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CDL-REF(2025)013  English  12/02/2025 -  Public
Georgia - Amendments to the Law on Assemblies and Demonstrations 
CDL-REF(2025)012  English  12/02/2025 -  Public
Georgia - Amendments to the Code of Administrative Offences 
CDL-REF(2025)002  English  24/01/2025 -  Public
Georgia - Law on amendments to the Code of Administrative Offences  
CDL-REF(2024)021  English  13/05/2024 -  Public
Georgia - Draft Law of Georgia on Transparency of Foreign Influence  
CDL-REF(2023)054  English  20/11/2023 -  Public
Georgia - Law on Special Investigation Service 
CDL-REF(2023)048  English  27/09/2023 -  Public
Georgia - Draft amendments to the Organic Law of Georgia on Common Courts 
CDL-REF(2023)010rev  English  10/05/2023 -  Public
Georgia - Revised Draft Law on deoligarchisation 
CDL-REF(2023)010  English  08/02/2023 -  Public
Georgia - Draft Law on deoligarchisation 
CDL-REF(2022)024  English  01/08/2022 -  Public
Georgia - Draft Law on the Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code of Georgia  
CDL(2022)018  English  03/06/2022 -  Public
Georgia - Draft opinion on December 2021 amendments to the Organic Law on Common Courts  (J. SØRENSEN, E. HOLMØYVIK, Y. ATAR)
CDL-REF(2021)043rev  English  03/06/2021 -  Public
Georgia- Revised Draft Law on Amendments to the "Election Code of Georgia" 
CDL-REF(2021)043  English  25/05/2021 -  Public
Georgia- Draft Law on Amendments to the " Election Code of Georgia”  (M. FRENDO, N. ALIVIZATOS, K. PABEL)
CDL(2021)018  English  04/03/2021 -  Public
Georgia - Draft joint opinion on the recent amendments to the Law on electronic communications and the Law on broadcasting   (C. GRABENWARTER, K. ŠIMÁČKOVÁ, M. FRENDO)
CDL(2021)015  English  03/03/2021 -  Public
Georgia - Draft Joint Opinion on draft article 79 1 of the election code  (D. BISSON, M. FRENDO, N. ALIVIZATOS, J. CASTELLÀ ANDREU)
CDL-REF(2021)023  English  02/03/2021 -  Public
Georgia - Law of Georgia on Electronic Communications - Excerpts 
CDL(2021)010  English  25/02/2021 -  Public
Georgia - Draft Joint Opinion on amendments to the Election Code, the Law on Political Associations of Citizens and the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament  (D. BISSON, M. FRENDO, N. ALIVIZATOS, J. CASTELLÀ ANDREU, A. THOMAS, F. CASAL BERTOA)
CDL-REF(2021)009  English  15/01/2021 -  Public
Georgia - Organic Law of Georgia, Election Code of Georgia 
CDL-REF(2021)008  English  15/01/2021 -  Public
Georgia - Organic Law of Georgia on Political Associations of Citizens 
CDL-REF(2021)002  English  13/01/2021 -  Public
Georgia - Organic law amending the Election Code, Draft new Article 79.1 
CDL(2020)035  English  01/10/2020 -  Public
Georgia - Draft Opinion on the draft Organic Law amending the Organic Law on Common Courts   (R. BARRETT, N. EȘANU, J. SØRENSEN, Y. ATAR, M. MELIN)
CDL-REF(2018)055  English  31/10/2018 -  Public
Georgia - Draft Organic Law on the Prosecutor’s Office and Explanatory note  
CDL(2018)009  English  02/03/2018 -  Public
Georgia - Draft Opinion on the draft constitutional amendments adopted on 15 December 2017 at the second reading by the Parliament of Georgia  (M. FRENDO, R. KIENER, J. CASTELLÀ ANDREU)
CDL-PI(2017)006  English  19/09/2017 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft revised Constitution of Georgia as adopted in the second reading on 23 June 2017   (M. FRENDO, R. KIENER, N. ALIVIZATOS, J. CASTELLÀ ANDREU)
CDL(2017)019  English  02/06/2017 -  Public
Georgia - Draft Opinion on the draft revised Constitution  
CDL(2016)004  English  24/02/2016 -  Public
Draft joint opinion on amendments to the Election Code of Georgia as of 8 January 2016  (O. KASK, M. GONZALEZ OROPEZA, K. DASHUTSINA)
CDL(2016)004  French  24/02/2016 -  Public
Projet d’avis conjoint sur des amendements au code électoral de la Géorgie du 8 janvier 2016   (O. KASK, M. GONZALEZ OROPEZA, K. DASHUTSINA)
CDL-REF(2016)003  English  14/01/2016 -  Public
Draft amendments to the Constitution of Georgia 
CDL-REF(2016)004  English  13/01/2016 -  Public
Election Code of Georgia, as of 27 October 2015 
CDL-REF(2015)041  English  16/10/2015 -  Public
Law on Prosecutor's Office of Georgia 
CDL-JU(2015)020  English  29/09/2015 -  Public
Report on competing hierarchies: Constitutional supremacy versus supranational law primacy  (E. TANCHEV)
CDL-PI(2015)014  French  07/07/2015 -  Public
Avis conjoint préliminaire sur le projet de modification de la loi sur le ministère public de Géorgie   (R. BARRETT, N. EȘANU, S. KIVALOV, O. BANCHUK, C. VISART DE BOCARMÉ, H. MORAAL, J. SANTOS PAIS, P. POLT)
CDL-PI(2015)014  English  06/07/2015 -  Public
Preliminary Joint Opinion on the draft Amendments to the Law on the Prosecutor's office of Georgia   (R. BARRETT, N. EȘANU, S. KIVALOV, O. BANCHUK, C. VISART DE BOCARMÉ, H. MORAAL, J. SANTOS PAIS, P. POLT)
CDL(2015)021  English  05/06/2015 -  Public
Draft Amicus curiae brief for the Constitutional Court of Georgia on the Non ultra petita rule in criminal cases  (M. NICOLATOS, S. CLEVELAND, Z. KNEŽEVIĆ)
CDL-REF(2015)008  English  01/06/2015 -  Public
Draft Amendments to the Law on the Prosecutor's Office in Georgia 
CDL(2014)054  English  28/11/2014 -  Public
Draft Amicus Curiae Brief for the Constitutional Court of Georgia on the question of the defamation of the deceased  (L. HUSEYNOV, H. KJERULF THORGEIRSDOTTIR, B. MEDINA)
CDL-REF(2014)031  English  29/08/2014 -  Public
Organic Law on General Courts of Georgia 
CDL-JU(2014)004  English  06/05/2014 -  Public
Preliminary requests before Constitutional Courts  (S. BANIC)
CDL(2014)012  English  11/03/2014 -  Public
Draft amicus curiae brief for the Constitutional Court of Georgia on individual application by public broadcasters  (A. SANCHEZ NAVARRO, W. HOFFMANN-RIEM, Z. KNEŽEVIĆ)
CDL(2013)056  English  29/11/2013 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the 2013 Amendments to the Draft Law on the Occupied Territories of Georgia  (J. HAMILTON, B. AURESCU)
CDL-REF(2013)056  English  18/11/2013 -  Public
Law on Occupied Territories of Georgia 
CDL-REF(2013)054  English  18/11/2013 -  Public
Draft Law on Amendments to the Administrative Code of Georgia 
CDL-REF(2013)053  English  18/11/2013 -  Public
Draft Law on the Amendments to the Criminal Code of Georgia 
CDL-REF(2013)052  English  18/11/2013 -  Public
Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on "the Occupied Territories" of Georgia 
CDL-EL(2013)012  English  14/11/2013 -  Public
The role of Election Commissions in the training of election observers   (T. ZHVANIA)
CDL-JU(2013)006  English  25/07/2013 -  Public
Keeping the Guardian under Control: the Case of Hungary   (K. KOVACS)
CDL-JU(2013)005  English  25/07/2013 -  Public
No constitutional review for Amendments to the Constitution, a French Exception?   (J. DE GUILLENCHMIDT)
CDL-JU(2013)004  English  25/07/2013 -  Public
The theoretical and practical aspects of reviewing the constitutionality of the constitutional norms   (B. ADAMOVICH-WAGNER)
CDL(2013)030  English  06/06/2013 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Law on Temporary State Commission on Miscarriage of Justice of Georgia  (J. HAMILTON, A. SANCHEZ NAVARRO, N. EȘANU)
CDL-REF(2013)024  English  21/05/2013 -  Public
Draft Law of Georgia on temporary State Commission on Miscarriages of Justice  
CDL(2013)009  English  22/02/2013 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Provisions relating to Political Prisoners in the Amnesty Law  (J. HAMILTON, A. SANCHEZ NAVARRO, N. EȘANU)
CDL(2013)008  English  22/02/2013 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Amendments to the Organic Law on Courts of General Jurisdiction of Georgia  (J. HAMILTON, N. EȘANU, J. SØRENSEN)
CDL-REF(2012)045  English  17/12/2012 -  Public
Amendments to the Organic Law of Georgia on General Courts and Explanatory Report 
CDL(2011)098  English  05/12/2011 -  Public
Draft joint opinion on the draft law on amendments and additions to the organic law of Georgia on political unions of citizens  (L. ERR, E. TANCHEV, M. GONZALEZ OROPEZA, J. Ikstens, D. Smilov)
CDL(2011)094  English  01/12/2011 -  Public
Draft joint opinion on the draft election code of Georgia  (J. HAMILTON, J. PILGRIM, K. JAKLIC, M. GONZALEZ OROPEZA)
CDL-REF(2011)044rev  English  29/11/2011 -  Public
Draft election code of Georgia as of 26 November 2011 (official translation) 
CDL-REF(2011)056  English  07/11/2011 -  Public
Organic Law of Georgia on political unions of citizens 
CDL(2011)092  English  30/09/2011 -  Public
Draft final opinion on the amendments to the law on assembly and manifestations of Georgia  (B. AURESCU, F. FLANAGAN)
CDL-REF(2011)044  English  27/09/2011 -  Public
Draft Election Code of Georgia (Official translation) 
CDL(2010)062rev2  English  08/10/2010 -  Public
Second revised draft opinion on the draft constitutional law on amendments and changes to the Constitution of Georgia  (J. SCHOLSEM, S. BARTOLE, A. NUSSBERGER, J. SØRENSEN, R. Hertzog)
CDL(2010)062  English  31/07/2010 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Constitutional Law on the changes and amendments to the Constitution of Georgia  (J. SCHOLSEM, S. BARTOLE, A. NUSSBERGER, J. SØRENSEN, R. Hertzog)
CDL(2010)062  Georgian  31/07/2010 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Constitutional Law on the changes and amendments to the Constitution of Georgia (Translation into Georgian provided by the Goergian authorities)  (J. SCHOLSEM, S. BARTOLE, A. NUSSBERGER, J. SØRENSEN, R. Hertzog)
CDL-EL(2010)009  English  10/03/2010 -  Public
Election Code of Georgia as of 28 December 2009 
CDL(2010)025  English  08/03/2010 -  Public
Draft Interim Opinion on the Draft Amendments to the Law on Assembly and Manifestations of Georgia  (B. AURESCU, F. FLANAGAN)
CDL(2010)016  English  05/03/2010 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Constitutional Law on changes and amendments to the Constitution of Georgia (Chapter VII - Local Self-Government)  (O. DUTHEILLET DE LAMOTHE, S. BARTOLE, E. TANCHEV, J. SØRENSEN, R. Hertzog)
CDL(2009)187  English  08/12/2009 -  Public
Draft Final Opinion on the Draft Amendments to the Law on Occupied Territories of Georgia  (J. HAMILTON, B. AURESCU, A. NUSSBERGER)
CDL(2009)153  English  01/10/2009 -  Public
Comments on the Law on Assembly and Manifestations of the Republic of Georgia  (B. AURESCU)
CDL(2009)152  English  01/10/2009 -  Public
Comments on the Law on Assembly and Manifestations of the Republic of Georgia  (F. FLANAGAN)
CDL(2009)150  English  01/10/2009 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Amendments and Annexes to the Law on Occupied Territories of Georgia  (J. HAMILTON, B. AURESCU, A. NUSSBERGER)
CDL(2009)151  English  28/09/2009 -  Public
Draft Amendments and Annexes to the Law on Occupied Territories of Georgia 
CDL(2009)128  English  21/08/2009 -  Public
Law on Assemblage and Manifestations of the Republic of Georgia 
CDL(2009)070  English  19/05/2009 -  Public
Draft Opinion on a Draft Constitutional Law on the Amendments to the Constitution of Georgia  (O. DUTHEILLET DE LAMOTHE, S. BARTOLE)
CDL(2009)069  English  19/05/2009 -  Public
Draft Constitutional Law on the Amendments to the Constitution of Georgia 
CDL(2009)060  English  27/03/2009 -  Public
Organic Law of Georgia on political Unions of Citizens 
CDL(2009)043  English  06/03/2009 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Law on occupied territories of Georgia  (J. HAMILTON, B. AURESCU, A. NUSSBERGER)
CDL(2009)020  English  05/03/2009 -  Public
Draft Opinion on Four Constitutional Laws amending the Constitution of Georgia  (O. DUTHEILLET DE LAMOTHE, S. BARTOLE, J. HAMILTON, J. SØRENSEN)
CDL(2009)049  English  04/03/2009 -  Public
Comments on the retroactivity of statutes of limitations in Georgia  (M. PALMA)
CDL(2009)048  English  04/03/2009 -  Public
Comments on the retroactivity of statutes of limitations in Georgia  (J. HAMILTON)
CDL(2009)047  English  04/03/2009 -  Public
Comments on the Law on occupied territories of Georgia  (B. AURESCU)
CDL(2009)046  English  04/03/2009 -  Public
Comments on the Law on occupied territories of Georgia  (J. HAMILTON)
CDL(2009)045  English  04/03/2009 -  Public
Comments on the Law on occupied territories of Georgia  (A. NUSSBERGER)
CDL(2009)018  English  23/02/2009 -  Public
Law on the Prosecution Service in the Republic of Georgia 
CDL(2009)004  English  19/01/2009 -  Public
Law on occupied territories of Georgia 
CDL(2008)123  English  08/12/2008 -  Public
Comments on 4 Constitutional Laws amending the Constitution of Georgia  (J. HAMILTON)
CDL(2008)125  English  01/12/2008 -  Public
Comments on 4 Constitutional Laws amending the Constitution of Georgia  (J. SØRENSEN)
CDL(2008)124  French  01/12/2008 -  Public
Observations sur 4 lois constitutionnnelles amendant la constitution de la Géorgie  (O. DUTHEILLET DE LAMOTHE)
CDL(2008)122  English  01/12/2008 -  Public
Comments on 4 Constitutional Laws amending the Constitution of Georgia  (S. BARTOLE)
CDL(2008)121  English  24/11/2008 -  Public
4 Constitutional Laws amending the Constitution of Georgia 
CDL-EL(2008)022  English  13/10/2008 -  Public
Law amending and supplementing the Election Code of Georgia of July 2008 
CDL-EL(2008)016  English  10/09/2008 -  Public
Unified Election Code of Georgia as revised up to 21 March 2008 
CDL-EL(2007)032  English  25/10/2007 -  Public
Explanatory Report on the Draft Law amending the Election Code of Georgia 
CDL(2007)030  English  01/03/2007 -  Public
Draft Ophion on the Law on Disciplinary Responsibility and Disciplinary Prosecution of Judges of Common Courts of Georgia  (H. VOGEL, H. SUCHOCKA, A. NUSSBERGER)
CDL(2006)103  English  11/12/2006 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Constitutional Law of Georgia on the Amendments to the Constitution  (S. BARTOLE)
CDL(2006)102  French  11/12/2006 -  Public
Observations sur le projet de loi constitutionnelle de la Géorgie sur les amendements de la Constitution  (O. DUTHEILLET DE LAMOTHE)
CDL(2006)104  English  05/12/2006 -  Public
Draft Constitutional Law of Georgia on the Amendments to the Constitution 
CDL(2006)104rev  English  05/12/2006 -  Public
Draft Constitutional Law of Georgia on the Amendments to the Constitution 
CDL(2006)080  English  15/11/2006 -  Public
Election Code of Georgia as of 24 July 2006 
CDL(2006)004  English  10/03/2006 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Law of Georgia on Rehabilitation and Restitution of Property of Victims of the Georgian-Ossetian Conflict  (P. VAN DIJK, S. BARTOLE, J. HAMILTON, B. AURESCU)
CDL-EL(2006)009  English  28/02/2006 -  Public
Election Code of Georgia as amended – until December 2005 
CDL-EL(2005)047  English  17/11/2005 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Organic Law on “Making Amendments and Additions into the Organic Law - Election Code of Georgia”  (B. OWEN, M. LAZAROVA TRAJKOVSKA)
CDL-EL(2005)035  English  18/10/2005 -  Public
The Law on the Capital of Georgia - Tbilisi 
CDL-EL(2005)033  English  18/10/2005 -  Public
Election Code of Georgia 
CDL(2005)033  English  04/03/2005 -  Public
Draft Opinion on Constitutional Amendments relating to the Reform of the Judiciary in Georgia  (J. HAMILTON, J. CARDOSO DA COSTA, J. Costa)
CDL(2005)015  French  28/02/2005 -  Public
Amendements constitutionnels relatifs à la réforme du système judiciaire en Géorgie  (J. CARDOSO DA COSTA, J. Costa)
CDL(2005)012syn  English  01/02/2005 -  Public
Visit of Venice Commission delegation to Georgia (27-28 January 2005): Synopsis 
CDL(2004)059rev  English  18/06/2004 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the draft Constitional Law of Georgia on the status of the autonomous Republic of Adjara  (H. VOGEL, G. MALINVERNI)
CDL(2004)059  English  08/06/2004 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Constitutional Law of Georgia on the Status of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara  (H. VOGEL, G. MALINVERNI)
CDL-EL(2003)012  French  19/03/2004 -  Public
Atelier de formation électorale (Tbilisi, 22-24 septembre 2003) : Rapports  (B. OWEN, D. VINOLAS, C. GEISER, G. BERNASCONI WALKER)
CDL(2004)004  English  06/02/2004 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Amendments to the Constitution of Georgia  (O. DUTHEILLET DE LAMOTHE, G. MALINVERNI, S. BARTOLE, H. TORFASON, H. Zahle)
CDL(2004)003  English  06/02/2004 -  Public
Draft Constitutional Law on Amendments to the Constitution of Georgia 
CDL(2003)101  English  10/12/2003 -  Public
Comments on the unified Election Code of Georgia as amended on 14 August 2003  (H. TORFASON)
CDL(2003)100  English  05/12/2003 -  Public
Comments on the Unified Election code of Georgia as amended on 14 August 2003  (M. KRENNERICH)
CDL(2003)078  English  30/10/2003 -  Public
Opinion on the Referendum on decreasing the number of Members of Parliament in Georgia  (S. BARTOLE, H. Zahle)
CDL(2003)078  French  30/10/2003 -  Public
Avis sur le référendum relatif à la réduction du nombre de députés du Parlement de Géorgie  (S. BARTOLE, H. Zahle)
CDL(2003)077  English  28/10/2003 -  Public
Law on the Referendum of Georgia 
CDL(2003)075  English  28/10/2003 -  Public
Comments on the Referendum on Decreasing the Number of Members of Parliament in Georgia  (S. BARTOLE)
CDL(2003)074  English  20/10/2003 -  Public
Comments on the Referendum on Decreasing the Number of Members of Parliament in Georgia  (H. Zahle)
CDL-EL(2003)011syn  English  29/09/2003 -  Public
Electoral training workshop (Tbilisi, 22-24 September 2003): Synopsis 
CDL-EL(2003)011syn  French  29/09/2003 -  Public
Atelier de formation électorale (Tbilisi, 22-24 septembre 2003) : Carnet de bord 
CDL(2003)039rev  English  17/06/2003 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Law on Prohibition of Extremist Oraganisations and Unions in Georgia  (H. VOGEL, F. FLANAGAN)
CDL-EL(2003)005  English  02/06/2003 -  Public
Elections in Georgia: Comments on the Election Code and the Electoral Administration  (M. KRENNERICH)
CDL(2003)039  English  10/05/2003 -  Public
Draft Opinon on the Draft Law on Prohibition of Extremist Organisations and Unions in Georgia  (H. VOGEL, F. FLANAGAN)
CDL(2002)072  English  28/05/2002 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Law of Georgia on the Amendments to the Constitution of Geogia  (S. BARTOLE)
CDL(2002)055  English  24/04/2002 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Law on Amendments to the Constitution of Georgia  (H. Zahle)
CDL(2002)053  English  17/04/2002 -  Public
Opinion on the Unified Electoral Code of the Republic of Georgia  (H. TORFASON)
CDL(2002)049  French  05/04/2002 -  Public
Remarques sur le projet d'amendement de la Constitution de la République de Géorgie  (G. MALINVERNI)
CDL(2002)038  English  01/03/2002 -  Public
Preliminary Comments on the Unified Electoral Code of the Republic of Georgia  (H. TORFASON)
CDL(2002)020  English  25/02/2002 -  Public
Unified Election Code of the Republic of Georgia 
CDL(2002)014  English  20/02/2002 -  Public
Draft Constitutional Law on the Amendments to the Constitution of Georgia 
CDL(2002)015  English  18/02/2002 -  Public
Unified Election Code of the Republic of Georgia  (F. GROTZ)
CDL(2002)010  English  15/02/2002 -  Public
Comments on the Unified Election Code of Georgia  (R. ROSE)
CDL(1999)007  English  10/03/1999 -  Public
Law on the Constitutional Court of Georgia of 31 January 1996 
CDL(1999)008  English  09/03/1999 -  Public
Law of Georgia on Constitutional Proceedings of 21 March 1996 
CDL(1996)007  English  30/01/1996 -  Public
Draft Law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Georgia 
CDL(1996)069  English  01/01/1996 -  Public
Constitutional Court of the Republic of Georgia: regulations in force 
CDL-IMM(1996)002prov  English  01/01/1996 -  Public
Annex 1: Tables summarising replies to the questionnaire on parliamentary immunity 
CDL(1995)069  English  30/10/1995 -  Public
The Constitution of the Republic of Georgia 
CDL(1995)069  French  30/10/1995 -  Public
Constitution de la République de Géorgie 
CDL(1995)043  English  28/08/1995 -  Public
Opinion on the law on the Constitutional court of the Republic of Georgia  (J. KLUCKA)
CDL(1995)043  French  28/08/1995 -  Public
Avis sur la loi sur la Cour constitutionnelle de la République de Géorgie  (J. KLUCKA)
CDL(1995)078  English  01/01/1995 -  Public
Opinion on the law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Georgia  (J. Zlinsky)
CDL(1995)008  English  01/01/1995 -  Public
Comments on the draft Constitution of the Republic of Georgia 
CDL(1994)065  French  07/12/1994 -  Public
Réunion sur le projet de Constitution de la Géorgie 
CDL(1994)065  English  21/11/1994 -  Public
Meetings on the draft Constitution of Georgia 
CDL(1994)066  English  01/01/1994 -  Public
Draft Constitution of the Republic of Georgia / Nov.1994 
CDL(1994)064  English  01/01/1994 -  Public
Draft Constitution of the Republic of Georgia 
CDL(1994)008  English  01/01/1994 -  Public
Draft Constitution of the Republic of Georgia  (A. DEMETRASHVILI)
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