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Full Professor of Constitutional Law and Political System at the Faculty of Law „Iustinianus Primus“, University „Sc. Cyril and Methodius“, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.


1. Member of the Venice Commission representing Republic of Macedonia (2016-2020)

2. Substitute Member of the Venice Commission (2008-2012),

3. Macedonian Representative in the Programme Committee of the EU Framework Programme for Research and Inovation „Horizon 2020“ (2015-2019),

4. National Contact Point of the Challenge 6 in the Programme „Horizon 2020“, „Europe in a changing world-Inclusive, innovative, and reflective societies“ (2015-2019),

5. Member of the State Election Commission (1999-2001),

6. Member of the ACEEEO, Association of European Election Officials (1999-2001),

7. Member of the International Organisation „Euroacademia“, Association for Dissemination and Valorization of Academic Research, Belgium-France-Austria, 2014,

8. Member of the Board of Trustees of the International Analytical Center „Constitutional Culture“ founded in Republic of Armenia,,

9. Member and Trainer in the Tempus JER Training Centre ("Continuing Education in European Affairs: Establishment of European Integration Training Centre”, Training for Trainers, Tempus JEP, 2010),

10. Member and Local Expert at the EU Funded Project “Technical Assistance to Support the Creating of a Training Institute for the Judiciary” managed by the European Agency for Reconstruction, Centre for European Constitutional Law, Human Dynamics and Altair Asesores, Skopje, 2005,

11. Member and Trainer at the Macedonian Academy for Training of Judges and Public Prosecutors, 2007,

12. Member and Local Expert of the Project “The Process of Decentralisation in Macedonia: Prospects for Ethnic Conflict Mitigation, Enhanced Representation, Institutional Efficiency and Accountability”, USAID and IRI-Bulgaria, July, 2005,

13. Member of the UNDP Programme for Equal Voting Right “One Voter, One Vote” in Cooperation with Macedonian State Election Commission (2007-2009),

14. Local Expert for Constitutional Law and Political System (VENDOR-UNDP) in the UN Development Programme, 2007,

15. Member of the Regional Centre for Postgraduate Programme in European Law and Integration, sponsored by GIZ, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, GMBH, Open Regional Fund for South East Europe-Legal Reform, 2006.



1.Full Professor of Constitutional law, Political System, Political Parties and Interest Groups and Contemporary Political Systems at the Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus” Skopje, University “Ss. Ciryl and Methodius“, Skopje at the departments of legal, political studies and studies for journalism, re-elected in June, 2017,

2. Visiting Professor at the Law Faculty in Katowice, Poland, 2018

3. Full Professor on Master studies for Constitutional Law - Constitutional Law of the EU, Constitutionalism and Human rights, Parliamentary Law, Political Parties and Interest Groups, Elections and Electoral Systems, Civil Society, Minority Rights, Public Opinion, European Law at the Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus” Skopje,

4.Visiting Associate Professor at the Interdisciplinary Studies for Public Administration in Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, (in the period 2003-2007) teaching Constitutional Law and Political System;

5.Visiting Associate Professor at the South Eastern European University in Tetovo, Republic of Macedonia, teaching Introduction of the European Law and Political Parties (in academic 2006/2007 year),

6.Full Time Professor of Constitutional law, Political System, Political Parties and Interest Groups and Contemporary Political Systems at the Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus” Skopje, University “Ss. Ciryl and Methodius“, Skopje at the departments of legal, political studies and studies for journalism, elected in September, 2012,

7.Associate Professor of Constitutional law, Political System, Political Parties and Interest Groups and Contemporary Political Systems at the Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus” Skopje, University “Ss. Ciryl and Methodius“, Skopje at the departments of legal, political studies and studies for journalism, elected in September, 2008,

8.Assistant Professor of Constitutional law, Political System, Political Parties and Interest Groups and Contemporary Political Systems at the Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus” Skopje, University “Ss. Ciryl and Methodius“, Skopje at the departments of legal, political studies and studies for journalism, elected in September, 2003,

9. The PhD Degree received at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana, Republic of Slovenia where PhD thesis “Development of Electoral Systems in the Former Socialist Countries with Special Emphasis on the Republic of Macedonia” (under the supervision of the Full Professor of Constitutional law, Prof. Ciril Ribicic) was defended, 2002,

10. LL.M Degree received at the Faculty of Law in Skopje where the thesis “Transformations of the Party Structure in the Republic of Macedonia” was defended, 1997.



1. Working as an national expert in many EU, OSCE projects, UN projects, Council of Europe projects, GTZ projects, creating and developing ToR for the projects related to the National Version for the EU Legislation, Twining Project with the Republic of Slovenia, such as:

2. Coordinator of the Project "Reform of the EU: Political and Constitutional Perspectives", in the framework of the TEMPUS Project, Faculty of Law and Faculty for Economics, Skopje, 2005,

3. Member of the leader team in the project “Technical Support for Establishment of Public Training Institute for Judges” funded by the European Agency for Reconstruction (EAR), Skopje, 2005;

4. Coordinator of the project “Regional Centre for Postgraduate Program in European Law and Integration”, Faculty of Law "Iustinianus Primus", 2006,

5. Member of the UNDP Project “One voter-One ballot: Addressing Proxy and Family Voting in Macedonia”, 2009,

6. Member of the Council of Europe Project, „Strengthening the role of civil society in a pluralist democracy“, 2009,

7. Member of the Project BRIDGE (Building Resources in Democracy, Governance and Elections), ACEEEO, International IDEA, the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Election Assistance Division (UNEAD), IFES, 2009,

8. Member of the GIZ Project, Economic Legal Reform, No. 83036758, Preparation of Glossary on EU Terminology, 2009,

9. Member of the NDI Project, “Introducing Open Electoral Lists”, 2010,

10. Member of the project “Tackling Constitutional Challenges on the Road to the EU: Perspectives from South-East European Accession Countries”, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, ZENITH, Skopje, 2012,

11. Member of the TAIEX project, Privacy of public figures and freedom of information on 09/10/2012, Reference code: JHA 48785,

12. Coordinator of the project “Promotion of Scientific Research and Education on European Integration and Policy”, South East European Law School, GIZ Fund, Germany, 2013,

13. Member of the Project „Macedonia’s EU Accession: Mapping of Constitutional Implications and Options with a Focus on Fulfillment of Political Criteria”, post title: “ Assist the Association for Development Initiatives-Zenith in mapping the constitutional law implications and options related to Macedonia’s EU accession with special focus on fulfillment of political criteria, European Fund for the Balkans, 2014,

14. Coordinator and member of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung three projects for publishing University Textbooks for Political Parties and Interest Groups, Contemporary Political Systems, and the new book for Parliamentary Law, 2016, 2017, 2018. 



1.Postgraduate International Summer School on “Post– Communist Transition and European Integration Process” at the University Training Center in Bertinoro (Forli), Italy, 1995,

2. Workshop on “Social Sciences and the Challenge of Transition”, Council of Europe, held in Bled, Slovenia, 11 – 13 June, 1998,

3. International Forum ELPIS for Europe, “The European and Comparative Dimension of Law Teaching in Europe”, Sani – Chalkidiki, 14 – 15 May, Greece, 1999,

4. International conference “Elections and Electoral Systems in Eastern Europe” organized by ACEEO, Warsaw, Poland, June 2000,

5. International Conference, Process of Decentralisation in Macedonia: Prospects for ethnic conflict mitigation, enhanced representation, institutional efficiency and accountability", organised by the Institute for Democracy, IRI-Bulgaria, Sofia, 2005,

6. International Conference OSCE project “Perspectives of domestic legislation regulating elections from the angle of the International electoral standards and the best practices” A guide to an accurate, reliable and consistent electoral legislation, which aim is to get stronger, 2008,

7. International Conference, “Politics and Policies of the European Union”, College of Europe, Brugge, Belgium, 2005,

8. World Conference on Constitutional Justice, 1st Congress “Influential Constitutional Justice: its influence on society and on developing a global human rights jurisprudence”, Cape Town, South Africa, 23-24 January, 2009,

9. World Conference on Constitutional Justice, 2nd Congress “Separation of Powers and Independence of Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Bodies”, 16-18 January, 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2011,

10. International Conferences organized by the Kopaonik Law School (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009), Serbia,

11. International HASSACC Conference for Human and Social Sciences at the Common Conference, учество со труд: “Modern Democracy and the Limitation of Mandates in the Contemporary World”,, Zilina, 18th-22 November, 2013, Slovakia,

12. International Conference, The First Global Virtual Conference,, 8th-12th April, 2013, Republic of Macedonia and Slovak Republic,

13. International Conference Social Sciences at the Common Conference,, Zilina, 18th-22 November, 2013, Slovakia,

14. International Conference “EU Programmes for Higher Education: Their Role and Impact on the Western Balkans”, TEAMWORK on behalf of DG EAC, 30-31 October, Belgrade, 2014, Serbia,

15. International Scientific Conference SCIECONF 2013,, Zilina, 10th -14th June, 2014, Slovakia,

16.   International Conference “Europe in a Changing World-Inclusive, Innovative, and Reflective Societies”, Programme Committee for the Specific Programme Implementing Horizon 2020 – The Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020), Brussels, 10th June, 2014,

17. The Third Euroacademia International Conference “The EU and the Politicization of Europe”, Hotel “Eurostars Das Letras”, Lisbon, 26-27th September, 2014, Portugal,

18. International Conference Horizon 2020 Regional Launch Event for Western Balkans “Preparing Together for EU Accession Through Cooperation on Research and Innovation”, Ministry of Science of Montenegro, Budva, 4th March, 2014, Montenegro,

19. World ASN 19th Convention, Panel BK 24, “Macedonia on the Crossroads between Rule of Law and State Ethnification: Who Gets What, When, How?”, Columbia University, Association for the Study of Nationalities, New York, 24-26 April, 2014, USA,

20. The 9th World Congress of International Association on Constitutional Law, “Constitutional Challenges: Global and Local”, Workshop 9 “Constitutional Identity Beyond the Nation State, Oslo, 16-20 June 2014, Norway,

21. Wissenschaftstagung Deutches Institut fur Sachunmittelbare Demokratie an der Technischen Universitat, 27-29 November, 2014, Dresden, Germany,

22. World ASN 20th Convention, Panel BK 23, “Learning from Experience: Economic, Political and Social Initiatives for Sustaining Stability in the Western Balkans”, Columbia University, Association for the Study of Nationalities, New York, 23-26 April, 2015, USA,

23. The Fourth International Conference “The European Union and the Politicization of Europe”, Euroacademia and Anglo-American University, 27-28 November, 2015, Prague, Czech Republic,

24. International Conference Organised by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia with Venice Commission, Conference “The Role and Importance of Constitutional Court Decision in Addressing Legislative Gaps and Legal Uncertainty (Experience of Different Countries”, 20-23 October, 2016, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia.

25. International Conference on “Global Constitutional Discourse and Transnational Constitutional Activity”, Venice Commission, in cooperation with IDEA, IACL-AIDC, under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy, Palazzo Ducale, Sala del Piovego, 7th December, 2016,

26. International Conference “Social Sciences and Humanities: A New Agenda for Europe’s Challenges”, Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava, 15-16 November, 2016,

27. International Conference “Courageous Courts: Security, Xenophobia, and Fundamental Rights”, Federal Constitutional Court of Germany, May, 2017, Karlsrue, Germany,

28. International Conference “Constitution of the Republic of Poland: After 20 Years of Its Adoption: Interpretation, Directions, Implementations, Challenges”, Faculty of Law, Katowice, Republic of Poland, October, 2017,

29. International Conference „Current Problems of the Constitutional Law“, Faculty of Law and Adimistration, Zielona Góra, October, 2017, Republic of Poland,

30. International Conference International Conference, “Challenges of Spiritual and Legal Behavior of Contemporary Individual and Imperatives of Their Overcoming”, International Analytical Centre „Constitutional Culture“ and Pontificio Instituto Orientale, Rome, November, 16-19, 2017.



University and Highschool schoolbooks and readers positively reviewed

1. "Constitutional Law", University Schoolbook, Law Faculty “Iustinianus Primus”, Ss Cyril and Methodius university, Skopje 2009 (co-author with prof. Savo Klimovski Ph.D. and prof. Renata Deskovska Ph.D.),

2. "Political system", University Schoolbook, Law Faculty “Iustinianus Primus”, Ss Cyril and Methodius university, Skopje 2009 (co-author with prof. Savo Klimovski Ph.D. and prof. Renata Deskovska Ph.D.),

3. “Law of the European Union, from Paris to Lisbon”, University Schoolbook, Law Faculty “Iustinianus Primus”, Ss Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje 2012, (co-author with acc. Prof. Vlado Kambovski Ph.D. and prof Veronika Efremova), 2012,

4. “Political Parties and Interest Groups”, Publisher “2. August”, Stip, 2004,

5.  Author of the course reader for the subject Contemporary Political Systems (Faculty reader), 2005,

6. Editor of the Collection of papers from the pilot-training of trainee on theme “Law of the European Union“, October, 2005, Skopje;

7. Textbook for the specialist high schools, “Rregullimi konstitucional i Republikës së Maqedonisë, Prosvetno delo, Skopje, 2008, (on Albanian language);

8. „Constitutional Law and Political System", University Schoolbook, Law Faculty “Iustinianus Primus”, “Ss Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, 2013 (co-author with prof. Savo Klimovski Ph.D. and prof. Renata Deskovska Ph.D.),

9. “Political Parties and Interest Groups”, (Macedonian and English language), co-authors Prof. Savo Klimovski and Prof. Aleksandar Spasenovski, Law Faculty “Iustinianus Primus”, Ss “Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, 2016,

10. “Contemporary Political Systems”, (Macedonian and English language), co-authors Prof. Savo Klimovski and Prof. Aleksandar Spasenovski, Law Faculty “Iustinianus Primus”, Ss “Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, 2017.


Author of chapters in the following University and High school textbooks:

1. Klimovski S., “Constitutional and Political System”, Prosvetno delo, Skopje, 1997;
2. Klimovski S., “Politics and Institutions”, Prosvetno delo, Skopje, 1999 (published in Macedonian, English and Chinese language);

3. Klimovski S., Mitkov V., Karakamiseva T., Treneska R., “Constitutional Order of the Republic of Macedonia”, editions 2003, 2004, 2005 (published on Macedonian and Albanian language);

4. “Constitutional law and Political System”, Prosvetno delo, Skopje, editions 2000, 2003, 2006;

5. Klimovski S., Karakamiseva T., Treneska R., “Constitutional order of the Republic of Macedonia”, Prosvetno delo, Skopje, 2006.


Translation of the publications from English on Macedonian language:

1. “Media and democracy“, published by the Office of the Council of Europe in Skopje, 1998;

2. “Consolidate version of the Treaty on European Union and Treaty for Establishing European Community”, FEIM, Skopje, 2005 (co-translator Prof. Gordana Buzarovska).


Scientific book and monograph works:

  1. “Elections and Electoral systems (Analysis, situations, dilemmas, solutions)”, Skopje, 2004,
  2. "Macedonian Politics", Kultura, Skopje, 2004,
  3. "Guide for education of the representatives of the holders of candidate lists for mayors and councillors", Institute Eurobalkan, Skopje, January, 2005,
  4. "Progress Report for the Institutional Response against Election Irregularities", coalition All4fairtrials" Skopje, December, 2008,
  5. “Final Report for the Institutional Response against the Electoral Irregularities 2008-2009" (Macedonian, Albanian, English edition), authors: Tanja Karakamiseva Ph.D. and Aleksandar Cicakovski; publisher: Coalition All for Fair Trial, Skopje, 2009
  6. "Glossary of EU terminology", co-authors prof. Tanja Karakamiseva Ph.D. and Veronika Efremova M.A., GTZ, September 2009,
  7. “Characteristics of the System of Organization of Power in the Republic of Macedonia (A Special Emphasis on the Principle of Parliamentary System of Democracy)”, Monograph “Two Decades of Parliamentarism in Eastern, Central-Eastern and South-East Europe: Attempt at an Account”, Budapest, Hungary, 2008,
  8. “Cancellation of the Election Results in the Republic of Macedonia”, Monograph “Cancellation of the Election Results”, Malta,
  9. Financing the NGO’s, Comparative Analysis of the Legal Frameworks on the civil associations and foundations in the Member-States of the Council of Europe, Funding-including foreign funding, Relations with the State, Report of the Venice Commission, 2016,
  10. Criterios Reforma Constitucional en el Mundo, The Problems of the Constitutional Reforms-Analysis and Perspectives, America and Europe, VLex, Mexico, 2017. 



Prof. Tanja Karakamisheva-Jovanovska is author of more than 80 papers published in the distingushed International Journals, and University Proceedings abroad, as well as of more than 200 papers published in the National Journals and National Scientific Books.

She is awarded from the University Rector with title „Best Scientific Worker for 2013“ at the University „Sc. Cyril and Methodius“, Skopje, Macedonia.

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