Professional career
2014 - Professor of Law, Faculty of Law, University of Bergen.
2018-2019 Guest researcher at l’Université Paris Nanterre, France.
2011-2014 Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Bergen
2006-2010 Research Fellow, Faculty of Law, University of Bergen
2004-2006 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Bergen
2003-2004 Research Assistant, Institute of Public and International Law, University of Oslo
- Ph.D, University of Bergen - 2011
- Lawyer’s licence - 2006
- Cand.jur., University of Oslo - 2004
Commissions of trust in public life
I have served as an expert for the Norwegian government and parliament on major constitutional and other legal reforms or evaluations:
- Member of a joint expert and political committee appointed by the Norwegian Parliament to review the legal and political framework for the parliament’s scrutiny of the government (2019-2021). Report to the Parliament.
- Member of a joint expert and political committee appointed by the Norwegian Government to prepare a new election law (2017-2020). Official Norwegian Report NOU 2020: 6
- Legal assessment to the Government’s Coronavirus Commission of Norwegian Covid-19 measures (2020)
- Legal assessment for the Parliament of the draft Corona Act 2020 (2020)
- Legal assessment to the Ministry of Local government and Modernisation of possible derogation from the Constitution in relation to the 2021 parliamentary election due to Covid-19 (2020)
- Legal assessment for the Parliament on constitutional amendments proposals concerning a new human rights catalogue in the Norwegian Constitution (2014)
- Member of an expert committee appointed by the Norwegian Parliament to reform the language in the Constitution (2012)
- Lærebok i forfatningshistorie [Textbook in Norwegian Constitutional History], (Eirik Holmøyvik and Dag Michalsen). Pax Forlag: Oslo 2015 (476 p.).
- Writing Democracy: The Norwegian Constitution 1814-2014 (Karen Gammelgaard and Eirik Holmøyvik, eds.). Berghahn Books: New York/Oxford 2014 (288 p.).
- Tolkingar av Grunnlova. Om forfatningsutviklinga 1814-2014 [Interpretations of the Constitution. On Norway’s Constitutional Development 1814-2014] (Eirik Holmøyvik, ed.). Pax Forlag: Oslo 2013 (562 p.).
- Maktfordeling og 1814 [The Separation of Powers in the Norwegian 1814 Constitution]. Fagbokforlaget: Bergen 2012 (586 p.).
Journal articles and book chapters
More than 40 publications in law journals and books. Selected recent publications:
- E. Holmøyvik, C.C. Eriksen & B.M. Høgberg, ‘Norway’ in J. King, O. Ferraz (et. al) (eds), The Oxford Compendium of National Legal Responses to Covid-19 (Oxford University Press, 2021)
- Holmøyvik, Eirik, Sanders, Anne. «A Stress Test for Europe's Judiciaries», in European Yearbook of Constitutional Law 2019, Hirsch Ballin, Ernst, van der Schyff, Gerhard, Stremler LLM, Maarten, eds., T.M.C. Asser Press: The Hague 2020 p. 189-312.
- Holmøyvik, Eirik. «Den norske klageordninga ved stortingsval og europeisk rett» [The Norwegian election dispute mechanism and European law], in Uten sammenligning. Festskrift til Eivind Smith 70 år, Iris Nguyen Duy et al, eds. Fagbokforlaget: Bergen 2020 p. 307-321.
- Holmøyvik, Eirik. «Constituent Power and Constitutionalism in 19th Century Norway», in Reconsidering Constitutional Formation II Decisive Constitutional Normativity: From Old Liberties to New Precedence, Ulrike Müßig, ed. Springer: 2018 p. 275-309.
- Holmøyvik, Eirik. «Med instruks skal landet byggjast? Om stortingets instruksjonsrett overfor regjeringa og rettsutvikling på statsrettens område» [On the parliament's competence to instruct the government with legally binding effect], in Tidsskrift for rettsvitenskap 2018 p. 461-492.
- Holmøyvik, Eirik. «Reform av grunnlovprosedyren» [Reform of the constitutional amendment procedure], in Kritisk juss 2018 p. 5-34.
- Holmøyvik, Eirik. «Deux siècles de séparation horizontale des pouvoirs en Norvège», in Revue française de droit constitutionnel, no. 106, 2016 p. 323-334.
- Holmøyvik, Eirik. “Norway's Constitutional Acrobatics under the EEA Agreement”, in The European Union's Non-Members: Independence under Hegemony? (Erik Oddvar Eriksen and John Erik Fossum, eds.). London: Routledge 2015 p. 137-152.
- Holmøyvik, Eirik. “The changing meaning of 'constitution' in Norwegian constitutional history”, in: Writing Democracy: The Norwegian Constitution 1814-2014 (Karen Gammelgaard and Eirik Holmøyvik, eds.), New York: Berghahn Books 2014 p. 43-59.
- Holmøyvik, Eirik. “On the origins of Judicial Independence”, in The Independence of Judges (Nils A. Engstad, Astrid Lærdal Frøseth and Bård Tønder, eds.). Eleven: The Hague 2014 pp. 45-53.