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KYRGYZ REPUBLIC - Joint OSCE/ODIHR-Venice Commission Opinion on the draft constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic - meeting of the Donors’ Partners Coordination Council


The Venice Commission experts participated in the Donors’ Partners Coordination Council Working Group for Rule of Law and Human Rights for Kyrgyz Republic. Representatives of the Kyrgyz NGOs and national legal experts also attended the event.

Following a presentation of the Joint Opinion of the Venice Commission and ODIHR on the Draft Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, the rapporteurs of the Commission and ODIHR experts had an exchange of views with members of the Working Group and Kyrgyz participants on the constitutional reform process and up-coming referendum organized on 11 April 2021. The Joint Opinion was adopted at the 126th Plenary Session of the Venice Commission which took place online from 19 to 20 March 2021.



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