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Democratic Institutions
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CDL-PI(2024)001  English  09/01/2024 -  Public
Compilation of Venice Commission opinions and reports concerning bicameralism 
CDL-PI(2023)009  French  30/03/2023 -  Public
Questionnaire sur le Bicaméralisme 
CDL-PI(2023)009  English  30/03/2023 -  Public
Questionnaire on Bicameralism 
CDL-REF(2022)058  English  14/11/2022 -  Public
Armenia - Law on confiscation of property of illicit origin 
CDL(2022)014  English  02/06/2022 -  Public
Kosovo - Draft Opinion on the draft law on the state bureau for verification and confiscation of unjustified assets  (J. HAMILTON, D. MERIDOR, A. NUSSBERGER)
CDL(2022)011  French  28/02/2022 -  Public
Pas disponible - Rapport sur les procédures nationales de ratification et de dénonciation des traités internationaux  (V. BÍLKOVÁ, A. PETERS, P. CAROZZA, J. MÜHLFELDER)
CDL(2022)011  English  28/02/2022 -  Public
Draft report on the Domestic Procedures of Ratification and Denunciation of International Treaties  (V. BÍLKOVÁ, A. PETERS, P. CAROZZA, J. MÜHLFELDER)
CDL(2022)003  English  24/02/2022 -  Public
Kosovo - Draft opinion on the revised draft amendments to the Law on the Prosecutorial Council  (J. HAMILTON, M. NICOLATOS, A. GASPAR)
CDL-REF(2022)002  English  19/01/2022 -  Public
Ukraine - Draft law on local referendum 
CDL(2021)018  English  04/03/2021 -  Public
Georgia - Draft joint opinion on the recent amendments to the Law on electronic communications and the Law on broadcasting   (C. GRABENWARTER, K. ŠIMÁČKOVÁ, M. FRENDO)
CDL-REF(2021)023  English  02/03/2021 -  Public
Georgia - Law of Georgia on Electronic Communications - Excerpts 
CDL(2020)039  English  09/02/2021 -  Public
Spain - Draft Opinion of the Citizen's Security Law (not available yet) 
CDL(2020)032  English  25/09/2020 -  Public
Malta - Draft Opinion on ten Acts and Bills implementing legislative proposals subject of Opinion CDL-AD(2020)006  (K. TUORI, H. KJERULF THORGEIRSDOTTIR, M. NICOLATOS, M. KUIJER)
CDL-PI(2020)010  English  21/07/2020 -  Public
Questionnaire on European decision-making processes and national parliaments 
CDL(2019)032  English  27/09/2019 -  Public
Albania - Draft Opinion on the Draft Law on the finalisation of transitional ownerhip processes  (O. KASK, M. HERMANNS, P. DIMITROV)
CDL(2019)021  English  28/05/2019 -  Public
Preliminary Draft Parameters on the Relationship between the Parliamentary Majority and the Opposition in a Democracy: a checklist  (H. SUCHOCKA, K. TUORI, B. AURESCU, R. KIENER)
CDL(2019)020  English  24/05/2019 -  Public
Tunisia - Draft Opinion on the Draft Organic Law on the Authority for Sustainable Development and the Rights of future Generations   (F. FLANAGAN, M. KUIJER, E. HOLMØYVIK, P. DIMITROV, Á. GALLEGO, V. TOMEI)
CDL(2019)020  French  24/05/2019 -  Public
Tunisie - Projet d'avis sur le projet de loi organique relative à l'Instance du développement durable et des droits des générations futures   (F. FLANAGAN, M. KUIJER, E. HOLMØYVIK, P. DIMITROV, Á. GALLEGO, V. TOMEI)
CDL(2018)029  English  05/10/2018 -  Public
Romania - Draft Opinion on the Draft amendments to the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code   (R. BARRETT, G. NEPPI MODONA, J. SØRENSEN, M. KUIJER, A. BARAMIDZE)
CDL-REF(2018)043  English  10/09/2018 -  Public
Romania - Law on Criminal Procedure Code as of 7 February 2014 
CDL-REF(2018)042  English  10/09/2018 -  Public
Romania - Law on Criminal Code as of 12 November 2012 
CDL-REF(2018)039  English  07/09/2018 -  Public
Albania - Draft law on the legislative initiative of the citizens 
CDL(2018)022  English  08/06/2018 -  Public
Draft Report on the recall of Mayors/Local elected representatives   (M. JAMETTI GREINER, T. KARAKAMISHEVA-JOVANOVSKA, J. CASTELLÀ ANDREU)
CDL(2018)012  English  02/03/2018 -  Public
Preliminary Draft Report on the recall of Mayors/Local elected representatives   (M. JAMETTI GREINER, T. KARAKAMISHEVA-JOVANOVSKA, J. CASTELLÀ ANDREU)
CDL(2017)017  English  02/06/2017 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Draft opinion on the proposal by the President of the Republic to expand the President's powers to dissolve Parliament   (S. HOLOVATY, K. TUORI, V. BÍLKOVÁ, P. DIMITROV)
CDL(2016)019  English  27/05/2016 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Act of 15 January 2016 amending the Police Act and certain other Acts of Poland  (I. CAMERON, B. VERMEULEN, R. KIENER)
CDL-REF(2015)038  English  05/10/2015 -  Public
Draft Amendments to the Constitution of Albania 
CDL-REF(2014)052  English  13/01/2015 -  Public
Draft Law on the prosecution service of the Republic of Moldova  
CDL(2014)057  English  30/11/2014 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the draft Law on Non-Governmental Organisations (Public Associations and Funds), as amended, of the Republic of Azerbaijan  (P. VAN DIJK, H. KJERULF THORGEIRSDOTTIR, V. BÍLKOVÁ, R. CLAYTON QC)
CDL(2014)029  English  19/05/2014 -  Public
Joint Guidelines on the Legal Personality of Religious or Belief Communities  (F. FLANAGAN, B. VERMEULEN)
CDL(2013)055  English  22/11/2013 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Legislation on Defamation of Italy 
CDL(2013)041  English  12/09/2013 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Law on Defamation of the Republic of Azerbaijan  (H. KJERULF THORGEIRSDOTTIR, M. PALMA, R. CLAYTON QC)
CDL-REF(2013)027  English  29/05/2013 -  Public
Law 2008 on High Committee for Human Rights and Fundamental Rights of Tunisia 
CDL-REF(2013)022  English  26/04/2013 -  Public
Draft Law on Protection from Defamation of the Republic of Azerbaijan 
CDL(2013)003  English  22/02/2013 -  Public
Draft Report on the Relationship between Political and Criminal Ministerial Responsibility  (K. TUORI, J. HAMILTON, M. PALMA, F. SEJERSTED)
CDL-DEM(2012)001  English  05/12/2012 -  Public
Preliminary draft report on the relationship between political and legal ministerial responsibility  (K. TUORI, J. HAMILTON, D. CHAGNOLLAUD DE SABOURET, M. PALMA, F. SEJERSTED)
CDL-AD(2012)021  English  15/10/2012 -  Public
Opinion on the practice on blanket resignation of Ministers in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina  (J. SCHOLSEM, F. SEJERSTED)
CDL-REF(2012)015  English  04/04/2012 -  Public
Act CLXIII of 2011 on the prosecution service of Hungary 
CDL(2012)009  English  05/03/2012 -  Public
Draft opinion on the Federal Law on the Federal Security Service (FSB) of the Russian Federation  (A. FOGELKLOU, I. CAMERON, H. HAENEL, J. SØRENSEN)
CDL-REF(2012)011  English  24/02/2012 -  Public
Federal Law on the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation 
CDL(2011)099  English  02/12/2011 -  Public
Draft opinion on the draft law on amendments and additions to the law on alternative service of Armenia  (H. SUCHOCKA, N. EȘANU, H. HAENEL, R. CLAYTON QC)
CDL-REF(2011)041  English  22/07/2011 -  Public
Draft law on the protector of human rights and freedoms of Montenegro 
CDL(2011)038  English  07/06/2011 -  Public
Draft amicus curiae brief on the interpretation of article 78 of the constitution of Moldova  (J. SCHOLSEM, S. BARTOLE, K. TUORI, E. TANCHEV)
CDL(2011)032  English  06/06/2011 -  Public
Draft opinion on the new constitution of Hungary  (C. GRABENWARTER, H. SUCHOCKA, K. TUORI, J. VELAERS)
CDL-DEM(2011)002  English  31/05/2011 -  Public
Report on the legal framework for the regulation of lobbying in the Council of Europe member states  (R. CHARI, J. Hogan, G. Murphy)
CDL-DEM(2011)001  English  31/05/2011 -  Public
Study on the role of extra-institutional actors in a democratic system - Outline proposal  (P. VAN DIJK)
CDL-REF(2011)019  English  02/05/2011 -  Public
Fundamental Law of Hungary 
CDL(2010)100  English  06/10/2010 -  Public
Draft report on the role of the opposition in a democratic parliament  (E. OZBUDUN, A. NUSSBERGER, F. SEJERSTED)
CDL-DEM(2010)001  English  06/10/2010 -  Public
comments on the role of the opposition in a democratic parliament  (F. SEJERSTED)
CDL-DEM(2009)003  English  05/06/2009 -  Public
Draft Report on the Role of the Opposition  (E. OZBUDUN, A. NUSSBERGER)
CDL(2008)113  English  01/12/2008 -  Public
Draft Report on Legislative Initiative  (S. BARTOLE, A. NUSSBERGER, M. Mauguin Helgeson)
CDL-DEM(2008)003  English  10/10/2008 -  Public
Draft Report on Legislative Initiative  (S. BARTOLE, A. NUSSBERGER, M. Mauguin Helgeson)
CDL-DEM(2008)002  English  10/10/2008 -  Public
Preliminary Draft Report on Constitutional Provisions for amending the Constitution  (K. TUORI, J. VELAERS, G. HALLER)
CDL-DEM-OJ(2008)002  English  09/09/2008 -  Public
Meeting of the Sub-Commission on Democratic Institutions (Venice, 16 October 2008) 
CDL(2008)001add  English  10/03/2008 -  Public
Draft Executive Summary on the Democratic Control of the Armed Forces  (E. OZBUDUN)
CDL(2008)001  English  29/02/2008 -  Public
Draft Report on the Democratic Control of the Armed Forces  (J. HELGESEN, B. AURESCU, E. OZBUDUN, C. CLOSA MONTERO, H. HAENEL, H. Born, F. Carbonell)
CDL-DEM-OJ(2008)001  English  04/02/2008 -  Public
Meeting of the Sub-Commission on Democratic Institutions (Venice, 13 March 2008) 
CDL-DEM-OJ(2007)002ann  English  16/10/2007 -  Public
Meeting of the Sub-Commission on Democratic Institutions (Venice, 18 October 2007) 
CDL-DEM(2007)007  English  28/09/2007 -  Public
Study on Democratic Control of Armed Forces: Who controls?  (C. CLOSA MONTERO)
CDL-DEM(2007)006  English  28/09/2007 -  Public
Study on Democratic Control of Armed Forces: What acts or issues are under control and when to control?  (H. Born, C. Lazzarini)
CDL-DEM(2007)005  English  28/09/2007 -  Public
Study on Democratic Control of Armed Forces: Civilian control of the military: Why and What?  (E. OZBUDUN)
CDL-DEM(2007)009  English  26/09/2007 -  Public
Study on Democratic Control of Armed Forces: The roles of armed forces in Council of Europe Member States  (H. Born, A. Wills)
CDL-DEM(2007)008  English  26/09/2007 -  Public
Study on Democratic Control of Armed Forces: How to exercise this control?  (C. CLOSA MONTERO)
CDL-DEM(2007)003  English  26/09/2007 -  Public
Study on Democratic Control of Armed Forces: Why control the armed forces?  (B. AURESCU)
CDL-DEM-OJ(2007)002  English  16/08/2007 -  Public
Meeting of the Sub-Commission on Democratic Institutions (Venice, 17 October 2007) 
CDL-DEM(2007)002  English  29/05/2007 -  Public
Comments on the role and legal protection of the opposition  (A. SANCHEZ NAVARRO)
CDL-DEM(2007)001  English  24/05/2007 -  Public
Draft Report on the Democratic Oversight of the Security Services  (O. DUTHEILLET DE LAMOTHE, J. HELGESEN, F. MATSCHER, I. CAMERON, I. Leigh)
CDL-DEM-OJ(2007)001  English  18/04/2007 -  Public
Meeting of the Sub-Commission on Democratic Institutions (Venice, 31 May 2007) 
CDL(2006)059rev  English  26/11/2006 -  Public
Report on Second Chambers in Europe "Parliamentary complexity or democratic necessity?"  (P. GELARD)
CDL-DEM(2006)003  English  05/10/2006 -  Public
Preliminary Report on Civilian Command Authority over the Armed Forces in their National and International Operations  (H. Born, C. Lazzarini)
CDL-DEM(2006)001  English  03/10/2006 -  Public
Preliminary Report on the Democratic Oversight over Armed Forces  (C. CLOSA MONTERO)
CDL-DEM-OJ(2006)002  English  08/09/2006 -  Public
Meeting of the Sub-Commission on Democratic Institutions 
CDL-DEM-OJ(2006)002  French  08/09/2006 -  Public
Réunion de la sous-commission sur les institutions démocratiques 
CDL(2006)059  English  11/08/2006 -  Public
Report on Second Chambers in Europe "Parliamentary complexity or democratic necessity?"  (P. GELARD)
CDL-DI(2006)001  English  08/03/2006 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the International Legal Obligations of Council of Europe Member States in respect of Secret Detention Facilities and Inter-State Transport of Detainees  (P. VAN DIJK, O. DUTHEILLET DE LAMOTHE, G. MALINVERNI, J. HELGESEN, G. NOLTE, I. CAMERON)
CDL-DI(2006)001rev  English  08/03/2006 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the International Legal Obligations of Council of Europe Member States in respect of Secret Detention Facilities and Inter-State Transport of Detainees  (P. VAN DIJK, O. DUTHEILLET DE LAMOTHE, G. MALINVERNI, J. HELGESEN, G. NOLTE, I. CAMERON)
CDL-DI(2004)004rev  English  08/10/2004 -  Public
Draft Opinion on Human Rights in Kosovo*: possible establishment of review mechanisms  (P. VAN DIJK, J. SCHOLSEM, G. MALINVERNI, J. HELGESEN, G. NOLTE)
CDL(2004)027rev  English  06/10/2004 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Law on conducting Meetings, Assemblies, Rallies and Demonstrations of the Republic of Armenia  (G. MALINVERNI, F. FLANAGAN)
CDL-DI(2004)004  English  01/10/2004 -  Public
Draft Opinion on Human Rights in Kosovo*: possible establishment of a review of mechanism  (P. VAN DIJK, J. SCHOLSEM, G. MALINVERNI, J. HELGESEN, G. NOLTE)
CDL-DI(2004)003  English  10/06/2004 -  Public
Resolution 1244 (1999) adopted by the Security Council on 10 June 1999 
CDL(2004)027  English  28/05/2004 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Law on conducting meetings, assemblies, rallies and demonstrations of the Republic of Armenia  (G. MALINVERNI, F. FLANAGAN)
CDL(2004)029  English  23/04/2004 -  Public
Comments on events in Moldova relating to a demonstration on 25 January 2004  (J. HAMILTON)
CDL-DEM(2004)001  English  04/03/2004 -  Public
Draft Guidelines and Explanatory Report on Legislation on Political Parties: some Specific Issues  (H. VOGEL, K. TUORI)
CDL-DEM-OJ(2003)018  English  10/09/2003 -  Public
18th Meeting f the Sub-Commission on Democratic Institutions (Venice, 16 October 2003) 
CDL-DEM-OJ(2003)017  English  22/01/2003 -  Public
17th Meeting of the Sub-Commission on Democratic Institutions (Venice, 13 March 2003) 
CDL-DEM(2002)001  English  09/10/2002 -  Public
International co-operation in fighting terrorism 
CDL-DEM-OJ(2002)015  English  10/09/2002 -  Public
15th Meeting of the Sub-Commission on Demoratic Institutions (Venice, 17 October 2002) 
CDL-DEM-OJ(2002)014  English  21/06/2002 -  Public
14th Meeting of the Sub-Commission on democratic institutions (Venice, 4 July 2002) 
CDL-DEM-OJ(2001)012  English  25/01/2001 -  Public
12th Meeting of the Sub-Commission on Democratic Institutions (Venice, 8 mars 2001 
CDL-DEM-OJ(2000)009  English  02/05/2000 -  Public
9th Meeting of the Sub-Commission on Democratic Institutions (Venice, 15 June 2000) 
CDL-DEM-OJ(1999)007  English  27/04/1999 -  Public
7th meeting of the Sub-commission on Democratic Institutions 
CDL-DEM-OJ(1999)007  French  27/04/1999 -  Public
7e réunion de la Sous-commission sur les institutions démocratiques 
CDL-DEM-PV(1998)006  French  06/01/1999 -  Public
6e réunion de la Sous - commission sur les Institutions démocratiques 
CDL-DEM-OJ(1999)008  French  01/01/1999 -  Public
8e réunion de la Sous-commission sur les institutions démocratiques 
CDL-DEM-OJ(1999)008  English  01/01/1999 -  Public
8th meeting of the Sub-commission on Democratic Institutions 
CDL-DEM-PV(1998)006  English  18/12/1998 -  Public
6th meeting of the Sub - commission on Democratic Institutions 
CDL-DEM-OJ(1998)006  French  12/11/1998 -  Public
6e réunion de la Sous-commission sur les institutions démocratiques 
CDL-DEM-OJ(1998)006  English  12/11/1998 -  Public
6th meeting of the Sub-commission on Democratic Institutions 
CDL-DEM-PV(1998)005  English  16/03/1998 -  Public
5th meeting of the Sub - commission on Democratic Institutions 
CDL-DEM-PV(1998)005  French  16/03/1998 -  Public
5e réunion de la Sous - commission sur les Institutions démocratiques 
CDL-MIN(1993)002  English  01/01/1993 -  Public
The participation of persons belonging to national minorities in the operation of democratic institutions  (S. Pierré-Caps)
CDL(1991)016  English  01/01/1991 -  Public
CSCE seminar of experts on democratic institutions 
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