Georgia - Training Session on holding and supervision of elections
18/12/2007 - 19/12/2007
In co-operation with the Central Election Commission of Georgia (CEC), the Venice Commission organised exchanges of views with both the CEC staff and NGOs representatives on the various stages of the electoral process and the difficulties that can arise in these situations.
Mr Jan Erik HELGESEN was elected President of the Venice Commission. He is the 2nd president in the history of the Commission.
Mr Helgesen has been a member of the Commission for Norway since its creation in 1990.
14/12/2007 - 15/12/2007
The Commission
- Paid tribute to the victims of the terror attack on Algeria of 11 December;
- Elected Mr Jan Helgesen, member in respect of Norway, as President of the Commission for a term of 2 years from the present session;
- Adopted the opinion on the draft law on “freedom of religion, religious organisations and mutual relations with the State” of Albania;
- Endorsed the comments on article 301 of the criminal code of Armenia;
- Held an exchange of views with Messrs Fuad Alesgerov and Chingiz Askarov, Administration of the President of Azerbaijan, and adopted th... read more
Armenia - Training Session on holding and supervision of elections
11/12/2007 - 13/12/2007
In co-operation with the Central Election Commission of Armenia (CEC), the Venice Commission organised exchanges of views with both the CEC staff and NGOs representatives on the various stages of the electoral process and the difficulties that can arise in these situations. This event has been organised with the financial support of Sweden.
Electoral law of the United Kingdom
London - A delegation of the Venice Commission meets the authorities of the United Kingdom, in particular the Electoral Commission and the Ministry of Justice, as well as specialists of elections, in the framework of the preparation of an opinion on the electoral law of the United Kingdom. This opinion was requested by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and addresses in particular the issues of registration of voters and postal voting.
Electoral Questions - Georgia - Assistance to the Central Electoral Commission
07/12/2007 - 07/01/2008
Tbilisi – At the request of the Central Election Commission of Georgia (CEC) and in light of the presidential election in Georgia, the Venice Commission made available a long-term expert in electoral law to the CEC. This expert assisted the CEC in increasing its activities plan related to the conduct of the presidential election of 5 January 2008.
Constitutional Justice - Romania
06/12/2007 - 07/12/2007
Bucharest - At the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Constitutional Court of Romania, the Venice Commission participates in the Conference on "The Constitutionalisation of political-legal life. The role of the Constitutional Courts"
Constitutional Justice - Southern African Judges Commission
06/12/2007 - 08/12/2007
Johannesburg – Together with the Constitutional Court of South Africa and the Southern African Judges Commission (SAJC), the Venice Commission organises a seminar for registrars of the member courts of the SAJC, which allows them to exchange on issues like case and docket management, budget, IT matters and other seminar issues between them or with registrars from various courts in South Africa. The co-operation programme of the Venice Commission with the SAJC is funded by the Irish Government.
The Ambassador of Norway, Torbjørn Frøysnes, and the Secretary of the Venice Commission, Gianni Buquicchio, signed an agreement on 4 December for the support by the Norwegian government of a co-operation programme between the Union of Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils (UACCC) and the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe.
This two-year programme will be financed by a Norwegian voluntary contribution of 180,000€ and will involve the constitutional courts of 13 Arab countries , members of the UACCC - an organisation created in 1997 at the initiative of the Constitutional ... read more
“The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” – Seminar on electoral standards regarding proxy and family voting
Skopje. The Venice Commission participated in a Seminar on electoral standards and international commitments pertaining to ballot secrecy aimed at bringing together key stakeholders to commit to fight illegal proxy and family voting, organised by the UNDP. Mr Vollan, Electoral consultant on behalf of the Venice Commission intervened on this occasion.
Constitutional Justice - French Speaking Countries
28/11/2007 - 30/11/2007
Strasbourg - The Association of Constitutional Courts using the French Language (ACCPUF) and the Venice Commission organise the Meeting of National Correspondents of the courts members of ACCPUF. The seminar deals with the preparation of contributions of ACCPUF to the CODICES database and communication between the courts and the public.
UniDem Campus Trieste Seminar "Concerted Efforts at the European Level to protect Ethnic, Linguistic
and National Minorities"(Trieste)
26/11/2007 - 29/11/2007
6th Meeting of the National Co-ordinators of UniDem Campus (Strasbourg)
16/11/2007 - 16/11/2007
Human Rights Institutions / Constitutional Justice
16/11/2007 - 17/11/2007
Lisbon – Together with the North South Centre of the Council of Europe and the Commissioner for Human Rights, the Venice Commission organises the Lisbon Forum 2007 on "National Human Rights Institutions - the Cornerstone of the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights". The Venice Commission particularly contributes to the debate on the relations between these institutions (ombudspersons and national human rights commissions) and constitutional and ordinary courts.
10th anniversary of the Central Electoral Commission of Ukraine
13/11/2007 - 14/11/2007
Kiev - On the invitation of the Chairman of the Central Electoral Commission of Ukraine representatives of the Venice Commission took part in the meeting celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Central Electoral Commission of Ukraine.
Azerbaijan- Electoral Code
07/11/2007 - 08/11/2007
Baku - The Venice Commission, in co-operation with the Central Electoral Commission of Azerbaijan and IFES, organises a round table on electoral complaints issues.. Representatives of the authorities and lawyers from political parties are expected at this event aimed at discussing the possible improvement of the complaints and appeals provisions of the Election Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Representatives of the Venice Commission also participate in a seminar on the problems of composition of electoral commissions.
Constitutional Justice- Conference on “The interaction of national courts with European courts”
06/11/2007 - 07/11/2007
Batumi, Georgia -This conference was organised by the Constitutional Court of Georgia in co-operation with the Venice Commission, USAID, the ABA Rule of Law Initiative and the Open Society Foundation.
The application of the European Convention on Human Rights by the courts in Austria, Georgia and Nordic countries were discussed as well as the impact of the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights on the national case-law of these countries.
Georgia – Electoral Reform
Vienna. - Representatives of the Parliament of Georgia, the OSCE/ODIHR and the Venice Commission as well as from the OSCE Mission and the Council of Europe Office in Georgia meet in Vienna to discuss on possible improvements of the Electoral Code concerning constituencies and electoral system.
Constitutional Justice - Union of Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils
Venice - Within the framework of its 72nd Plenary Session, the Venice Commission organises a mini-conference on the limits of constitutional control in the form of an exchange of views with the member courts of the Union of Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils.
19/10/2007 - 20/10/2007
The Commission proceeded to a preliminary consideration of the comments on the Constitution of Bulgaria and was informed on the progress made in the evaluation of the Constitution of Finland in view of its eventual revision.
The Commission was also briefed on the recent constitutional developments in Kyrgyzstan, on the draft Constitution of Montenegro and on the implementation of the new Constitution of Serbia.
Another point concerned the preparation of a new Constitution for Turkey: Professor Ergun Özbudun, the chairman of the academic commission drafting the new Cons... read more
Azerbaijan- Constitutional Co-operation
19/10/2007 - 20/10/2007
The Presidential administration of Azerbaijan asked the Venice Commission on 20 April 2007 to carry out an expert study on the "Draft Law on Amendments to 1998 Law on Freedom of Assembly". This will be a follow-up to the Opinion adopted last year by the Venice Commission on the 1998 Law on Freedom of Assembly (CDL-AD(2006)034).
Xth International Forum on Constitutional Review “Constitutional Principle of Social State and its application by the Constitutional Courts”
12/10/2007 - 13/10/2007
Moscow, Russia - This conference gathers together judges, professors, legal researchers and experts to address the issue of social rights and discuss the role of constitutional courts with respect to these rights.
Albania - Electoral systems: meeting of the Ad hoc Committee on electoral reform
Tirana- The Venice Commission is represented by Mr Michael Krennerich (expert, Germany) and Mr Pierre Garrone (Head of the Division of Elections and Referendums). The meeting focuses on the present electoral system and its shortcomings as well as on European experience in the field of proportional systems.
10/10/2007 - 11/10/2007
Seoul - A delegation of the Venice Commission participates in the 5th Conference of Asian Constitutional Court Judges in Seoul, which is organised by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Korea and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
Georgia – Electoral issues
Strasbourg – The Venice Commission meets high representatives of the Parliament of Georgia, including the Vice-Chairman of the Parliament, concerning the reform of the Electoral Code.
On this occasion, the Venice Commission invites the OSCE/ODIHR, the OSCE Mission and the Council of Europe Office in Tblisi to participate in this meeting. Ms Mirjana Lazarova-Trajkovska, Judge at the Constitutional Court of “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” and Member of the Venice Commission, and Ms Lidija Korac, Electoral expert, are the Venice Commission experts on this issue.
04/10/2007 - 06/10/2007
Yerevan - XIIth Yerevan International Conference:
"International experience of the cooperation between constitutional courts and Ombudsmen in the field of ensuring of and protecting human rights"
Russia - Seminar for international observers and advisers at the elections of public authorities
03/10/2007 - 05/10/2007
St- Petersbourg - Representatives of the Venice Commission take part in a seminar on election observation and assistance to electoral administrations organised by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Community of Independent States and the Central Electoral Commission of the Russian Federation.
Ukraine – Parliamentary elections
At the invitation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Venice Commission representative takes part in the Observation Mission of the Parliamentary Assembly as legal expert. His mandate is to advise the PACE delegation on the legal aspects of the elections.
Ukraine - Election observation
Kiev- The Venice Commission, in co-operation with the Ukrainian branch of the International society of Human Rights organises a training seminar for national observers involved in election observation in the penitentiary facilities during the 30 September 2007 parliamentary elections.
Training Seminar "Monitoring of the electoral process 2007 in penitentiary facilities of Ukraine" (Kyiv)
25/09/2007 - 25/09/2007
Strasbourg - 4th European conference of Electoral management bodies
20/09/2007 - 21/09/2007
The Venice Commission organises a conference of electoral management bodies on the subject: "Fighting against electoral fraud – Complaints and appeals procedures". Representatives of national authorities responsible for elections and international and regional organisations discuss such issues as definition of offences – striking the balance between administrative and criminal offences, distance voting – ensuring the secrecy of vote, and sanctions and proportionality principle.
Astana - In co-operation with the Kazakh Commissioner on Human Rights, the Venice Commission organises a conference on "Development of the Ombudsman Institution in the Republic of Kazakhstan" during which a delegation of the Commission presents the Commission’s opinion on the possible reform of this institution.
Association of European Election Officials (ACEEEO) - Professional education of electoral actors
18/09/2007 - 19/09/2007
The Venice Commission takes part in the annual Conference organised by Association of European Election Officials (ACEEEO) and contributes with a report on "The Venice Commission and the training in the electoral field"
Conference "Development of the Ombudsman Institution in Kazakhstan" (Astana)
18/09/2007 - 18/09/2007
Ukraine - Round table on election-related complains and appeals procedures
14/09/2007 - 15/09/2007
Kiev - The High administrative court of Ukraine and the Venice Commission organise a round table for judges of ordinary and administrative courts on issues related to complaints and appeals procedures during the elections.
UniDem Campus Trieste Seminar "European Integration - Constitutional and Legal Reforms" (Trieste)
10/09/2007 - 13/09/2007
Estonia - Constitutional Justice
06/09/2007 - 07/09/2007
Tallinn – The Supreme Court of Estonia and the Venice Commission organise a seminar on “Political questions in constitutional review: what is the dividing line between interference with policy-making and routine constitutional review?”
Constitutional Justice - Union of Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils
Algiers - The Venice Commission participates in the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Union of Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils and the Opening of the new seat of the Constitutional Council of Algeria.
28/08/2007 - 29/08/2007
Jerusalem / Ramallah - A delegation of the Venice Commission meets the Chief Justice of Israel as well as the Chief Justice and Minister of Justice of the Palestinian Authority, international donors in the field of the judiciary and NGOs within its programme of co-operation with the Union of Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils, which is funded by the Government of Norway.
The President of the Venice Commission, Mr Antonio La Pergola, passed away in Rome on 18 July 2007. The Venice Commission was set up at his initiative and he was its President from the outset in 1990. He will be greatly missed.
Conference on “The jurisdiction of the constitutional court and the European Court of Human Rights in conflict zones”
06/07/2007 - 07/07/2007
Batumi, Georgia - This conference celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Constitutional Court of Georgia. It is organised in co-operation with the Technical Co-operation Department of the Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs of the Council of Europe, the Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ, German Society for Technical Co-operation) and the OSCE.
Discussions focus on the difficult issue of conflict zones in the 21st century and the jurisdiction of courts in such zones, notably the discrepancy between the de facto and de jure situations.
"The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" - Workshop on amendments to electoral legislation
06/07/2007 - 07/07/2007
Ohrid - The Venice Commission takes part in a conference organised by the OSCE on three crucial issues on electoral matters: voters’ registration; fight against electoral irregularities and legal protection; and financing of electoral campaigns. Mr Kåre Vollan is the electoral expert who represents the Venice Commission; he intervenes on the the two topics.
Algeria becomes a member of the Venice Commission
On 4 July, the Ministers' Deputies accepted Algeria's request to join the Venice Commission and invited the country to designate a member to participate at its meetings.
25/06/2007 - 27/06/2007
Graz - The Venice Commission contributes to the work of the Consultative Council of European Judges of the Council of Europe, which prepares an opinion on judicial councils and participates in a conference organised by the Austrian Association of Judges on this topic.
Paris- The Venice Commission will meet representatives of the Presidential administration of Azerbaijan, together with representatives of the OSCE, to examine draft amendments to the the 1998 Law on Freedom of Assembly in Azerbaijan. This is a follow-up to the Opinion adopted by theVenice Commission in october 2006 (CDL-AD(2006)034)
19/06/2007 - 20/06/2007
Skopje – The Venice Commission of the Council of Europe organises in co-operation with the State Election Commission, the Association of European Election Officials (ACEEEO) and the International Foundation for Election systems (IFES) a Regional Meeting of Balkan Election Officials.
International and domestic experts intervene on the following: Civic Education for Voters; Political Party Financing Regulations and Enforcement; Voter List, Civil Registry, Addresses and Mapping.
Ms Mirjana Lazarova Trajkovska, member of the Venice Commission, Judge at the Constitutional Cou... read more
11/06/2007 - 15/06/2007
The Venice Commission takes part actively in the VIIth World Congress of Constitutional Law, on the theme “Rethinking the Boundaries of Constitutional Law”
In this framework,
- Mr Bianku (member of the Commission, Albania) presents a contribution to workshop 1 (“Popular involvement in Constitution-making?)
- Mr Paczolay (member of the Commission, Hungary), presents a contribution to workshop 3 (“Electoral systems: striking a balance between legitimacy and political instability”)
- Mr Scholsem (deputy member of the Commission, Belgium), presents a contribu... read more
11/06/2007 - 14/06/2007
Trieste - Palazzo del Ferdinandeo, MIB School of Management. Civil servants from 16 countries will attend a seminar on legislative evaluation, a topic that is essential for the rule of law. They will learn about the topic through lectures and workshops and will have the opportunity to share experiences. The lecturers’ reports will be available online shortly after the seminar.
07/06/2007 - 08/06/2007
A delegation of the Venice Commission, including Messrs Bartole (substitute member, Italy), Dimitrijevic (member, Serbia), Jensen (substitute member, Denmark), Paczolay (member, Hungary), Buquicchio (secretary of the Commission) and Garrone (head of division) visits Finland on 7-8 June in the framework of the evaluation of the Finnish Constitution. They meet representatives of the legislative, executive and judicial power as well as of the academic world.
01/06/2007 - 02/06/2007
The Council of Europe’s European Commission for Democracy through Law (the “Venice Commission”) met in Venice on 1 and 2 June (Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista). This was its 71st session since it was set up in 1990.
The Commission examined a number of important legal texts from different countries and the adopted several opinions. For example, the Commission adopted a report on the democratic control of security services in Council of Europe member States that was prepared at the request of the Committee of Ministers, but also an opinion on the video surveillance by... read more
Constitutional Justice
29/05/2007 - 30/05/2007
Venice – The Commission’s Joint Council on Constitutional Justice holds its 6th meeting and a mini-conference on “proportionality”
Annual report of activities 2006
Mr Mifsud Bonnici, Vice–President of the Venice Commission presents the the Commission's Annual report of activities 2006 to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.
5th Asia-Europe Roundtable - Singapore
23/05/2007 - 25/05/2007
The Venice Commission takes part in the 5th Asia-Europe Roundtable "Sustaining the Peace through Post-Conflict Reconstruction".
21/05/2007 - 22/05/2007
The Venice Commission takes part in a Conference “on promoting transparence and accountability of political parties in the Republic of Moldova” in Chisinau, Moldova.
This Conference is co-organised by the Council of Europe’s Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs and Venice Commission , the European Commission, the OSCE-ODIHR and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, and is welcomed by the Parliament of Moldova.
Messrs Hans Heinrich Vogel, Venice Commission Member, Sweden, and Gael Martin-Micallef, from the Secretariat, are the represen... read more
UniDem Seminar - Minorities - Zagreb
18/05/2007 - 19/05/2007
The Venice Commission organises, in co-operation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Croatia, its next UniDem Seminar on "The Participation of Minorities in Public Life" on 18-19 May 2007 in the old City Hall of Zagreb. Information and registration at the Secretariat ( ; Tél + 33 3 88 41 20 67)
14/05/2007 - 16/05/2007
Almaty, Astana - Representatives of the Venice Commission will visit Kazakhstan on the invitation of the authorities and discuss the issues of the planned constitutional reform in Kazakhstan, possible reform of the ombudsman institution, as well as some issues of co-operation between the authorities and the Commission in 2007.
Armenia - Parliamentary elections
09/05/2007 - 13/05/2007
At the invitation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Venice Commission representatives take part in the Observation Mission of the Parliamentary Assembly as legal experts. Their mandate is to advise the PACE delegation on the legal aspects of the elections.
03/05/2007 - 05/05/2007
Tbilisi – The Venice Commission meets the Working group on the reform of the Electoral Code. This group is composed of members of the parliament from various political forces and tends to improve the Electoral Code, on the basis of the recommendations of the Venice Commission and the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the OSCE.
On this occasion, Ms Lidija Korac, Electoral expert, and Mr Gaël Martin-Micallef, Programme officer of the Venice Commission Secretariat meet the Georgian authorities, -Minister of Justice, Vice-Chairman of the Parliament, Chairman of the... read more
Armenia - Electoral issues
25/04/2007 - 26/04/2007
Tsakhkadzor - In the framework of the Special Action Plan to support 2007 Elections in Armenia, the Venice Commission organises a seminar on holding and supervision of elections.
Messrs Didier Vinolas (France) and André Kvakkestad (Norway), international experts, and Mr Gaël Martin-Micallef, member of the Secretariat, provide the participants with their experience and knowledge on the most appropriate manner how to observe the election day by domestic observers. In this respect, a non governmental organisation, named "Justice" is mainly invited, composed of young domestic observers.
12/04/2007 - 13/04/2007
Athens - The Venice Commission participates in the 10th Round Table of European Ombudsmen and the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights.
Meeting with the authorities on the draft law on amendments to the Electoral Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan
11/04/2007 - 12/04/2007
Baku - Representatives of the Venice Commission, OSCE/ODIHR and IFES met with the authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan for an exchange of views on the draft law amending the Election Code of Azerbaijan. The discussion focussed on issues such as complaints and appeals procedures, deregistration of candidates, use of invisible ink and election campaign coverage by the media. The participants agreed to meet in Strasbourg in May 2007 in order to discuss some remaining issues, notably the composition of the electoral commissions.
Electoral Questions - Armenia - Assistance to the Central Electoral Commission
03/04/2007 - 13/04/2007
Yerevan - In the framework of the Council of Europe Action plan for Armenia and in the light of the forthcoming legislative elections in Armenia, the Venice Commission makes available an expert in electoral law to the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) of Armenia. This expert notably helps the CEC to increase its independence and to plan its activities related to the conduct of the legislative elections of 12 May 2007.
Constitutional Justice- Conference on “Constitutionalism: The key to Democracy, Human Rights and the Rule of Law”
30/03/2007 - 01/04/2007
Maseru, Lesotho Sun Hotel – The Southern African Judges Commission (SAJC) is organising, in co-operation with the Venice Commission, a conference on “Constitutionalism: the key to democracy, human rights and the rule of law”. This event brings together Chief Justices from the 15 court members of the SAJC to discuss and share experiences on this important topic. On this occasion, the SAJC and the Venice Commission discuss a framework for co-operation.
Washington DC, Federal Election Commission - The Venice Commission takes part in a Seminar entitled “Setting Global Standards in Political Finance”, organised by the United States Federal Election Commission (FEC) and IFES. This seminar addresses the following issues:
- Disclosure: How much should the public know?
- Enforcement: What tools are needed?
- Political Finance in Troubled Democracies: State Capture and Post-Conflict Environments.
27/03/2007 - 29/03/2007
Washington DC, Westin Grand - The Venice Commission is represented at the Global Electoral Conference organised by IFES under the title “Every Vote Counts”, to which organisations dealing with electoral assistance in various parts of the world will take part.
The themes to be discussed include:
- Electronic Voting,
- Resolution of Election Disputes,
- Tracking Political Money in Elections,
- Media and Elections and
- Effective Electoral Assistance
Electoral questions – Media coverage
26/03/2007 - 27/03/2007
Strasbourg - Representatives of the Venice Commission attends the 7th meeting of the Council of Europe Group of experts on human rights in the information society (MC-S-IS) concerning the revision of the Committee of Ministers’ Recommendation R(99)15 on media coverage of election campaigns.
26/03/2007 - 27/03/2007
Rome - The Venice Commission participates in the 3rd Conference of European Judges
Ukraine- Electoral legislation
Kiev - Representatives of the Venice Commission will participate in a round table on ‘Ways of optimizing the election system for parliamentary and local elections in Ukraine’ organised by the the Election Law Institute together with the Committee of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on State Building, Regional Policy and Local Self-Government with the support of the OSCE.
16/03/2007 - 17/03/2007
The Council of Europe’s European Commission for Democracy through Law (the “Venice Commission”) has met in Venice (Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista). This was its 70th session since it was set up in 1990.
The Commission adopted a report on blasphemy, religious insults and inciting religious hatred. Another point on the agenda concerned the extent to which video surveillance is compatible with respect for human rights. These questions were submitted to the Venice Commission by the Parliamentary Assembly.
Terry Davis, Council of Europe Secretary General, and Fiore... read more
“The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” – Opinion on a draft law
06/03/2007 - 07/03/2007
Skopje - Meeting between the representatives of the Venice Commission and the authorities on the draft law on the legal status of a church, religious community and religious group.
Denmark - new members
Appointment of Mr Jørgen Steen SØRENSEN as member and Mr Michael Hansen JENSEN as substitute member of the Commission in respect of Denmark.
19/02/2007 - 21/02/2007
Strasbourg- Training for a delegation of the Constitutional Court of Gabon and the Vice-President of the Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt in the preparation of decisions of the member courts of ACCPUF for their inclusion in CODICES.
Ukraine - request for opinion
The Committee on State Building, Regional Policy and Local Self-Government of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine requested an opinion of the Venice Commission on the draft law on the State Voters Register of Ukraine.
Ukraine- Constitutional Reform
16/02/2007 - 18/02/2007
Odessa - Representatives of the Venice Commission participate in a public forum on “Constitutional Reform – The view of the Civil Society”
Parliamentary dimension of election observation: applying common standards - conference
15/02/2007 - 16/02/2007
Strasbourg – Mr Ugo Mifsud Bonnici, Vice-President of the Venice Commission and former President of the Republic of Malta, delivers a Keynote statement on “The European Convention on Human Rights and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights in the electoral field”, in the framework of the Conference on the parliamentary dimension of election observation organised by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.
Ukraine - Judiciary
12/02/2007 - 13/02/2007
Kyiv – In the framework of the preparation of an opinion on the Ukrainian draft laws on the judiciary and on the status of judges, the rapporteurs of the Venice Commission participate in a round table on these subjects.
Electoral issues – international workshop "Strengthening Political Parties for Democracy -
Challenges for International Assistance"
Stockholm - At the invitation of the International IDEA a Venice Commission representative participates in a workshop hosted by International IDEA and UNDP’s Democratic Governance Group for leading experts and practitioners. The aim of the workshop is to assess the current state of development in international assistance to parties in developing democracies and to seek new ways and platforms to improve the field work.
Serbia – Parliamentary elections
At the invitation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Venice Commission representatives take part in the Observation Mission of the Parliamentary Assembly as legal experts. Their mandate is to advise the PACE delegation on the legal aspects of the elections.
Liechtenstein - New members
Appointment of Mr Harry GSTÖHL as member and Mr Wilfred HOOP as substitute member in respect of Liechtenstein.
In the light of the request for opinion from the President of the Parliament of Moldova on the Draft Political Parties Act of Moldova, the Venice Commission and the Technical Co-operation Division of the Department of Crime Problems, Directorate General of Legal Affairs of teh Council of Europe, jointly prepare an opinion on this draft.
The above-mentioned joint draft opinion is being prepared in close contact with the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the OSCE, which should also provide its analysis. The joint draft opinion will be submitted for adoption to th... read more