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Southern and Eastern African Chief Justices Forum

23/10/2023 - 26/10/2023

Arusha, Tanzania - the Southern and Eastern African Chief Justices’ Forum (SEACJF) held its conference and annual general meeting to mark the 20th anniversary since the establishment of the Forum. The topic of the conference was : "the Role of the National Judiciaries in Dispute Resolution under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA): application of Modern Technologies for High Efficiency in Justice Dispensation".

Mr Gianni Buquicchio, President Emeritus and Special Representative of the Venice Commission, and Ms Simona Granata-Menghini, Secretary of the Venice Commission, participated in this event.

The Venice Commission was instrumental in setting up, in 2003, the Southern African Judges Commission, (SAJC), which has become today's SEAJCF. Cooperation with the Venice Commission is foreseen in this association's founding constitution as one of the means to pursue its goals. The Venice Commission has since cooperated with SEAJCF, including within the framework of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice.



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