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UKRAINE - High-Level Dialogue on good governance reforms

08/11/2022 - 09/11/2022

Strasbourg, Council of Europe - The Directorate General of Democracy (DG II) of the Council of Europe organised a High Level Dialogue activity entitled: “GOOD DEMOCRATIC GOVERNANCE IN UKRAINE: ACHIEVEMENTS, CHALLENGES AND THE WAY FORWARD IN POST-WAR PERIOD”.

This event took place within the framework of the joint initiative “Good democratic governance in Ukraine: moving forward in post-war context”.

The objective of the activity was to discuss perspectives for good democratic governance reforms in Ukraine and reach broad agreement among the key national stakeholders as regards further actions to improve the legal framework on multi-level governance and elections in light of European standards and good practice.

Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly and the Congress of the Council of Europe also took part in the event. The Venice Commission representatives acted as moderator and expert. The participation of the Commission’s expert was funded under the Council of Europe adjusted Action Plan for Ukraine 2018 – 2022.




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