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Activities by year: 2008

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Kyrgyzstan - National Conference on electoral process

17/12/2008 - 17/12/2008
Bishkek - Representatives of the Venice Commission take part in the discussion on the possible reform of Election Code and electoral practice in Kyrgyzstan

"the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" - Electoral Seminar with the State Election Commission

16/12/2008 - 17/12/2008
Skopje - The Venice Commission holds a seminar, in co-operation with the State Election Commission, in order to discuss various electoral topics in the context of the forthcoming presidential and local elections. The main question leading the debates is: how to prepare the elections so that they are credible and fair?

77th Plenary Session of the Commission (Venice)

12/12/2008 - 13/12/2008
The Commission
- Held an exchange of views with the representatives of the Committee of Ministers and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe;
- adopted the opinion on the amendments to the Constitution of Albania;
- adopted the opinion on the draft amendments to the law on political parties of Bulgaria;
- held an exchange of views with Mr Mikheil Machavariani, first deputy Chairman of the parliament of Georgia, with Mr Akaki Minashvili, Deputy Chairman of the Legal Issues Committee of the parliament and with Mr Dimiry Dzagnidze, Deputy Minister of Justice,... read more

Kazakhstan - Constitutional Justice

Astana - The Commission organised together with the Constitutional Council and the Ombudsman of Kazakhstan a Conference on "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its implementation in the Constitution of Kazakhstan" on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of this Declaration

Conference on the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its fundamental principles -implementation in the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (Astana)

02/12/2008 - 02/12/2008

Conference on "International Standards of Financing of Political Parties and Election Campaigns" (Astana)

01/12/2008 - 01/12/2008

Kazakhstan - Conference on financing of political parties

Astana - The Venice Commission in co-operation with the Legal Policy Research Centre organises a conference on international standards on financing of political parties and election campaigns.

Moldova - Seminar for judges on electoral disputes

24/11/2008 - 25/11/2008
Chisinau - Seminar for judges on electoral disputes - The main objective of this activity is to discuss the electoral complaints and appeals procedures.

Meetings with the Minister of Employment and Social Policy, with the Minister of Justice and other authorities on the draft law prohibiting discrimination

24/11/2008 - 26/11/2008
Venice Commission and ODIHR representatives will hold a series of meetings with the authorities of "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" with a view to preparing a joint assessment of the draft law on prohibition of discrimination.

Request for opinion - "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" - Election Code

In the framework of the co-operation between "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" and the Venice Commission, the Commission and the ODIHR of the OSCE will carry out an assessment of the country's Election Code.

FYROM- Request for opinion

Request by the Monitoring Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly to assess the Rules of procedure of the Asembly of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

5th European conference of electoral management bodies

20/11/2008 - 21/11/2008
Brussels - The Venice Commission organises this annual conference on the subject of remote voting, in co-operation with the Ministry of Interior of Belgium.

The participants will discuss different experiences of organising remote voting, such as e-voting, postal voting, voting in embassies, etc.

South Caucasus - Judiciary

19/11/2008 - 20/11/2008
Tbilisi - The Commission participates in the regional conference under the Swedish Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers on "Rule of Law in the South Caucasus – Achievements and Challenges for Judicial Professions"

Malta - UniDem seminar on cancellation of election results

14/11/2008 - 15/11/2008
Valletta - The Venice Commission organises, in co-operation with the Constitutional Court and the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs, a UniDem (Universities for Democracy) seminar on cancellation of election results. This seminar is principally targeted to members of Constitutional and Supreme Courts in charge of electoral disputes.

Union of Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils

10/11/2008 - 11/11/2008
Sanaa, Yemen - A delegation of the Venice Commission participated in the Fifth Plenary of the Scientific Symposium of the Union of Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils on "Constitutional Principles Securing a Fair Trial".

Lisbon Forum 2008 - Human Rights

10/11/2008 - 11/11/2008
The Venice Commission has assisted the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe in the preparation of the 2008 Lisbon Forum (10 – 11 November 2008) in partnership with the Alliance of Civilizations. This year’s topic will be:

“The principle of universality of human rights and its implementation at international and regional level”.

The forum will be devoted to an analysis of the situation 60 years after the proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1948.

France - Constitution

Paris - The Commission participates in the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the French Constitution.

Moldova - Electoral matters

Tiraspol - A delegation of the Venice Commission visits Tiraspol in order to explore the possibilities for a seminar in the electoral field bringing together experts from both banks of the river Nistru.

Moldova - Capacity building programme for the Central Election Commission and the civil society of Moldova

30/10/2008 - 30/10/2008
Chisinau - Capacity building programme for the Central Election Commission and the civil society of Moldova - The objective of this action is to assist the electoral administration, through the Central Election Commission of Moldova, in ensuring capacity-building and the efficient functioning of the electoral commissions. For this purpose, the Council of Europe Venice Commission organises a seminar for the electoral administration’s staff and members, as well as for the NGOs accredited to observe the elections.

Algeria - Constitutional Justice

30/10/2008 - 31/10/2008
Algiers - Conference on "Constitutional Interpretation" and prepratory meeting for the World Conference on Constitutional Justice.

Constitutional Justice - Palestinian National Authority

25/10/2008 - 26/10/2008
Ramallah - In cooperation with the Ministry of Justice of the Palestinian National Authority, the Venice Commisison is organising a seminar on "Models of Constitutional Jurisdiction"

76th Plenary Session of the Commission (Venice)

17/10/2008 - 18/10/2008
The Commission adopted a report on blasphemy, religious insult and incitement to religious hatred.

At the request of the Parliamentary Assembly the Commission started to examine recently adopted constitutional amendments in Albania and the Turkish rules on the prohibition of political parties. The respective opinions will be adopted at the next session of the Commission in December.

Other points submitted for adoption included:

· the amicus curiae brief for the European Court of Human Rights on the compatibility of certain provisions of the Constitution of Bo... read more

Council of Europe Forum for the future of Democracy

15/10/2008 - 17/10/2008
Madrid - A member of the Venice Commission takes part in the Forum and delivers a report on the "The Work of the Venice Commission on Electronic Democracy, Particularly E-Voting"

Azerbaijan - Presidential elections

13/10/2008 - 16/10/2008
Azerbaijan - At the invitation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), a Venice Commission expert and a member of the Secretariat take part in the Observation Mission of the Parliamentary Assembly as legal experts. Their mandate is to advise the PACE delegation on the legal aspects of the elections.

Armenia - Constitutional Justice

03/10/2008 - 04/10/2008
Yerevan - XIIIth International Yerevan Conference in co-operation wih the Constitutional Court of Armenia on "Fundamental Constitutional Principles and Public Practice"

Direct democracy - Conference

02/10/2008 - 03/10/2008
Aarau - The Venice Commission is represented in a conference on direct democracy organised by the Initiative and Referendum Institute Europe (IRI) and the Centre for Research on Direct Democracy (C2D). The interventions of representatives of the Commission focus on "Direct-democracy European-style - the recommendations of the Council of Europe" (Pierre Garrone) and "Popular referendums in post-communist countries as a constraint on representative government" (Peter Paczolay).

Warsaw-2008 Human Dimension Implementation meeting- OSCE-ODIHR

29/09/2008 - 10/10/2008
The Venice Commisison will be represented at the working session 1 on '"Rule of law", working session 3 " on "Fundamental freedoms", working sessions 12-13 on " Freedom of religion and belief".

Azerbaijan, Presidential Elections

23/09/2008 - 11/10/2008
On the request from the Central Electoral Commission of Azerbaijan, the Venice Commission sends an electoral expert who assist the Commission in preparation for the vote.

Romania - ACEEEO (Association of European Election Officials) Conference and General Assembly Meeting

11/09/2008 - 13/09/2008
The Venice Commission is represented at the annual Conference and General Assembly Meeting of the ACEEEO (Association of European Election Officials), dedicated to the theme "Ensuring security of elections".

Czech Republic - Constitutional Justice

10/09/2008 - 11/09/2008
Brno - The Commission participates in the celebration of the 15th Anniversary of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic.

Bosnia and Herzegovina - Seminar on electoral standards

10/09/2008 - 10/09/2008
The Central Electoral Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Venice Commission co-organise a seminar on electoral standards. This activity involves members of electoral commissions of different levels and focuses on different issues concerning the forthcoming elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The participants will have an opportunity to discuss the existing international electoral standards and their practical implementation during the electoral process.

Republic of Korea - Constitutional Justice

01/09/2008 - 04/09/2008
Seoul - Preparatory meeting for the World Conference of Constitutional Justice and participation in the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Korea

Azerbaijan - Electoral practice

21/08/2008 - 26/08/2008
The Venice Commission in co-operation with the Central Electoral Commission of Azerbaijan and IFES organised 2 training seminars on the new complaints and appeals procedures for the members of the expert groups created on the level of territorial electoral commissions.

OSCE Chairmanship Seminar on Election Related Issues

21/07/2008 - 22/07/2008
Vienna - The Venice Commission takes part in the OSCE Chairmanship Seminar on Election Related Issues

Azerbaijan - Constitutional Justice

14/07/2008 - 15/07/2008
Baku - Conference in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan on the "Execution of decisions of the Constitutional Court" on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Court.

Azerbaijan - Elections - Training seminar for territorial election commissions

14/07/2008 - 17/07/2008
Baku - The Venice Commission co-organises with the Central Election Commission a training seminar for territorial election commissions of Azerbaijan , in co-operation with IFES (about 250 participants)

Commonwealth - Constitutional Justice

07/07/2008 - 10/07/2008
Edinburgh - The Commission participated in the 2008 Meeting of Commonwealth Law Ministers and Senior Officials.

OSCE, Council of Europe: amendments to Kyrgyzstan’s assembly law raise serious concerns

Warsaw/Strasbourg - The amendments to Kyrgyzstan’s assembly law passed by Parliament on 13 June raise a number of serious concerns, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and the Council of Europe’s Venice Commission said in a joint opinion released on Friday.

“If signed into law, the changes would present a setback from the law before amendment. We therefore call on all stakeholders in the legislative process to take into account the recommendations made in our report and thus ensure that the amendments are in line with international standards,” said ... read more

Joint Council on Constitutional Justice

26/06/2008 - 27/06/2008
Tirana – Upon invitation by the Constitutional Court of Albania, the Joint Council on Constitutional Justice of the Venice Commission holds its 7th meeting in Tirana.

Russia - Constitutional Justice

20/06/2008 - 21/06/2008
Moscow - In co-operation with the Moscow Institute for Public Law and Policy and under the auspices of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Commission organises a conference on "Constitutional values".

Georgia - Constitutional Justice

19/06/2008 - 20/06/2008
Batumi – In co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Georgia and the German Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), the Venice Commission organised a Conference on "Constitutional Justice and the Rule of Law in the South Caucasus". Important issues on constitutional justice in the South Caucasus were discussed during the Conference. Additionally, representatives from neighbouring and new EU member countries shared their experiences on certain issues.

Montenegro - Opinion on the draft law on the Constitutional Court

16/06/2008 - 17/06/2008
Podgorica - Within the framework of the preparation of an opinion on the draft law on the Constitutional Court of Montenegro, the Commission will hold several meetings with the authorities, as well as a public meeting organised in co-operation with the OSCE.

75th Plenary Session of the Commission (Venice)

13/06/2008 - 14/06/2008
The Commission adopted a draft joint opinion by the Venice Commission and OSCE/ODIHR on the amendments of 17 March 2008 to the law on conducting meetings in Armenia.

Another important point on the agenda concerned the report on dual voting rights for persons belonging to national minorities, an issue which was referred to the Venice Commission by the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities.

The Commission also adopted: :
- the draft opinion on the draft amendments to the Constitution of the Republika Srpska;
- the draft opinion on the draft Constitution... read more

Constitutional Justice

03/06/2008 - 06/06/2008
Vilnius - The Commission participates in the XIVth Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts on “Problems of Legislative Omission in Constitutional Jurisprudence”, Vilnius

UniDem Campus - The effectiveness of public administration and its Europeanization

03/06/2008 - 05/06/2008
Trieste - The Venice Commission is organising a UniDem Campus seminar on “The effectiveness of public administration and its Europeanization”. Lectures and workshops are planned on the simplification of procedures, e-administration, the Europeanization of public administration, “good governance” and public administration performance measurement.

"The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" - Legal Advice to the Parliamentary Assembly

30/05/2008 - 02/06/2008
Skopje - At the invitation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), an expert of Venice Commission took part to the Observation Mission of the Parliamentary Assembly as legal advisor during the 1st of June Parliamentary elections. His mandate was to advise the PACE delegation on the legal aspects of the elections.

Ukraine - Constitutional reform

Kyiv - A delegation of the Venice Commission will have a meeting with the National Constitutional Council of Ukraine to discuss the Council's Draft concept paper on constitutional reform.

Moldova- Expert meeting on Human Rights and Democracy Issues

29/05/2008 - 29/05/2008
The Venice Commission took part in an Expert meeting organised by the European Commission on Human Rights and democracy issues. It addressed in particular the issue of the amendments to the electoral code and to the law on political parties necessary in order to ensure full compliance with international standards.

Kyrgyzstan - Judiciary

27/05/2008 - 28/05/2008
Bishkek – In co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Kyrgyzstan, the Commission organizes a conference on “The Rule of Law and Independence of the Judiciary as the Guarantees of Sustainability of Democratic Institutions”

Information session

Strasbourg - The Venice Commission will organise an Information session on its activities for the Diplomatic Corps and Judges of the European Court of Human Rights.

Georgia - Electoral issues

19/05/2008 - 22/05/2008
Tbilisi - At the invitation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), a Venice Commission Member and a member of the Secretariat take part in the Observation Mission of the Parliamentary Elections as legal experts. Their mandate is to advise the PACE delegation on the legal aspects of the elections.

Ukraine - Constitutional Justice

16/05/2008 - 17/05/2008
Kyiv - The Venice Commission organises together with the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine an international conference on "The Constitutional Court in the System of State Bodies: Crucial Problems and Ways to resolve them".

Annual report 2007

Strasbourg - The President of the Venice Commission, Jan Helgesen, presents the Commission's 2007 annual report to the Ministers' Deputies.


The Committee of Ministers approved the request by the Tunisian Republic to become a member of the Venice Commission and granted special co-operation status to the Palestinian National Authority.

Constitutional Justice - OSCE / ODIHR

14/05/2008 - 16/05/2008
Warsaw - The Venice Commission participated in the ODIHR Human Dimension Seminar on Constitutional Justice.

Serbia - Electoral issues

10/05/2008 - 12/05/2008
Belgrade - At the invitation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), the Venice Commission advises the PACE delegation observing the parliamentary elections on the legal aspects of elections.

Georgia - Electoral issues - Workshop on the holding and supervision of elections

Tbilisi - The workshop, organised in co-operation with the Georgian Young Lawyers' Association (GYLA), aims at disseminating the principles of the European electoral heritage, in particular those related to observation on voting day, by training the NGOs involved in the observation process.

Georgia - Electoral issues - Seminar for judges on electoral disputes

Tbilisi - This seminar, organised in co-operation with the High School of Justice, will give the participants the opportunity to discuss electoral complaints and appeal procedures with judges dealing with electoral disputes.

France - National Assembly : WEU Conference

Paris - At the invitation of the Interpaliamentary European Security and Defence Assembly and in the framework of the report on the democratic control of the armed forces, a member of the Secretariat will attend the Conference on " Strategic choices for Security and Defence in Europe".

Georgia - Electoral issues - Capacity-building programme for the Central Election Commission

28/04/2008 - 25/05/2008
Tbilisi - This assistance mission to the Central Election Commission of Georgia (CEC) aims to assist the electoral administration, through the CEC, by providing a high-level international electoral expert on legal and technical issues in the preparation of the Parliamentary elections (21 May 2008).

Russian Federation - Electoral issues - Constitutional guarantees for electoral rights

28/04/2008 - 29/04/2008
Moscow - The Venice Commission organises a seminar on "Constitutional guarantees for electoral rights" with the Moscow International Institute for Foreign Relations

UniDem Seminar "Cancellation of the results of elections" (Skopje)

25/04/2008 - 26/04/2008

Seminar on "The use of international instruments for protecting individual rights, freedoms and legitimate interests through national legislation and the right to legal defence in Belarus: challenges and outlook" (Minsk)

24/04/2008 - 24/04/2008

Belarus – Constitutional Justice

Minsk – Within the Framework of the Slovak Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, the Constitutional Court of Belarus, the Venice Commission, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Belarus and the Slovak Embassy in Minsk organise a Seminar on “the use of international instruments for protecting individual rights, freedoms and legitimate interests through national legislation and the right to legal defence in Belarus: challenges and outlook”.

UniDem Campus Seminar

21/04/2008 - 25/04/2008
Trieste - The Venice Commission will organise a UniDem Campus training session on Models of regional development.Lectures and workshops on the following subjects are scheduled: regionalism, in particular as seen from the national perspective, “good governance” of regions, democratic participation at the regional level, transfrontier co-operation, Adriatic Euroregion , AMAMO project (“Across Seas and Mountains”) and European Grouping of Territorial Co-operation.

Armenia - Law on Rallies

15/04/2008 - 16/04/2008
Yerevan - A delegation of the Venice Commission and the OSCE/ODIHR will meet with the Armenian authorities to discuss the amendments of 17 March 2008 to the law on rallies.

Moldova - Prosecution service

07/04/2008 - 08/04/2008
Chisinau - The Venice Commission participates in the third meeting of the Working Group on the new legislation governing the Public Prosecutor’s Service in Moldova

Slovakia - Constitutional Justice

Košice - The Venice Commission organised together with the Constitutional Court of Slovakia a conference on the "Role of the Constitutional Justice in the Vishegrad 4 countries".

International Seminar on " Constitutional Judiciary in the Vishegrad 4 States (Kosice)

03/04/2008 - 03/04/2008

OSCE, Council of Europe - amendments to Armenia’s assembly law raise serious concerns

Strasbourg/Warsaw - In a joint legal opinion, the Council of Europe’s Venice Commission and the OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) concluded that recent amendments to Armenia’s assembly law raise serious concerns.

The amendments to the Law of the Republic of Armenia on Conducting Meetings, Assemblies, Rallies and Demonstrations, passed on 17 March 2008, were reviewed by the ODIHR’s Expert Panel on Freedom of Assembly and the Venice Commission following a request from the Speaker of the Armenian Parliament.

“On the basis of a preliminar... read more


Mr Antti Suviranta, former member of the Commission, has passed away on 31 March. Mr Suivranta was the first Finnish member of the Commission and President of the Sub-commission on constitutional reform. He was a very active member of the Commission and an excellent lawyer.

Serbia - Expert meeting on basic legislation concerning local self-government

18/03/2008 - 19/03/2008
Strasbourg - The Venice Commission took part in an expert meeting on basic legislation concerning local self-governement in Serbia, attended by Mr Bratislav Djukic, assistant minister for public administration and local self-government of Serbia. This meeting addressed in particular the new law on local elections.

Joint meeting of the Council for Democratic Elections and of the Sub-Commission on Protection of Minorities

Venice - The issue of double vote of persons belonging to national minorities will be discussed with the representatives of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities

74th Plenary Session of the Commission (Venice)

14/03/2008 - 15/03/2008
The Commission:
- adopted the report on the democratic control of the armed forces;
- held an exchange of views with Mr Bayramov, Adviser in the Office of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and adopted the interim joint Venice Commission/ODIHR opinion on the amendments to the electoral code of Azerbaijan;
- adopted the opinion on the law on the financing of political parties of Bosnia and Herzegovina and postponed the examination of the law on conflict of interest in that country;
- held an exchange of views with Ms Miglena Tacheva, Minister of Justice of Bulgar... read more

Montenegro - Round Table on "International Human Rights Standards and Constitutional Guarantees"

Podgorica - Human Rights Action and the Foundation Open Society Institute Montenegro organised in co-operation with the Venice Commission a Round table on"International Human Rights Standards and Constitutional Guarantees in Montenegro".

Montenegro - Prosecution Service

Podgorica - In the framework of the preparation of the opinion 467/2008 on the Amendments to the Law on the State Prosecution service of Montenegro, the Commission's rapporteurs met the drafting group, chaired by the Minister of Justice of Montenegro

UniDem Campus - The implementation of the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights

25/02/2008 - 28/02/2008
Trieste - “The implementation of the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights in Council of Europe member States: the impact on structural and legal reforms. Given example: remedies against the excessive length of the proceedings.”

Conference on "Bicameral Systems and the Representation of Regions and Local Authorities: the Role of Second Chambers in Europe"

Paris - The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities and the French Senate, in co-operation with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the Venice Commission, organised a Conference on "Bicameral Systems and the Representation of Regions and Local Authorities: the Role of Second Chambers in Europe"

Conference on "Bicameral Systems and Representation of Regions and Local Authorities: the role of Second Chambers in Europe" (Paris)

21/02/2008 - 21/08/2008

Bosnia and Herzegovina

18/02/2008 - 19/02/2008
The Venice Commission has received a request from the Central Electoral Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina to prepare opinions on the amendments to the Election Code and to the Law on Financing of Political Parties. Representatives of the Venice Commission met authorities and discussed possible amendments to the Law on Financing of Political Parties.

Both opinions could be adopted during the next Plenary Session of the Venice Commission in March.

Armenia - Legal Advice to the Parliamentary Assembly

17/02/2008 - 20/02/2008
Yerevan - At the invitation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), a Venice Commission Member and a member of the Secretariat took part in the Observation Mission of the Parliamentary Assembly as legal experts. Their mandate was to advise the PACE delegation on the legal aspects of the elections.

New substitute member for Georgia

Mr Konstantin Vardzelashvili, Deputy President of the Constitutional Court of Georgia has been nominated as the substitute member of the Venice Commission in respect of Georgia.

Meeting of the working group on amendments to the Election Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan

07/02/2008 - 08/02/2008
Baku -The working group will discuss the amendments submitted by the authorities in December 2007. The working group includes representatives of the authorities, Messrs P. Paczolay and A Endzins, members of the Venice Commission, S. Kouznetsov, Secretariat, Messrs J. Stonestreet and J. Pilgrim, ODIHR; Mr D. Blessington, IFES.
The interim opinion will be adopted during the next plenary session of the Venice Commission in March.

Do Art and Sacred Beliefs necessarily collide ?

31/01/2008 - 01/02/2008
Athens - The Venice Commission and the Hellenic League for Human Rights organise an international round table on "Art and Sacred Beliefs: from collision to co-existence". In a spirit of openness, tolerance and respect, the participants - journalists, artists, publishers, representatives of religions and cults, lawyers, members of parliament and representatives of international organisations - will discuss about the intersection between freedom of expression and right to respect for one's beliefs. They will explore legal and non-legal means of ensuring the co-existence of these two fundamenta... read more

Evaluation of the Finnish Constitution

28/01/2008 - 28/01/2008
Helsinki - A delegation of the Venice Commission held a second meeting with the Finnish authorities in the framework of the evaluation of the Constitution. It met in particular the Ministry of Justice and the Prime Minister's Office. The debates focused namely on international and European relations and the role of the Prime Minister.

Armenia – Conference for Free Elections through Law

Yerevan - The Venice Commission will co-organise with the Constitutional Court of Armenia, the Judicial School of Armenia and the American Bar Association, a Conference on “Free and Fair Elections through Law”. Three Venice Commission experts will intervene in this conference which is organised, inter alia, for judges dealing with electoral disputes and in the context of the forthcoming Presidential Election (19 February 2008), with the financial support of Sweden.

European Court of Human Rights - Opening of the judicial year

Strasbourg - Mr Peter Paczolay, member of the Venice Commission and Vice-President of the Hungarian Constitutional Court, participated in the official opening of the judicial year at the European Court of Human Rights.

Conference on the European electoral standards and on the development of the electoral legislation in Ukraine

16/01/2008 - 16/01/2008
Kiev - The Venice Commission organises this event in co-operation with the OSCE and the Election Law Institute. The aim of this meeting is to review the electoral process in Ukraine in 2007 and to discuss the possible ways of further improving the electoral legislation and practice in Ukraine.

Georgia – Presidential elections

02/01/2008 - 06/01/2008
Tbilisi - At the invitation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Mr Endzins, Venice Commission Member, and Mr Martin-Micallef, Member of the Secretariat, took part in the Observation Mission of the Parliamentary Assembly as legal experts. Their mandate was to advise the PACE delegation on the legal aspects of the elections.



20th European Conference of Electoral Management Bodies:
Stability of Electoral Law - Practical Aspects

15-16/04/2025, Vilnius, Lithuania


International seminar: “Private Powers and the Rule of Law”

28-29/11/2024, Madrid


Conference on “Aspects of Constitutionalism in European small-sized States”

14/10/2024, San Marino


International conference on “The role of the Ombudsman as a guardian of rights”

12-13/09/2024, Cassino, Italy 


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