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60th Plenary session of the Commission (Venice)

07/10/2004 - 09/10/2004

The Commission adopted proposals for improving human rights protection in Kosovo, examined the constitutional situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the presence of the High Representative, Lord Ashdown, and started considerating two projects for amending the constitution of Armenia in the presence of the Vice-Speaker of the National Assembly, Mr T.Torosyan.

The Commission also adopted a number of opinions on laws of member states including: the law on public meetings of Armenia, draft law of Georgia on restitution of housing and property to the victims of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict and the draft laws on the protection of indigenous people and on the public prosecutor of Ukraine.




International conference

Money and Democracy – an Uneasy Relationship

07 - 08/12/2023, Cologne, Germany  

International seminar

“Constitutions and war”  

14 - 15 September 2023
Madrid, Centre for Constitutional and Political Studies (CEPC)


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