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CDL-REF(2021)066  English  02/09/2021 -  Public
Slovak Republic – Act No. 586/2003 on the Legal Profession  
CDL(2017)004  English  24/02/2017 -  Public
Slovak Republic - Draft Opinion on the appointment of judges to the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic  (C. GRABENWARTER, B. VERMEULEN, R. CLAYTON QC, M. FRENDO)
CDL(2014)030  English  06/06/2014 -  Public
Draft opinion on the procedure for appointing judges of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic  (C. GRABENWARTER, B. VERMEULEN, R. CLAYTON QC, M. FRENDO)
CDL(2010)080  English  08/10/2010 -  Public
Draft opinion on the act on the state language of the Slovak Republic  (S. BARTOLE, J. VELAERS, B. VERMEULEN)
CDL(2002)078  English  30/05/2002 -  Public
Legislation on Kin-Minorities: Slovakia 
CDL-JU(1997)004  English  01/01/1997 -  Public
Replies to the questionnaire on the composition of constitutional courts 
CDL-JU(1997)004  French  01/01/1997 -  Public
Réponses au questionnaire sur la composition des cours constitutionnelles 
CDL-IMM(1996)002prov  English  01/01/1996 -  Public
Annex 1: Tables summarising replies to the questionnaire on parliamentary immunity 
CDL-EM(1993)002add4  English  01/01/1993 -  Public
Replies to the questionnaire on emergency powers (CDL - PV(93)14) 
CDL-EM(1993)002add4  French  01/01/1993 -  Public
Réponses au questionnaire sur les pouvoirs d'exception (CDL - PV(93)14) 
CDL(1992)045  English  01/01/1992 -  Public
Constitution of the Slovak Republic 
CDL(1992)022  English  01/01/1992 -  Public
Opinion of the President on the Czechoslovak Law no. 451 of 4 October 1991 
CDL(1992)021  French  01/01/1992 -  Public
Assemblée fédérale de la République Fédérale Tchèque et Slovaque 
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