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MONGOLIA - Transnational constitutional activity in the modern international relations: training seminar


Ulaanbaatar - The Venice Commission organised a training seminar in cooperation with the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Mongolia entitled “Transnational constitutional activity in the modern international relations”. The seminar took place online and gathered representatives from Mongolia as well from the Association of the Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC). Mongolia is holding the Presidency of the AACC until 2023.

The event was opened by the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of Mongolia, Mr Chinbat Namjil, and by the European Union Ambassador in Ulaanbaatar, Ms Axelle Nicaise.

The training seminar was organised in the framework of the joint EU-Council of Europe project “Support to reforms of electoral legislation and practice and regional Human Rights instruments and mechanisms in countries of Latin America, Central Asia and Mongolia”, funded by the European Union and implemented by the Venice Commission.




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