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Moldova, Republic of
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CDL-REF(2024)019  English  03/05/2024 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Law on the partial implementation of the postal vote 
CDL-REF(2023)052  English  07/11/2023 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Law for the amendment of the Electoral Code no. 325/2022 
CDL-REF(2023)035  English  07/09/2023 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - The Law on the Security and Intelligence Service 
CDL-REF(2023)001  English  02/02/2023 -  Public
Republic of Moldova -Draft Law on the Intelligence and Security Service  
CDL-REF(2022)063rev  English  05/12/2022 -  Public
Republic of Moldova Revised Draft Law on the Supreme Court of Justice 
CDL(2022)055  English  30/11/2022 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Draft Joint Opinion on the draft Law on the Supreme Court of Justice and on the amendment of the law no 26/2022  (A. BARAMIDZE, P. DIMITROV, A. GASPAR)
CDL(2022)054  English  30/11/2022 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Draft amicus curiae brief on declaring a political party unconstitutional  (P. VAN DIJK, C. PINELLI, B. VERMEULEN, K. PABEL)
CDL-REF(2022)064  English  28/11/2022 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Draft Law on the amendment of the Law no. 26/2022  
CDL(2022)038  English  07/10/2022 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Draft joint amicus curiae Brief of the Venice Commission and the OSCE/ODIHR relating to the offence of illicit enrichment  (C. PINELLI, A. NUSSBERGER, J. OTÁLORA MALASSIS)
CDL-REF(2022)033  English  04/10/2022 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Draft law on the Supreme Court of Justice 
CDL-REF(2022)036  English  26/09/2022 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Draft electoral code 
CDL(2022)023  English  03/06/2022 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Draft opinion on draft amendments to Law N°3/2016 on the public prosecution service   (H. SUCHOCKA, J. SANTOS PAIS, R. DESKOSKA)
CDL(2022)019  English  04/05/2022 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Draft opinion on the draft law on amending some normative acts (Judiciary)  (R. BARRETT, A. BARAMIDZE, A. GASPAR, N. BETETTO)
CDL-REF(2022)017  English  04/05/2022 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Draft Law on amending some normative acts (Judiciary) 
CDL(2021)044  English  26/11/2021 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Draft opinion on the amendments of 24 August 2021 to the law on the prosecution service  (H. SUCHOCKA, J. SANTOS PAIS, R. DESKOSKA)
CDL(2021)011  English  08/03/2021 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - draft opinion on the draft law amending some normative acts relating to the people’s advocate   (L. ERR, J. AALTONEN, J. HIRSCHFELDT, I. TOTOZANI)
CDL(2021)017  English  03/03/2021 -  Public
Moldova- Amicus curiae on three legal questions concerning the constitutional review of the law-making procedures in parliament   (J. SCHOLSEM, C. PINELLI, P. DIMITROV)
CDL-REF(2021)013  English  05/02/2021 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Draft Law for amending some normative acts 
CDL-REF(2020)046  English  30/07/2020 -  Public
Moldova, Republic of - Code of audiovisual media services 
CDL(2019)041  English  22/11/2019 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Amicus Curiae Brief on the criminal liability of constitutional court judges  (K. ŠIMÁČKOVÁ, M. HERMANNS, Y. ATAR, S. LEE)
CDL(2019)040  English  04/11/2019 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Draft Amicus Curiae Brief for the Constitutional Court concerning the Law on the Prosecutor's Office  (R. BARRETT, J. SØRENSEN, A. VARGA, M. HUNT)
CDL-REF(2019)028  English  24/09/2019 -  Public
Republic of Moldova – Electoral code as of 17 August 2019 
CDL(2018)027  English  17/09/2018 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Draft Opinion on the Law on preventing and combating Terrorism  (D. MERIDOR, I. CAMERON, G. MCMORROW, C. BAZY MALAURIE)
CDL-REF(2018)046  English  12/09/2018 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Law on prevention and combating terrorism 
CDL(2018)003  English  01/03/2018 -  Public
Moldova - Draft Opinion on the Law on amending and supplementing the constitution of the Republic of Moldova  (K. ŠIMÁČKOVÁ, A. VARGA, P. DIMITROV)
CDL(2018)013  English  23/02/2018 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Draft joint opinion on the law for amending and completing certain legislative acts (Electoral system for the election of Parliament)  (O. KASK, R. BARRETT, T. HILSCHER-BOGUSSEVICH, E. HOLMØYVIK)
CDL(2017)032  English  23/11/2017 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Joint Draft Opinion on the legal framework governing the funding of political parties and electoral campaigns  (P. VAN DIJK, T. HILSCHER-BOGUSSEVICH, R. KATZ, M. FRENDO, A. THOMAS, P. DIMITROV, A. VILKS, F. CASAL BERTOA)
CDL(2017)032  French  23/11/2017 -  Public
République de Moldova - Projet d'avis conjoint sur le cadre juridique régissant le financement des partis politiques et des campagnes électorales   (P. VAN DIJK, T. HILSCHER-BOGUSSEVICH, R. KATZ, M. FRENDO, A. THOMAS, P. DIMITROV, A. VILKS, F. CASAL BERTOA)
CDL(2017)017  English  02/06/2017 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Draft opinion on the proposal by the President of the Republic to expand the President's powers to dissolve Parliament   (S. HOLOVATY, K. TUORI, V. BÍLKOVÁ, P. DIMITROV)
CDL-REF(2017)020  English  03/04/2017 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Electoral Code (2016) 
CDL(2017)008  English  24/02/2017 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Draft Amicus Curiae Brief for the Constitutional Court on the Criminal liability of judges  (G. MCMORROW, M. HERMANNS, E. HOLMØYVIK)
CDL(2017)008  French  24/02/2017 -  Public
République de Moldova - Projet de mémoire amicus curiae sur la responsabilité pénale des juges  (G. MCMORROW, M. HERMANNS, E. HOLMØYVIK)
CDL(2016)041  English  25/11/2016 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Draft Opinion on the Draft Law on the Ethno-Cultural Status of the District of Taraclia  (J. VELAERS, N. ALIVIZATOS, J. CASTELLÀ ANDREU)
CDL-REF(2016)053  English  19/09/2016 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Electoral Code 
CDL-REF(2016)045  English  04/07/2016 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Draft Law on the ethnocultural status of Taraclia District 
CDL(2016)021  English  27/05/2016 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Draft joint opinion on the draft law on changes to the Electoral code   (O. KASK, T. HILSCHER-BOGUSSEVICH, M. GONZALEZ OROPEZA)
CDL(2016)021  French  27/05/2016 -  Public
République de Moldova - Projet d’avis conjoint sur le projet de loi portant modification du code électoral  (O. KASK, T. HILSCHER-BOGUSSEVICH, M. GONZALEZ OROPEZA)
CDL(2016)014  English  27/05/2016 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Draft amicus curiae brief for the Constitutional Court on the right of recourse by the state against judges  (S. BARTOLE, G. KŪTRIS, J. HIRSCHFELDT, G. MCMORROW, E. HOLMØYVIK)
CDL-REF(2016)032  English  21/04/2016 -  Public
Draft Law on changes to the Electoral Code of the Republic of Moldova 
CDL-REF(2016)031  English  21/04/2016 -  Public
Electoral Code of the Republic of Moldova, as of 31 December 2015 
CDL-REF(2016)029  English  21/04/2016 -  Public
Law on Government Agent - Parliament of the Republic of Moldova 
CDL(2015)013  English  05/06/2015 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Law on the People Advocate (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Moldova  (L. ERR, L. HUSEYNOV, J. SØRENSEN)
CDL-REF(2015)018  English  18/05/2015 -  Public
Law on the People's Advocate (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Moldova 
CDL(2015)010  English  02/03/2015 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Law on Public Prosecutor's Service of the Republic of Moldova  (K. TUORI, J. MCBRIDE, J. SØRENSEN, S. KIVALOV, L. BACHMAIER WINTER)
CDL-REF(2014)052  English  13/01/2015 -  Public
Draft Law on the prosecution service of the Republic of Moldova  
CDL(2014)061  English  28/11/2014 -  Public
Draft amicus curiae brief for the constitutional court of Moldova on certain provisions of the law on professional integrity testing   (B. VERMEULEN, K. VARDZELASHVILI, I. KANG, R. HORNUNG)
CDL(2014)005  French  07/03/2014 -  Public
Projet d’avis conjoint sur le projet de loi portant modification de la législation électorale de la République de Moldova   (S. DARMANOVIĆ, M. GONZALEZ OROPEZA, P. BIGLINO CAMPOS, G. DERIAZ)
CDL(2014)005  English  07/03/2014 -  Public
Draft Joint Opinion on the draft Law amending the electoral legislation of the Republic of Moldova  (S. DARMANOVIĆ, M. GONZALEZ OROPEZA, P. BIGLINO CAMPOS, G. DERIAZ)
CDL(2014)010  English  04/03/2014 -  Public
Draft opinion on the draft Law on disciplinary liability of judges of Moldova  (H. SUCHOCKA, J. HAMILTON, P. PACZOLAY)
CDL-REF(2014)002  English  21/01/2014 -  Public
Draft law of the Republic of Moldova on disciplinary liability of Judges  
CDL-REF(2014)001  English  14/01/2014 -  Public
Draft law amending the electoral legislation in the Republic of Moldova 
CDL-EL(2013)004list  English  27/06/2013 -  Public
10th European Conference of Electoral Management Bodies Chisinau, 26-27 June 2013 - List of participants  (P. PACZOLAY, A. KVAKKESTAD, B. JOUAN)
CDL(2013)007  English  22/02/2013 -  Public
Draft amicus curiae brief on the Immunity of Judges for the Constitutional Court of Moldova  (J. HAMILTON, G. PAPUASHVILI, G. NEPPI MODONA, G. MENDES)
CDL(2013)006  English  22/02/2013 -  Public
Joint Amicus Curiae Brief by the Venice Commission and the OSCE/ODIHR on the ban on the use of Communist symbols of Moldova  (C. GRABENWARTER, H. SUCHOCKA, S. BARTOLE, V. BÍLKOVÁ, R. KATZ, D. SMILOV)
CDL-REF(2012)039  English  08/11/2012 -  Public
Electoral Code of Moldova as of 17 January 2012 
CDL-REF(2012)038  English  07/11/2012 -  Public
Draft Law on financing of political parties and electoral campaigns of Moldova 
CDL-REF(2012)037  English  07/11/2012 -  Public
Draft Law on amendment and completion of legislative acts of Moldova 
CDL(2011)038  English  07/06/2011 -  Public
Draft amicus curiae brief on the interpretation of article 78 of the constitution of Moldova  (J. SCHOLSEM, S. BARTOLE, K. TUORI, E. TANCHEV)
CDL-EL(2010)012  English  12/04/2010 -  Public
Draft Law on Amendment and Completion of the Electoral Code of Moldova 
CDL(2009)172  English  03/12/2009 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Law on the Status of Euroregions of the Republic of Moldova  (S. BARTOLE, H. HAENEL)
CDL(2009)171  English  23/11/2009 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Law on the Status of Euroregions of the Republic of Moldova  (S. BARTOLE)
CDL(2009)169  English  23/11/2009 -  Public
Draft Law on the Status of Euroregions of the Republic of Moldova 
CDL(2008)082  English  09/09/2008 -  Public
Election Code of Moldova as of 10 April 2008 
CDL(2008)061  English  06/06/2008 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Law on the Public Prosecutors' Service of Moldova  (J. HAMILTON, S. Mendes)
CDL(2008)057  English  28/05/2008 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Law on the Public Prosecutor's Service of Moldova  (A. MENDES)
CDL(2008)055  English  28/05/2008 -  Public
Draft Law on the Public Prosecutor's Service of Moldova 
CDL(2008)056  English  26/05/2008 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Law on the Public Prosecutor's Service of Moldova  (J. HAMILTON)
CDL(2008)030  English  07/03/2008 -  Public
Comments on the Law on State Secrets (1994) of the Republic of Moldova  (I. CAMERON)
CDL(2008)009  English  07/03/2008 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Law on State Secret of the Republic of Moldova  (O. DUTHEILLET DE LAMOTHE, I. CAMERON)
CDL(2008)031  French  05/03/2008 -  Public
Observations sur la loi sur le Secret d'Etat (1994) de la République de Moldova  (O. DUTHEILLET DE LAMOTHE)
CDL(2008)008  English  21/02/2008 -  Public
Law on State Secrets (1994) of the Republic of Moldova 
CDL(2007)114  English  06/12/2007 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Law on conflict of interest in Moldova  (O. KASK, K. TUORI)
CDL(2007)117  English  27/11/2007 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Law on conflict of interest in Moldova  (O. KASK)
CDL(2007)116  English  27/11/2007 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Law on conflict of interest in Moldova  (K. TUORI)
CDL(2007)115  English  22/11/2007 -  Public
Draft Law on the Conflict of Interest in Moldova 
CDL-EL(2007)030  English  11/10/2007 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Law of the Gagauz Autonomous Territorial Unit on the Election of the Governor of Gagauzia (Moldova)  (O. KASK, K. VOLLAN, S. DARMANOVIĆ)
CDL-EL(2007)030  French  11/10/2007 -  Public
Projet d'avis sur la loi de l'entité territoriale autonome de Gagaouzie relative à l'élection du Gouverneur de Gagaouzie (Moldova)  (O. KASK, K. VOLLAN, S. DARMANOVIĆ)
CDL(2007)017  English  02/05/2007 -  Public
Draft Law on Political Parties of the Republic of Moldova 
CDL(2007)013  English  19/04/2007 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Law on Political Parties of Moldova  (H. VOGEL)
CDL(2006)061  French  12/09/2006 -  Public
Projet de loi portant modifications au règlement du Parlement de Moldova 
CDL(2006)010  English  27/02/2006 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Law on the Information and Security Service of the Republic of Moldova  (F. MATSCHER)
CDL(2006)001  English  23/01/2006 -  Public
Law on the information and security service of the Republic of Moldova 
CDL-EL(2005)048rev  English  07/12/2005 -  Public
Draft Joint Recommendations on the Electoral Code of Moldova as amended on 22 July and 4 November 2005  (E. POLIZZI)
CDL-EL(2005)003syn  English  07/01/2005 -  Public
Electoral Training Workshop (Chişinau, Moldova, 10 – 11 December 2004): Synopsis 
CDL(2004)106  English  04/11/2004 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Proposal to Amend the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova  (P. PACZOLAY)
CDL(2004)029  English  23/04/2004 -  Public
Comments on events in Moldova relating to a demonstration on 25 January 2004  (J. HAMILTON)
CDL-EL(2003)015  English  03/03/2004 -  Public
Draft Recommendations on the Electoral Law and the Electoral Administration in Moldova  (K. VOLLAN)
CDL(2003)051  English  18/07/2003 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Concept on the State National Policy of the Republic of Moldova  (C. GRABENWARTER)
CDL(2003)050  English  18/07/2003 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Concept on the State National Policy of the Republic of Moldova  (J. HAMILTON)
CDL(2003)049  English  18/07/2003 -  Public
Draft Concept on the State National Policy of the Republic of Moldova 
CDL(2002)156  English  09/12/2002 -  Public
Comments on the Election Law of the Republic of Moldova  (R. ROSE)
CDL(2002)157  English  05/12/2002 -  Public
Comments on the Election Law of the Republic of Moldova  (K. VOLLAN)
CDL(2002)141  English  26/11/2002 -  Public
Elections Code of the Republic of Moldova 
CDL(2002)124  French  08/10/2002 -  Public
Observations sur la Loi sur le statut du député au parlement de la République de Moldova  (C. GRABENWARTER)
CDL(2002)122  English  04/10/2002 -  Public
Comments on Law on Assemblies of the Republic of Moldova  (G. NOLTE)
CDL(2002)099  English  25/06/2002 -  Public
Draft Law on Modification and Amendment to the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova  (L. LOPEZ GUERRA)
CDL(2002)098  English  25/06/2002 -  Public
Draft Law on Modification and Amendment to the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova  (J. HAMILTON)
CDL(2002)058  English  02/05/2002 -  Public
Draft Law on the Constitutional Court of Moldova 
CDL(2002)057  English  02/05/2002 -  Public
Draft Law on the Amendment of the Constitution of Moldova 
CDL(2002)056  English  02/05/2002 -  Public
Moldova: Memorandum on the Draft Law of the Constitutional Court 
CDL(2002)058rev  English  02/05/2002 -  Public
Drat Law on the amendment of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova 
CDL(2002)057rev  English  02/05/2002 -  Public
Draft law on the Constitutional Court 
CDL(2002)031  French  28/02/2002 -  Public
Loi sur la révision de la Constitution de la République de Moldova  (J. VINTRO)
CDL(2002)030  English  28/02/2002 -  Public
Law on Modification and Addition to the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova  (K. TUORI)
CDL(2002)029  English  28/02/2002 -  Public
Law on Modificaition and Addition to the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova  (J. HAMILTON)
CDL(2000)095  English  20/12/2000 -  Public
Moldova: Consolidated Opinion on the Revision of the Constitution  (H. SUCHOCKA, K. TUORI, J. JOWELL KCMG QC)
CDL(2000)095rev  English  20/12/2000 -  Public
Opinion on the Constitutional Reform in the Republic of Moldova  (H. SUCHOCKA, K. TUORI, J. JOWELL KCMG QC)
CDL(2000)095rev  French  20/12/2000 -  Public
Avis sur la réforme constitutionnelle en République de Moldova  (H. SUCHOCKA, K. TUORI, J. JOWELL KCMG QC)
CDL(2000)095  French  24/11/2000 -  Public
Avis consolidé sur la réforme consitutionnelle en République de Moldova  (H. SUCHOCKA, K. TUORI, J. JOWELL KCMG QC)
CDL(1999)088  English  15/12/1999 -  Public
Interim report on the constitutional reform In the Republic of Moldova adopted by the Venice Commission at its 41st Plenary Session (10 - 11 December 1999)  (S. HOLOVATY, G. MALINVERNI, K. TUORI, J. VINTRO, F. BENOÎT-ROHMER)
CDL(1999)072  English  29/11/1999 -  Public
Interim report on the constitutional reform in the Republic of Moldova  (S. HOLOVATY, G. MALINVERNI, K. TUORI, J. VINTRO, F. BENOÎT-ROHMER)
CDL(1999)072  French  29/11/1999 -  Public
Rapport intérimaire sur la réforme constitutionnelle en République de Moldova  (S. HOLOVATY, G. MALINVERNI, K. TUORI, J. VINTRO, F. BENOÎT-ROHMER)
CDL(1999)052rev  French  01/10/1999 -  Public
Avant - projet d’avis sur la réforme constitutionnelle en République de Moldova proposée par la Commission constitutionnelle de Moldova  (G. MALINVERNI, J. VINTRO, F. BENOÎT-ROHMER, N. VULCHANOV, P. Spyropoulos)
CDL(1999)029  English  02/06/1999 -  Public
Notes on the fact - finding trip to Chisinau  (K. TUORI)
CDL(1999)038  English  01/01/1999 -  Public
Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, adopted on 29 July 1994 
CDL(1999)038  French  01/01/1999 -  Public
Constitution de la République de Moldova, adoptée le 29 juillet 1994 
CDL(1999)024  English  01/01/1999 -  Public
Law on Local and Public Administration of the Republic of Moldova 
CDL(1998)024rev  French  01/01/1998 -  Public
Règlement loi fondamentale de la Gagaouzie Gagauz - Yeri 
CDL-IMM(1996)002prov  English  01/01/1996 -  Public
Annex 1: Tables summarising replies to the questionnaire on parliamentary immunity 
CDL(1995)037  French  01/01/1995 -  Public
Avis sur le projet de loi sur le droit de réunion et de manifestation de la République de Moldova  (J. NICOLÁS MUÑIZ, J. Nicolas)
CDL(1995)012  English  01/01/1995 -  Public
The Constitution of the Republic of Moldova / adopted on 29.07.1994 
CDL(1995)011  English  01/01/1995 -  Public
Law on the special legal status of Gagauzia (Gagaauz Yeri) 
CDL(1993)047  English  01/01/1993 -  Public
Draft Constitution of Moldova 
CDL(1993)032  English  01/01/1993 -  Public
Draft Constitution of Moldova 
CDL(1993)011  English  01/01/1993 -  Public
Draft Constitution of Moldova 
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