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59th Plenary session of the Commission (Venice)

17/06/2004 - 19/06/2004

The Commission has adopted an opinion on the draft constitutional law of Georgia on the status of the autonomous Republic of Adjara. Shortly after the session, the opinion was transmitted to the Georgian Parliament, which rescheduled its debates on the issue in order to study the conclusions of the Commission. The request for the opinion had been submitted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on 26 May 2004.

Other opinions on the agenda concerned a number of laws in different member states, including:

• the law on public meetings in Armenia,
• the law on political parties in Azerbaijan,
• draft laws on protection of minorities of Ukraine and Montenegro and
• the draft law on the public prosecutor in Ukraine.

The Commission has also discussed constitutional reform in Armenia with the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, Mr Tigran Torosyan.

In the electoral field, the Commission has adopted opinions on electoral law and administration in Albania and in Moldova, and has started the study on referendums.

The Presidents of the Constitutional Courts of Algeria, Chile, South Africa and of the Supreme Court of Egypt have exchanged views with the Commission on the possibilities for future co-operation.



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