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Morocco – Second Intercultural Workshop on democracy

14/05/2013 - 15/05/2013

Marrakech – the Venice Commission and the Moroccan Association of Constitutional Law organise the 2nd Intercultural Workshop on Democracy “The new constitutionalism in the Arab world: the process of constitution making in a changing environment”.

This activity will bring together constitution drafters from Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia who will exchange their experiences in the field of constitutional reform. Among other issues, they will compare the approaches used in launching the revision of their respective Constitutions, the procedure used for their elaboration and adoption and the implementation of the constitutional provisions through new legislation. The Venice Commission believes that such dialogue could be extremely useful not only for the countries involved, but for constitutionalists in general.

This seminar was organised in the framework of the European Union programme « Strengthening democratic reform in the Southern Neighbourhood » with a contribution from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway and Hanns - Seidel Foundation.



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