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MEXICO - “International Standards of the Venice Commission: a comparative analysis of the Mexican electoral justice system” – International Conference

12/05/2022 - 13/05/2022

Mexico City - the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation of Mexico (TEPJF) organised an international conference entitled “International Standards of the Venice Commission: a comparative analysis of the Mexican electoral justice system”.

The event brought together members of the Venice Commission from Bulgaria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Mexico, Peru, Spain, members of TEPJF, national academia as well as international experts in the field of electoral justice from Argentina, France, Italy, Spain and USA.

The participants focused on such issues as electoral justice and international standards, judicial independence, access to electoral justice and evaluation of its efficiency in the light of the Venice Commission’s opinions and recommendations.




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Money and Democracy – an Uneasy Relationship

07 - 08/12/2023, Cologne, Germany  

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“Constitutions and war”  

14 - 15 September 2023
Madrid, Centre for Constitutional and Political Studies (CEPC)


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