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3rd Congress of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice (WCCJ)

‘Constitutional Justice and Social Integration’

Seoul, Republic of Korea, 28 September 2014 - 1 October 2014



The 3rd Congress of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice dealt with the topic of “Constitutional Justice and Social Integration” in four sub-topics:

1. Challenges of social integration in a globalised world
2. International standards for social integration
3. Constitutional instruments enhancing/dealing with/for social integration
4. The role of constitutional justice in social integration.

The congress examined how constitutional courts have dealt with social integration and – in its absence – with social conflict. The participating judges were able to draw inspiration from the experience of their peers, whether from positive examples or from cases where the courts were unable to solve these issues.

The Congress also made make a stock-taking of the independence of constitutional courts and pursuant to a decision of the Bureau of the World Conference, this matter will be placed on the agenda of each Congress of the World Conference.

Finally, the World Conference held its General Assembly and adopted the Seoul Communiqué.


Seoul Communiqué: English, French, Russian

  Welcome video
  Welcome by the UN SG Mr Ban Ki-moon

Conference page hosted by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Korea

Concept paper for the 3rd Congress: Arabic, English, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish


(with links to available presentations)

all delegates (2)

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Meetings of the Regional and Linguistic Groups


  • Conference of European Constitutional Courts (CECC)
  • Southern African Chief Justices Forum (SACJF)/ Commonwealth Courts
  • Union of Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils (UACCC)
  • Association of Constitutional Courts Using the French Language (ACCPUF)
  • Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of the Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CJCPLP)
  • Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa (CCJA)
  • Ibero-American Conference of Constitutional Justice (CIJC)
  • Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC)
  • Conference of Constitutional Control Organs of the Countries of New Democracy (CCCOCND)


Meeting of the Bureau of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice


Welcome speech by Mr Robert DOSSOU, former President of the Constitutional Court of Benin


Monday, 29 September 2014

Opening Ceremony


Opening Statements


Session I: Challenges of Social Integration in a Globalised World




Session II: International Standards for Social Integration


1stGeneral Assembly

  • Chair: President PARK Han-Chul, Constitutional Court, Republic of Korea

Link to the draft agenda


Tuesday, 30 September 2014


Session III: Constitutional Instruments Enhancing/Dealing with/for Social Integration



Session IV: The Role of Constitutional Justice in Social Integration



Session V: Independence of Constitutional Courts – Stocktaking

(only Courts were admitted)



Closing Session

  • Chair: President Gianni Buquicchio, Venice Commission of the Council of Europe

Reports on the Sessions by the Rapporteurs (10 minutes)


Adoption of the Seoul Communiqué


Closing Remarks


Replies to the questionnaire (parts A+B, part C available at the Venice Forum)


HoD (2)






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