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Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopts a declaration on the Code of Good Practice in Electoral Matters


Strasbourg, Council of Europe - At the 114th session of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, the Ministers (of Foreign Affairs) adopted a Declaration on the Code of Good Practice in Electoral Matters drawn up by the Venice Commission. They reaffirmed the importance they attached to ensuring that elections are held in conformity with the principles of the European electoral heritage: universal, equal, free, secret and direct suffrage. They underlined that the principles of Europe's electoral heritage may be implemented only if certain conditions are fulfilled, in particular respect for fundamental rights, the impartial organisation of elections and an effective system of appeal.

The Code of Good Practice in Electoral Matters was the first document drafted by the Council for Democratic Elections, a body specialised in electoral matters including members of the Venice Commission, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe. Since, the Council for Democratic Elections elaborated inter alia the election evaluation guide, reports on election systems and on the compatibility of remote voting and electronic voting with the standards of the Council of Europe, as well as recommendations on the electoral law and the electoral administration in several member states. It is now working on referendums and media and election observation.



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