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Preventing corruption in the civil service – 5th UniDem Med Seminar

25/09/2017 - 28/09/2017

Rabat, Morocco - The Venice Commission, in cooperation with the Ministry of the Reform of the Administration and the Civil service of Morocco, organised the 5th UniDem Med regional seminar from 25-28 September 2017 in Rabat, Morocco. The seminar entitled “Prevention of Corruption and Promotion of Integrity in the Civil Service: shared experiences” gathered senior servants from Europe and the southern Mediterranean - Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, Palestinian National Authority and Tunisia.

Participants discussed critical issues such as integrity, transparency, legal standards and tools in the fight against corruption, national strategies, integrity and transparency initiatives. Besides, the seminar explored the role of specialised anticorruption bodies as well as such issues as lobbying, conflict of interest and protection of whistle blowers. The seminar was attended by experts from the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) of the Council of Europe.

The main objective of the UniDem Med Campus (University for Democracy) is to contribute through peer-to-peer exchanges to the modernization of the administration in the southern Mediterranean by enforcing law and consolidating institutions. The project aims to strengthen the legal capacities of senior civil servants in areas related to good governance, rule of law and human rights as well as to strengthen the links between the public administrations from the region.

The working languages of the Rabat seminar were Arabic and French.

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