Workshop on the constitutional court in a state ruled by law (Baku)
04/12/1997 - 05/12/1997
Séminaire international sur le "Contrôle de la constitutionnalité
et la protection des Droits de l'Homme"
22/10/1997 - 24/10/1997
Conference on "Five years of the Estonian Constitution" (Tallin)
26/09/1997 - 27/09/1997
UniDem Seminar "Law and foreign policy" (Santorini)
26/09/1997 - 27/09/1997
Workshop on the Relationship of Central Constitutional Courts and Constitutional Courts of Federated Entities (Petrozavodsk)
22/09/1997 - 24/09/1997
Workshop on "the Functioning of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia" (Riga)
03/07/1997 - 04/07/1997