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5th General Assembly of the Arab EMBs and international conference on “Youth participation in political life in the Arab region”

22/08/2022 - 24/08/2022

Amman, Jordan – The Organisation of Electoral Management Bodies (EMBs) of Arab countries, assisted by the UN Development Programme’s Regional Electoral Support Project (UNDP), the Arab network for Youth in elections and the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs of the UN (DPPA) organised the 5th General Assembly of Arab EMBs which was followed by an international conference on “Youth participation in political life in the Arab region”.

These events took place in Amman, Jordan, on 22-24 August 2022. The main objective of the conference was to facilitate the exchange of experiences, expertise and good practices among electoral management bodies and Civil society organisations (CSOs) in the Arab region on youth participation in elections, including by identifying the gaps and challenges for meaningful participation of youth and the ways that EMBs and CSOs can collaborate to overcome these challenges. The Arab Youth Network in Elections, which aims to promote youth participation in the electoral process, was officially launched on this occasion.

Representatives of the Venice Commission participated in the General Assembly and in the conference.



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