/2013 on Audiovisual Media Service
978/2020 - Albania - Opinion on the appointment of judges to the Constitutional Court.
959/2019 - Albania - Opinion on scope of power of a President to set the dates of elections
952/2019 - Albania - Draft law on the finalisation of transitional ownership processes
942/2018 - Albania - Opinion on draft constitutional amendments enabling the vetting of Politicians
935/2018 - Albania - Opinion on the legislative initiative of citizens
868/2016 - Albania - Amicus Curiae Brief for the Constitutional Court on the Law on the Transitional Re-evaluation of Judges and Prosecutors (the Vetting Law)
861/2016 - Albania - Amicus Curiae Brief for the Constitutional Court on the restitution of property
824/2015 - Albania - Final Opinion on the revised draft constitutional amendments on the judiciary (of 15 January 2016)
754/2014 - Draft Amendments to the Civil and Criminal Procedure Codes of Albania
641/2011 - Joint opinion on the electoral law and the electoral practice of Albania
524/2009 - Amicus Curiae Opinion on the Law on the cleanliness of the figure of high functionaries of the Public Administration and Elected Persons of Albania
517/2009 - Amicus Curiae Brief for the Constitutional Court of Albania on the admissibility of a referendum to abrogate Constitutional Amendments
513/2009 - Joint Opinion on the Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania by the Venice Commission and the OSCE/ODIHR
491/2008 - Opinion on the Amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Albania
435/2007 - Joint Opinion on Amendments to the Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania by the Venice Commission and the OSCE/ODIHR
433/2007 - Amicus Curiae Opinion on the Law on Legalisation, Urban Planning and Integration of Unauthorised Buildings of the Republic of Albania
429/2007 - Opinion on the Draft Law on Freedom of Religion, Religious Organisations and Mutual Relations with the Sate of Albania
361/2005 - Opinion on the Draft Decision on the limitation of parliamentary immunity and the conditions for the autorisation to initiate investigation in relation with corruption offences and abuse of duty of Albania
312/2004 - Amicus Curiae Opinion on the Interpretation of Articles 125 and 136 of the Constitution of Albania (Appointment of Highest Judges)
298/2004 - Draft Law on Compensation for Political Prisoners of Albania
295/2004 - Opinion on the relationship between the Draft Law on the criteria and conditions to be established for the re-organisation of the administrative territorial division and the Law on the organisation and functioning of local government of the Republic of Alb
277/2004 - Opinion on the Draft Law on Recognition, Restitution and Compensation of Property of the Republic of Albania
273/2004 - Joint Recommendations on the Electoral Law and the Electoral Administration in Albania of the European Commission for Democracy through Law and the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) of the OS
155/2001 - Opinion on the regulation of the functioning of the parliamentary investigation commission
137/2000 - Draft Law on the organisation and functioning of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania
102/1999 - Draft Law on the Constitutional Court of Albania
98/1999 - Law on Referendum of Albania
87/1999 - Compatibility of the death penalty with the Constitution
55/1998 - Constitutional Law on the High Council of Justice
54/1998 - Amendments to the Law on Major Constitutional Provisions of Albania
48/1997 - Constitution of Albania
17/1995 - Electoral Law
9/1995 - Law on Judicial Organisation - Chapter VI of the Constitution
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