4th Congress of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice
Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania, 11-14 September 2017
Monday, 11 September 2017
Meetings of the regional and linguistic groups
- Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa – CCJA, Chair: Mr MOGOENG MOGOENG, Chief Justice, Constitutional Court, South Africa
- Ibero-American Conference of Constitutional Justice – CIJC, Chair: Mr Luis Ramón FÁBREGA SÁNCHEZ, Judge, Supreme Court of Justice, Panama
- Conference of Constitutional Control Organs of the Countries of New Democracy – CCCOCND, Chair: Mr Gagik HARUTYUNYAN, President, Constitutional Court, Armenia
- Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions – AACC, Chair: Mr Zulkefli AHMAD MAKINUDIN, President, Court of Appeal, Malaysia
- Southern African Chief Justices Forum – SACJF and Commonwealth Courts, Co-chairs: Ms Irene Chirwa MAMBILIMA, Chief Justice, Supreme Court, Zambia; Mr Richard WAGNER, Justice, Supreme Court, Canada
- Association of Constitutional Courts using the French Language – ACCPUF, Chair: Mr Ulrich MEYER, President, Federal Court, Switzerland
- Conference of European Constitutional Courts – CECC, Chair: Mr Jaroslav FENYK, Vice-President, Constitutional Court, Czech Republic
- Union of Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils – UACCC, Chair: Mr Sghair M'Bareck SAID, President, Constitutional Council, Mauritanie
- Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of the Portuguese-Speaking Countries – CJCPLP, Chair: Mr Fernando Jorge RIBEIRO, Judge, Supreme Court of Justice, Guinea-Bissau
Meeting of the Bureau of the World Conference, Chair: Mr MOGOENG MOGOENG, Chief Justice, Constitutional Court, South Africa
Tuesday, 12 September 2017
Opening ceremony, Chair: Mr Dainius ŽALIMAS, President, Constitutional Court, Republic of Lithuania
Mr Dainius ŽALIMAS, President, Constitutional Court, Republic of Lithuania [rev. 21/09/2017]
H. E. Dalia GRYBAUSKAITĖ, President, Republic of Lithuania
Mr Linos-Alexandre SICILIANOS, Vice-President, European Court of Human Rights
Mr Gianni BUQUICCHIO, President, Venice Commission, Council of Europe
Session 1 – The different concepts of the rule of law (link to video recording of sessions 1-4)
Chair: Mr Adel Omar SHERIF, Vice-President, Supreme Constitutional Court, Egypt
Key-note presentation: Mr Yi-Su KIM, Acting President, Constitutional Court, Korea
Respondent: Mr Mourad MEDELCI, President, Constitutional Council, Algeria (English, French, Arabic)
Rapporteur: Mr Rakhmet MUKASHEV, Member, Constitutional Council, Kazakhstan (English, Russian) [rev. 20/09/2017]
Session 2 – New challenges to the rule of law
Chair: Mr Farhad ABDULLAYEV, Chairman, Constitutional Court, Azerbaijan
Key-note presentation: Mr Dainius ŽALIMAS, President, Constitutional Court, Republic of Lithuania
Respondent: Mr Ben VERMEULEN, Judge, Council of State, the Netherlands, Presentation of the Venice Commission’s Rule of Law Checklist [rev. 22/09/2017]
Rapporteur: Mr Claudio Ramos MONTEIRO, Justice, Constitutional Court, Portugal
2nd General Assembly (Members only), Chair: Mr Dainius ŽALIMAS, President, Constitutional Court, Republic of Lithuania
Wednesday, 13 September 2017
Session 3 – The law and the state
Chair: Mr Fernando Jorge RIBEIRO, Judge, Supreme Court of Justice, Guinea-Bissau
Key-note presentation: Mr Alexandru TĂNASE, former President, Constitutional Court, Republic of Moldova
Respondent: Mr Gagik HARUTYUNYAN, President, Constitutional Court, Armenia (English, Russian) [rev. 05/10/2017]
Rapporteur: Ms Pamela MARTÍNEZ LOAYZA, Vice-President Constitutional Court, Ecuador (English, Spanish) [rev. 15/11/2017]
Session 4 – The law and the individual
Chair: Mr Gediminas MESONIS, Justice, Constitutional Court, Republic of Lithuania
Key-note presentation: Mr Christoph GRABENWARTER, Justice, Constitutional Court, Austria (English, German) [rev. 06/10/2017]
Respondent: Mr MOGOENG MOGOENG, Chief Justice, Constitutional Court, South Africa [rev. 21/09/2017]
Rapporteur: Ms Maria Farida INDRATI, Justice, Constitutional Court, Indonesia
Presentation of the CODICES database, Mr Schnutz Rudolf DÜRR, Secretary General, World Conference on Constitutional Justice
Session 5 – Independence of Constitutional Courts – stocktaking (Member Courts only; reports available in the Venice Forum)
Chair: Mr Ulrich MEYER, President, Federal Tribunal, Switzerland
Key-note presentation: Mr Richard WAGNER, Justice, Supreme Court, Canada
Respondent: Mr Domingo Hernández EMPARANZA, Minister, Constitutional Court, Chile
Rapporteur: Mr Christian Baptiste Quentin ROGOMBE, Justice, Constitutional Court, Gabon (French)
Closing session, Chair: Mr Gianni BUQUICCHIO, President, Venice Commission, Council of Europe
Reports on the sessions by the rapporteurs: (links same as above)
Session 1: Mr Rakhmet MUKASHEV, Member, Constitutional Council, Kazakhstan
Session 2: Mr Claudio Ramos MONTEIRO, Justice, Constitutional Court, Portugal
Session 3: Ms Pamela MARTÍNEZ LOAYZA, Vice-President, Constitutional Court, Ecuador (Spanish) [rev. 28/09/2017]
Session 4: Ms Maria Farida INDRATI, Justice, Constitutional Court, Indonesia
Session 5: Mr Christian Baptiste Quentin ROGOMBE, Justice, Constitutional Court, Gabon (report available in the Venice Forum)
Adoption of the Vilnius Communiqué (English, French)
Closing remarks