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Russia – forthcoming opinion on the law on non-desirable activities of foreign and international organisations– visit to the country

10/05/2016 - 11/05/2016

Moscow - In the framework of a request of the Parliamentary Assembly, the Venice Commission is preparing an opinion on the Law “on undesirable activities of foreign and international organisations”, adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on 19 May 2015 (Federal Law No. 129-F3 on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation).

The rapporteurs visited Moscow on 10-11 May to exchange views with the representatives of the State Duma, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Prosecutor’s General Office, the Human Rights Ombudsman, as well as with representatives of the civil society.

The delegation of the Commission is as follows:

Ms Herdis Kjerulf THORGEIRSDOTTIR, Vice - President, Venice Commission, Iceland
Mr Pieter PACZOLAY, Honorary President, Venice Commission, Hungary;
Mr Ziya TANYAR, Legal Advisor, Democratic Institutions and Fundamental Rights Division, Secretariat of the Venice Commission
Ms Anna GORYACHEVA, member of the Secretariat of the Venice Commission

The draft opinion will be discussed at the next plenary session of the Venice Commission which takes place on 10-11 June 2016 in Venice.



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