Pristina – Representatives of the Venice Commission provided legal support to the election observation delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) at the occasion of the elections to the Assembly of Kosovo of 9 February 2025.
The delegation participated in briefings before and after the elections, and observed the opening, voting and counting processes.
28/01/2025 - 29/01/2025
Pristina - On 28 and 29 January, a delegation of the Venice Commission conducted a visit to Pristina in view of the preparation of the Opinion on the draft law on recruitment, performance evaluation, integrity control, and status of judges and prosecutors and the draft law amending the Law on the disciplinary liability of judges and prosecutors of Kosovo. This Opinion was requested by the Minister of Justice of Kosovo on 3 December 2024.
The Venice Commission delegation met with representatives of the Ministry of Justice, the Judicial Council, the Prosecutorial Council, the Assemb... read more
27/01/2025 - 28/01/2025
Pristina - On 27 and 28 January, two delegations of the Venice Commission conducted a visit to Pristina, Kosovo, to prepare the Opinion on the draft amendments to the Law on the Academy of Justice and the Opinion on the draft amendments to the Law on the Judicial Council of Kosovo. These Opinions were requested by the Minister of Justice of Kosovo on 3 December 2024.
The Venice Commission delegations met with Ministry of Justice officials, the Academy of Justice, the Judicial Council, the Prosecutorial Council, the Bar Association, representatives of international organisations a... read more
By letter dated 3 December 2024, the Minister of Justice of Kosovo, Ms Albulena Haxhiu, has requested the Venice Commission to provide opinions on reforms in the justice sector of Kosovo. These reforms encompass key areas such as:
- the recruitment, performance evaluation, integrity control, and the status of judges and prosecutors;
- the Kosovo Judicial Council;
- the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council;
- the Academy of Justice.
The draft opinions will be submitted for adoption at the 142nd Plenary Session of the Commission (Venice, 14-15 March 2025).
24/10/2024 - 25/10/2024
Mr Martin Kuijer, Vice-President of the Venice Commission, participated in the Second Annual Conference of the Balkan Constitutional Courts Forum which took place in Pristina, Kosovo, on 24-25 October 2024, alongside the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo. The event focused on the theme “Evolutions in Contemporary Constitutional Justice: The Example of the Balkan Region”.
Mr. Martin Kuijer delivered a presentation titled “Constitutional Courts as Guardians of Democratic Values and Principles: A Perspective from Venice”, where he discussed the ... read more
11/09/2023 - 12/09/2023
In the framework of the preparation of the draft follow-up opinion to the previous opinions concerning the Law on the Prosecutorial Council, the Venice Commission’s rapporteurs met online with the following interlocutors:
- Deputy Ministers of Justice and other representatives of the Ministry;
- representatives of the Assembly;
- the Acting Chief State Prosecutor and the Chairman of Kosovo Prosecutorial Council;
- representatives of the international community and civil society organisations.
This draft follow-up opinion will be prepared... read more
By letter of 28 July 2023, the President of the Assembly of Kosovo, Mr Glauk Konjufca, requested an opinion of the Venice Commission on the new version of the draft Law No.06/L-056 on amending and supplementing the Law on the Prosecutorial Council of Kosovo.
This draft follow-up opinion is prepared under the Expertise Co-ordination Mechanism in the framework of the European Union/Council of Europe joint programme “Horizontal Facility III”. It will be submitted for adoption at the 136th Plenary Session of the Commission (Venice, 06-07 October 2023).
06/06/2022 - 07/06/2022
Pristina - A representative of the Venice Commission's Secretariat intervened during a workshop for judges and legal advisors of the Constitutional Court on the issue of election dispute resolution.
19/05/2022 - 20/05/2022
Pristina - In the framework of the preparation of the draft opinion on the Concept Paper on the Vetting of Judges and Prosecutors, a delegation of the Venice Commission met with the President of Kosovo Ms Vjosa Osmani-Sadriu, the Speaker of the Assembly, Mr. Glauk Konjufca, and the following authorities and other stakeholders:
• the First Deputy Prime Minister,
• the Minister of Justice,
• the President of the Supreme Court,
• the Acting Supreme Prosecutor,
• the President of the Judicial and Prosecutorial Councils,
• Political parties,
• inter... read more
10/05/2022 - 11/05/2022
Pristina - In the framework of the preparation of the draft opinion on the draft law N°08/L-121 on the State Bureau for Verification and Confiscation of Unjustified Assets, a delegation of the Venice Commission visited Pristina to meet with the (representatives of) the following authorities and other stakeholders:
• The Speaker and members of the Legislation Committee of the Assembly,
• the Ministry of Justice,
• the President of the Supreme Court, the Prosecutorial Council, the Judicial Council, the Office of the State Prosecutor,
• the Anti-Corruption Agency and... read more
By letter dated 4 March 2022, the President of the Assembly of Kosovo, Mr Glauk Konjufca, requested an opinion of the Venice Commission on the draft law No.088/L-121 on the State Bureau for Verification and Confiscation of Unjustified Assets.
The draft opinion will be submitted for adoption during the 131st plenary session (17-18 June 2022).
On 25 February 2022, Ms Albulena Haxhiu, the Minister of Justice of Kosovo, requested a follow-up opinion on the revised draft amendments to the Law on the Prosecutorial Council of Kosovo.
The draft opinion is on the agenda of the upcoming plenary session (Venice, 18-19 March 2022). It will be prepared under the Expertise Co-ordination Mechanism in the framework of the joint European Union and Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022”.
09/02/2022 - 10/02/2022
In the framework of the preparation of the draft opinion on the Concept Paper on the Vetting of Judges and Prosecutors of Kosovo, a delegation of the Venice Commission met with the following interlocutors:
• Legal team of the Office of the President,
• Minister of Justice and other governmental officials,
• Prosecution, Judicial and Prosecutorial Councils,
• Political parties,
• International community,
• civil society.
The draft opinion will be submitted for adoption during the March 2022 plenary session (18-19 March 2022).
17/11/2021 - 18/11/2021
Pristina – In the framework of the preparation of the draft opinion on the draft law amending Law no. 06/L-056 on the prosecutorial council of Kosovo, a delegation of the Venice Commission met with the representatives of the following interlocutors:
• Ministry of Justice,
• National Assembly Representatives,
• Prosecutorial Council and Chief Prosecutor’s Office,
• International community and NGOs representatives.
The request for this opinion was submitted by the Minister of Justice of Kosovo on 26 October 2021. ... read more
By letter of 26 October 2021, the Minister of Justice of Kosovo requested an opinion of the Venice Commission on the draft law amending and supplementing Law no. 06/L-056 on the Prosecutorial Council.
The draft opinion will be submitted for the adoption by the December 2021 plenary session (10-11 December 2021). It will be prepared under the Expertise Co-ordination Mechanism in the framework of the joint European Union and Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022”.
16/11/2020 - 17/11/2020
On 16 and 17 November 2020 the Venice Commission held online meetings with Kosovo authorities in the framework of the preparation of the draft opinion on the draft law on government upon the request by the Prime Minister submitted on 26 October 2020.
The draft opinion is planned for the adoption by the December 2020 plenary session.
The Prime Minister of Kosovo requested an opinion of the Venice Commission on the draft "Law on the Government of the Republic of Kosovo".
14/09/2020 - 15/09/2020
On 21 August 2020 the Prime Minister of Kosovo requested an opinion of the Venice Commission on the draft law on public gatherings.
In the framework of the preparation of the draft opinion on this draft law, the rapporteurs of the Venice Commission held a series of online meetings with the Kosovar authorities and other stakeholders on 14 and 15 September 2020.
The draft opinion will be submitted to October 2020 Plenary Session for adoption.
The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo requested an opinion of the Venice Commission on the draft law on public gatherings.
11/05, 29/05, 3-5/06/ 2020
By letter of 13 February 2020 then Prime Minister Kurti of the Republic of Kosovo requested an opinion of the Venice Commission on the draft amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC). In particular, the request is to assess whether the proposed amendments concerning trial in absentia (Article 306) and suspension of officials from office (Article 177) are compatible with the provisions of the Constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Its adoption is foreseen for the upcoming plenary session to take part from 18 to 19 June in written procedure.
As part of... read more
The authorities of Kosovo requested the Venice Commission to provide an opinion on the draft law on legal acts.
KOSOVO - High Level Workshop "Financing Political Parties"
Pristina - A member of the Venice Commission participated in the high-level workshop entitled "Financing of political parties" in Pristina, Kosovo on 4 October 2018. The workshop was organised by the Office of the European Union in Kosovo / Special Representative of the EU and the OSCE Mission in Kosovo.
14/05/2018 - 15/05/2018
Pristina - A delegation of the Venice Commission visited Kosovo to exchange views with the Kosovo authorities, representatives of the political parties, the civil society and the international organisations present in Kosovo. The topic of the discussions was the draft law on amending and supplementing the Law on Financing of Political Entities which is the subject of the Commission’s forthcoming draft opinion, to be adopted by the June 2018 plenary session.
This visit took place in the framework of "Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey", a Joint Programme funded b... read more
By letter dated 16 April 2018 the Prime Minister of Kosovo Mr Ramush Haradinaj requested the Venice Commission to provide an opinion on the draft law on amending and supplementing the Law on Financing of Political Entities. The draft opinion is on the agenda of the June 2018 plenary session of the Commission.
Kosovo - Information seminar on co-operation with the Venice Commission
Pristina – an information seminar is organised together with the Council of Europe Office in Pristina for the Constitutional Court as well as the Ministry of Justice of Kosovo. The aim of this seminar is to explain how co-operation with the Venice Commission works and how member states can request opinions and how constitutional courts may turn to the Venice Commission for an amicus curiae brief.
Pristina – The President of the Venice Commission participated in the Opening of the judicial Year of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo.
Kosovo – appointment of members
12 September 2014 Kosovo has officially become a full member of the Venice Commission. Mr Enver HASANI, President of the Constitutional Court, and Mr Arta RAMA, Judge at the Constitutional Court, were appointed as member and a substitute member respectively.
Kosovo becomes 60th member of Venice Commission
Council of Europe, Strasbourg - At the 1202nd meeting, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe examined a request from Kosovo for membership of the Enlarged Agreement establishing the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission). Noting that Kosovo's membership of the Venice Commission is without prejudice to the positions of individual Council of Europe member States on the status of Kosovo, the Deputies agreed to the request and invited Kosovo to appoint a member to sit on the Commission.
05/02/2014 - 06/02/2014
Pristina - A delegation of the Venice Commission is visiting Kosovo as part of the preparation, at the request of the Special Representative of the EU in Kosovo, of an opinion on a draft law amending the legislation on freedom of religion.
Rapporteurs of the Commission are to discuss the proposed amendments with local officials, representatives of different religious communities and of international institutions.
* - All references to Kosovo shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of... read more