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International Round Table - "Shaping Judicial Councils to meet Contemporary Challenges"

21/03/2022 - 22/03/2022

Rome, 21-22.03.2022 - The Venice Commission in co-operation with the university La Sapienza, Rome and the University of Barcelona, held an international round table entitled "SHAPING JUDICIAL COUNCILS TO MEET CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES" in hybrid format: online and in Rome, at the Rectoral Palace of the the University La Sapienza.

This round table examined national examples of composition of judicial councils, and, building upon recent experiences, formulate further recommendations as to how its members - judicial, lay and any ex officio, should be selected and appointed. It also dealt with the mandate of those councils.

The event was organised in the framework of the Italian Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.

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