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Georgia, Electoral Reform – National workshop on the decentralization strategy

08/02/2006 - 09/02/2006

Tbilisi, Parliament - Mr Pierre Garrone, Head of the Elections and Referendums Division of the Secretariat of the Venice Commission, participated in the National workshop on the decentralization strategy of Georgia, which took place in the Parliament of Georgia, on 8-9 February 2006.

The workshop falls within the framework of the current electoral reform in Georgia.
Around 30 participants attended this workshop, inter alia, members of Parliament, representatives of the government, the Central Election Commission, non governmental organisations, as well as the international community present in Georgia such as the OSCE.

The Venice Commission provided a first opinion on the electoral system of the Capital (CDL-AD(2005)042). A joint opinion with OSCE/ODIHR, related to other amendments to the Election Code, will be issued in a few weeks.



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