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CDL-REF(2022)066  English  05/12/2022 -  Public
Serbia - Revised Draft Law on Organisation of Courts 
CDL(2022)031  English  11/10/2022 -  Public
Bulgaria - Draft Opinion on the draft amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code and the Judicial System Act  (J. HAMILTON, R. BARRETT, K. PABEL, Q. QERIMI)
CDL(2022)040  English  07/10/2022 -  Public
Bulgaria - Draft opinion on the Draft Amendments to the Judicial System Act concerning the Inspectorate to the Supreme Judicial Council  (R. BARRETT, R. KIENER, M. KUIJER, Q. QERIMI)
CDL-REF(2022)030  English  19/09/2022 -  Public
Bulgaria - Criminal Procedure Code with Draft Amendments (consolidated version) 
CDL-REF(2022)029  English  19/09/2022 -  Public
Bulgaria - Judicial System Act with Draft Amendments (consolidated version)  
CDL-PI(2020)016  English  20/11/2020 -  Public
Bulgaria - Urgent Interim Opinion on the draft new Constitution, issued pursuant to Article 14a of the Venice Commission’s Rules of Procedure   (J. HAMILTON, M. FRENDO, R. KIENER, M. KUIJER, E. HOLMØYVIK)
CDL-PI(2020)016  French  20/11/2020 -  Public
Bulgarie - Avis intérimaire urgent sur le projet de nouvelle Constitution, rendu en vertu de l'article 14a du règlement intérieur de la Commission de Venise   (J. HAMILTON, M. FRENDO, R. KIENER, M. KUIJER, E. HOLMØYVIK)
CDL-REF(2020)070  English  30/10/2020 -  Public
Bulgaria - Draft new Constitution 
CDL-REF(2019)034  English  19/11/2019 -  Public
Bulgaria - Criminal Procedure Code 
CDL-REF(2019)033  English  19/11/2019 -  Public
Bulgaria - Judiciary System Act  
CDL(2017)026  English  22/09/2017 -  Public
Bulgaria - Draft Opinion on the Judicial System Act  (R. BARRETT, G. NEPPI MODONA, M. KUIJER)
CDL-REF(2017)034  English  04/09/2017 -  Public
Bulgaria - Judicial System Act 
CDL-REF(2017)024  English  23/05/2017 -  Public
Bulgaria - Electoral Code - As of 28 October 2016 
CDL(2017)001  English  11/01/2017 -  Public
Bulgaria- Draft Joint Opinion on amendments to the Electoral Code  (O. KASK, E. HOLMØYVIK)
CDL(2015)041  English  28/09/2015 -  Public
Draft Opinion on Draft Act to Amend and Supplement the Constitution (in the field of the Judiciary) of the Republic of Bulgaria  (G. NEPPI MODONA, H. GSTÖHL, J. HIRSCHFELDT)
CDL-REF(2015)025  English  30/07/2015 -  Public
Draft Act to amend and supplement the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria 
CDL-REF(2014)025  English  17/06/2014 -  Public
Election Code of Bulgaria adopted on 5 March 2014 
CDL-REF(2013)059  English  17/01/2014 -  Public
Draft Election Code of Bulgaria 
CDL(2014)001  English  03/01/2014 -  Public
Draft Joint Opinion on the Draft Election Code of Bulgaria  (O. KASK, K. VOLLAN, J. PILGRIM, B. VERMEULEN)
CDL(2014)001  French  03/01/2014 -  Public
Projet d’avis conjoint sur le projet de code electoral de Bulgarie   (O. KASK, K. VOLLAN, J. PILGRIM, B. VERMEULEN)
CDL-REF(2011)030  English  27/06/2011 -  Public
Act to amend and supplement the election code of Bulgaria 
CDL(2011)025  English  06/06/2011 -  Public
Draft joint opinion on the election code of Bulgaria  (O. KASK, K. VOLLAN, D. PETIT)
CDL-REF(2011)008  English  21/02/2011 -  Public
Election code of Bulgaria 
CDL(2010)143  English  14/12/2010 -  Public
Law amending and supplementing the code of crminal procedure of Bulgaria 
CDL(2010)091rev  English  02/12/2010 -  Public
Draft opinion on the draft law amending the law on judicial power and the draft law amending the criminal procedure code of Bulgaria  (J. HAMILTON, J. MCBRIDE, H. GSTÖHL)
CDL(2010)091  English  08/10/2010 -  Public
Draft opinion on the draft law amending the law on judicial power and the draft law amending the criminal procedure code of Bulgaria  (J. HAMILTON, J. MCBRIDE, H. GSTÖHL)
CDL(2010)090  English  30/09/2010 -  Public
Draft Law amending the Criminal Procedure Code of Bulgaria 
CDL(2010)089  English  30/09/2010 -  Public
Draft Law ameding the Law on Judicial Power of Bulgaria 
CDL(2010)041  English  28/05/2010 -  Public
Draft Second Interim Opinion on the Draft Act on forfeiture in favour of the state of criminal assets of Bulgaria  (G. NEPPI MODONA, J. HIRSCHFELDT)
CDL(2010)027  English  05/03/2010 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Act on Forfeiture in favour of the State of Illegally acquired assets of Bulgaria  (G. NEPPI MODONA, J. HIRSCHFELDT)
CDL(2009)118  French  03/12/2009 -  Public
Projet d'avis sur le projet de loi sur les actes normatifs de Bulgarie  (S. BARTOLE, L. MADER)
CDL(2009)117  French  16/10/2009 -  Public
Observations sur le projet de loi sur les actes normatifs de Bulgarie  (L. MADER)
CDL(2009)116  English  04/08/2009 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Law on Normative Acts of Bulgaria  (S. BARTOLE)
CDL(2009)115  English  04/08/2009 -  Public
Draft Law on Normative acts of Bulgaria 
CDL(2009)087  English  05/06/2009 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Law on Meetings, Ralliers and Manifestations of Bulgaria  (C. GRABENWARTER, B. AURESCU, F. FLANAGAN)
CDL(2009)050cor  English  10/03/2009 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Law amending and supplementing the Law on Judicial Power of Bulgaria  (J. HAMILTON, H. GSTÖHL)
CDL(2009)024  French  09/03/2009 -  Public
Projet d'avis sur le projet de conception pour une nouvelle loi sur les actes normatifs de la Bulgarie  (S. BARTOLE, L. MADER)
CDL(2009)050  English  06/03/2009 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Law amending and supplementing the Law on Judicial Power of Bulgaria  (J. HAMILTON, H. GSTÖHL)
CDL(2009)023  French  04/03/2009 -  Public
Observations sur la conception pour une nouvelle loi sur les actes normatifs de Bulgarie  (L. MADER)
CDL(2009)038  English  02/03/2009 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Judicial Power of Bulgaria  (H. GSTÖHL)
CDL(2009)037  English  02/03/2009 -  Public
Report of motives on the Draft Law amending the Law on Judicial Power 
CDL(2009)036  English  02/03/2009 -  Public
Judiciary System Act of Bulgaria 
CDL(2009)035  English  02/03/2009 -  Public
Draft Law amending the Law on Judicial Power of Bulgaria 
CDL(2009)039  English  27/02/2009 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Judicial Power of Bulgaria  (J. HAMILTON)
CDL(2009)022  English  26/02/2009 -  Public
Comments on the concept for a new law on statutory instruments of Bulgaria  (S. BARTOLE)
CDL(2009)001  English  09/01/2009 -  Public
Concept for a new Law on Statutory Instruments of Bulgaria 
CDL(2009)001  French  09/01/2009 -  Public
Conception pour une nouvelle loi sur les actes normatifs de Bulgarie 
CDL(2008)127  English  04/12/2008 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Amendments to the Law on Politicial Parties of Bulgaria  (H. VOGEL, C. CLOSA MONTERO)
CDL(2008)127  French  04/12/2008 -  Public
Projet d'avis sur les projets d'amendements à la loi sur les partis politiques de la Bulgarie  (H. VOGEL, C. CLOSA MONTERO)
CDL(2008)132  English  01/12/2008 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Amendments to the Law on Political Parties of Bulgaria  (H. VOGEL)
CDL(2008)126  English  26/11/2008 -  Public
Draft Amendments to the Law on Political Parties of Bulgaria 
CDL(2008)035  English  25/03/2008 -  Public
Constitution of Bulgaria - Observations of the Bulgarian authorities 
CDL(2008)004  English  04/03/2008 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Constitution of Bulgaria  (P. VAN DIJK, J. HAMILTON, J. CEA EGANA, G. NEPPI MODONA)
CDL(2008)003  English  03/03/2008 -  Public
Comments on the Constitution of Bulgaria  (G. NEPPI MODONA)
CDL(2007)077rev  English  28/11/2007 -  Public
The Constitution of Bulgaria 
CDL(2007)078  English  19/10/2007 -  Public
Comments on the Constitution of Bulgaria  (P. VAN DIJK)
CDL(2007)079  English  05/10/2007 -  Public
Comments on the Constitution of Bulgaria  (J. HAMILTON)
CDL(2007)080prov  English  01/10/2007 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Constitution of Bulgaria 
CDL(2007)077  English  19/09/2007 -  Public
The Constitution of Bulgaria 
CDL(2003)064  English  09/10/2003 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Constitutional Amendments reforming the judicial system in Bulgaria  (S. BARTOLE, J. HAMILTON)
CDL(2003)060  English  30/09/2003 -  Public
Comments on Constitutional Amendments reforming the Judicial System in Bulgaria  (O. AFONSO)
CDL(2003)056  English  17/09/2003 -  Public
Comments on Constitutional Amendments reforming the Judicial System in Bulgaria  (S. BARTOLE)
CDL(2003)055  English  17/09/2003 -  Public
Comments on Constitutional Amendments reforming the Judicial System in Bulgaria  (J. HAMILTON)
CDL(2003)042  English  07/06/2003 -  Public
Memorandum Reform of the Judicial System in Bulgaria 
CDL(2002)107  English  01/07/2002 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Law on Amendments to the Judicial System Act of Bulgaria  (H. SUCHOCKA, J. HAMILTON, J. SAID PULLICINO)
CDL(2002)105  English  28/06/2002 -  Public
Bulgaria - Judicial System Act (draft amendments underlined) 
CDL(2002)074  English  30/05/2002 -  Public
Legislation on Kin-Minorities: Bulgaria 
CDL(2002)069  English  22/05/2002 -  Public
Draft Law on Amendments to the Judicial System Act of Bulgaria  (H. SUCHOCKA)
CDL(2002)063  English  14/05/2002 -  Public
Reform of the Judicial System in Bulgaria  (J. SAID PULLICINO)
CDL(2002)062  English  14/05/2002 -  Public
Reform of the Judicial System in Bulgaria  (J. HAMILTON)
CDL(2001)034  English  11/04/2001 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Law Ombudsman Act of Bulgaria  (M. SERRA LOPES)
CDL(2001)033  English  11/04/2001 -  Public
Opinion on the Draft Ombudsman Act of Bulgaria  (D. Christopoulos)
CDL(2000)019  English  22/03/2000 -  Public
Draft opinion Constitutional Aspects of certain Amendments to the Code of Penal Procedure of Bulgaria  (J. HAMILTON, F. MATSCHER)
CDL(2000)018  English  21/03/2000 -  Public
Bulgaria: Amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure  (F. MATSCHER)
CDL(2000)013  English  15/03/2000 -  Public
Revised comments on the amendments to the Bulgarian Penal Procedure Code  (J. HAMILTON)
CDL(2000)012  French  15/03/2000 -  Public
Commentaires sur des Amendements au Code de procédure pénale de la Bulgarie  (A. MILENKOVA)
CDL(1999)020  English  14/12/1999 -  Public
Draft Consolidated Opinion of the Venice Commission on the Reform of the Judiciary in Bulgaria  (L. LOPEZ GUERRA, J. HAMILTON, J. SAID PULLICINO)
CDL(1999)014  English  15/03/1999 -  Public
Draft opinion on the draft Civil Service Act of the Republic of Bulgaria  (K. TUORI, M. HERBIET)
CDL(1999)014  French  15/03/1999 -  Public
Projet d'avis sur le projet de loi sur la fonction publique de la République de Bulgarie  (K. TUORI, M. HERBIET)
CDL(1999)010  English  10/03/1999 -  Public
Reform of the Judicial System Act in Bulgaria  (L. LOPEZ GUERRA)
CDL(1999)037  Engl./Fr.  01/01/1999 -  Public
Reform of the Judicial System in Bulgaria / Réforme du système judiciaire en Bulgarie  (A. MILENKOVA, A. DJEROV)
CDL(1999)021  English  01/01/1999 -  Public
Reform of the Judicial System in the Republic of Bulgaria  (J. HAMILTON)
CDL(1999)015  English  01/01/1999 -  Public
National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria - Law on the Civil Servant 
CDL(1999)011rev  English  01/01/1999 -  Public
Reform of the Judicial System in the Republic of Bulgaria  (J. SAID PULLICINO)
CDL(1999)085prov  English  01/01/1999 -  Public
Amendments to the Bulgarian Penal Procedure Code  (J. HAMILTON)
CDL(1998)088  English  01/01/1998 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Civil Service Act of the Republic of Bulgaria  (K. TUORI)
CDL(1998)082  English  01/01/1998 -  Public
Draft Civil Service Act of the Republic of Bulgaria 
CDL(1998)076  English  01/01/1998 -  Public
Judicial System Act of the Republic of Bulgaria 
CDL(1998)014  English  01/01/1998 -  Public
Draft law declaring the communist regime in Bulgaria unlawful 
CDL-UE(1998)001  French  01/01/1998 -  Public
Droit constitutionnel et intégration européenne: Réponses au questionnaire 
CDL(1998)076rev  English  01/01/1998 -  Public
Judicial System Act of the Republic of Bulgaria 
CDL-JU(1997)004  English  01/01/1997 -  Public
Replies to the questionnaire on the composition of constitutional courts 
CDL-JU(1997)004  French  01/01/1997 -  Public
Réponses au questionnaire sur la composition des cours constitutionnelles 
CDL(1996)008  English  31/01/1996 -  Public
Opinion on the Bulgarian law on the Administrative Court  (K. BERCHTOLD)
CDL(1996)008  French  31/01/1996 -  Public
Avis sur la loi bulgare sur la Cour administrative  (K. BERCHTOLD)
CDL(1996)004  English  18/01/1996 -  Public
Opinion on the Bulgarian law on popular consultation  (J. ROBERT)
CDL(1996)010  English  01/01/1996 -  Public
Opinion on the Bulgarian Law on the Administrative Court  (A. SUVIRANTA)
CDL(1996)010  French  01/01/1996 -  Public
Avis sur la loi bulgare sur la Cour administrative  (A. SUVIRANTA)
CDL(1996)002  English  01/01/1996 -  Public
Opinion Bulgarian draft law on popular consultation  (E. OZBUDUN)
CDL(1996)002  French  01/01/1996 -  Public
Avis sur le projet de loi bulgare relative à la consultation populaire  (E. OZBUDUN)
CDL-IMM(1996)002prov  English  01/01/1996 -  Public
Annex 1: Tables summarising replies to the questionnaire on parliamentary immunity 
CDL(1995)080  French  01/01/1995 -  Public
Lois sur la Cour Suprême administrative en Bulgarie 
CDL(1995)079  French  01/01/1995 -  Public
Loi sur la consultation populaire en Bulgarie 
CDL(1992)044  English  01/01/1992 -  Public
Workshop on Constitutional Reforms 
CDL(1991)014  English  01/01/1991 -  Public
Draft Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria 
CDL(1991)010  English  01/01/1991 -  Public
The new Constitution of Bulgaria - draft basic principles  (A. DJEROV, N. Botoucharova)
CDL(1991)010  French  01/01/1991 -  Public
Principes fondamentaux du projet de nouvelle Constitution de Bulgarie  (A. DJEROV, N. Botoucharova)
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