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Ukraine - country visit - forthcoming opinion on the Draft Law on Languages

16/02/2011 - 18/02/2011

Kyiv - At the request of the Speaker of the Parliament of Ukraine dated 17 November 2010, the Venice Commission is assessing the Draft Law on Languages in Ukraine. To this end, a delegation of the Commission meets with the national authorities and other stakeholders.

In order to obtain more background information on this draft Law, a delegation of the Venice Commission conducts a visit to Ukraine to meet with the national authorities and other relevant stakeholders on 16 -18 February 2011.

During the visit, the delegation holds discussions on the draft law under consideration, as well as, more broadly, on Ukraine’s linguistic policy and related legal framework, with the initiators of the draft, as well as with the Parliamentary Committee on Culture and Spirituality, the Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights, National Minorities and Ethnic Relations, and with representatives of the executive (Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Foreign Affairs). The delegation will also meet representatives of the civil society, including human rights/national minorities NGOs and academics.

The Venice Commission delegation is composed of:
• Sergio BARTOLE, Rapporteur, Italian substitute member,
• Jan VELAERS, Rapporteur, Belgian member and
• Artemiza-Tatiana CHISCA, Head of the Democratic Institutions and Fundamental Rights Division of the Venice Commission’s Secretariat.

At the request of the Speaker of the Parliament of Ukraine dated 17 November 2010, the Venice Commission is assessing the Draft Law on Languages in Ukraine. Following this visit, a draft opinion will be prepared by the Rapporteurs and submitted to the Venice Commission for its possible adoption at its forthcoming plenary session in Venice, 25-26 March 2011.



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