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CDL-REF(2023)019  Anglais  28/04/2023 -  Publique
Ukraine - Law of the Land "On national minorities (communities) of Ukraine" 
CDL-PI(2023)002  Anglais  25/01/2023 -  Publique
Ukraine - Follow-up to the Opinion CDL-AD (2022)054 
CDL(2022)008  Anglais  03/06/2022 -  Publique
Ukraine - Draft Amicus Curiae brief on the limits of subsequent (a posteriori) review of constitutional amendments by the Constitutional Court  (J. VELAERS, A. NUSSBERGER, J. VARGAS VALDEZ)
CDL-REF(2022)004  Anglais  03/02/2022 -  Publique
Ukraine- Law of Ukraine “On the Constitutional Court of Ukraine” 
CDL-REF(2022)002  Anglais  19/01/2022 -  Publique
Ukraine - Draft law on local referendum 
CDL-REF(2021)082  Anglais  20/10/2021 -  Publique
Ukraine - Law on High Council of Justice 
CDL-REF(2021)080  Anglais  20/10/2021 -  Publique
Ukraine - Law on the judiciary and the status of judges  
CDL-REF(2021)055  Anglais  17/08/2021 -  Publique
Ukraine - Law of Ukraine On the Principles of the Public Transitional Policy 
CDL(2021)030  Anglais  23/07/2021 -  Publique
Ukraine - Draft Opinion on the draft law “On the principles of state policy of the transition period”  (A. NUSSBERGER, V. BÍLKOVÁ, M. KUIJER)
CDL-REF(2021)015  Anglais  09/02/2021 -  Publique
Ukraine - Draft law no. 4533 on the Constitutional Procedure  
CDL(2021)005  Anglais  05/02/2021 -  Publique
Ukraine - Draft Joint Opinion on the Draft Law on Political Parties  (J. VELAERS, P. VILANOVA TRIAS, M. FRENDO)
CDL-REF(2021)006  Anglais  22/01/2021 -  Publique
Ukraine - Law of Ukraine on Political Parties in Ukraine  
CDL-REF(2021)005  Anglais  22/01/2021 -  Publique
Ukraine - Draft law on political parties  
CDL-PI(2020)019  Anglais  10/12/2020 -  Publique
Ukraine - Urgent opinion on the Reform of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine issued pursuant to Article 14a of the Venice Commission’s Rules of Procedure   (C. GRABENWARTER, S. DARMANOVIĆ, M. CARTABIA, P. CAROZZA)
CDL-REF(2020)079  Anglais  01/12/2020 -  Publique
Ukraine - Law on Prevention of Corruption of 2014, as amended 
CDL-REF(2020)068  Anglais  09/09/2020 -  Publique
Ukraine - Law on the Organisation of Courts and the Status of Judges 
CDL-REF(2020)067  Anglais  09/09/2020 -  Publique
Ukraine - Law on the High Council of Justice 
CDL-REF(2020)063  Anglais  04/09/2020 -  Publique
Ukraine - Law on the High Anti-Corruption Court  
CDL-REF(2020)029  Anglais  10/06/2020 -  Publique
Ukraine - Draft law “on Democracy through All-Ukrainian Referendum”  
CDL(2019)042  Anglais  22/11/2019 -  Publique
Ukraine - Draft Opinion on the Legal framework in Ukraine governing the Supreme Court and judicial self-governing bodies  (H. SUCHOCKA, K. TUORI, N. EȘANU, E. HOLMØYVIK)
CDL(2019)038  Anglais  22/11/2019 -  Publique
Ukraine - Draft Opinion on the Law supporting the Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as the State Language  (R. HOFMANN, H. KJERULF THORGEIRSDOTTIR, J. VELAERS, V. BÍLKOVÁ)
CDL(2019)045  Anglais  20/11/2019 -  Publique
Ukraine - Draft Amicus Curiae Brief for the Constitutional Court of Ukraine on the early termination of the mandate of Members of Parliament   (N. ALIVIZATOS, J. CASTELLÀ ANDREU, E. HOLMØYVIK, T. OTTY)
CDL-REF(2017)038  Anglais  08/09/2017 -  Publique
Ukraine - Law on amendments to the Rules of Parliamentary Procedure 
CDL-REF(2017)037  Anglais  07/09/2017 -  Publique
Ukraine - Law on the Rules of Procedure of the Verkhovna Rada 
CDL-REF(2017)035  Anglais  28/08/2017 -  Publique
Ukraine - Draft Law of Ukraine on Anticorruption Courts  
CDL-REF(2016)066add  Anglais  05/12/2016 -  Publique
Ukraine - Draft law on the Constitutional Court  
CDL(2016)042  Anglais  25/11/2016 -  Publique
Ukraine - Draft opinion on the draft law on the Constitutional Court  (C. GRABENWARTER, H. SUCHOCKA, W. HOFFMANN-RIEM, O. CAN)
CDL(2016)042  Français  25/11/2016 -  Publique
Ukraine - Projet d'avis relatif au projet de loi sur la Cour constitutionnelle  (C. GRABENWARTER, H. SUCHOCKA, W. HOFFMANN-RIEM, O. CAN)
CDL-REF(2016)066  Anglais  24/11/2016 -  Publique
Ukraine - Draft Law on the Constitutional Court 
CDL(2016)024  Anglais  27/05/2016 -  Publique
Draft opinion on the amendments to the law of Ukraine on elections regarding the exclusion of candidates from party lists.  (P. PACZOLAY, P. VILANOVA TRIAS, M. FRENDO)
CDL-REF(2016)040  Anglais  23/05/2016 -  Publique
Law on elections of the people’s deputies of Ukraine 
CDL(2015)050  Anglais  04/12/2015 -  Publique
Draft joint opinion on the law of Ukraine on the condemnation of the communist and national socialist (Nazi) regimes and prohibition of propaganda of their symbols  (H. SUCHOCKA, S. BARTOLE, I. BOEV, V. BÍLKOVÁ, R. KIENER)
CDL(2015)046  Anglais  16/10/2015 -  Publique
Draft Interim Opinion on the Draft Law on Integrity Checking of Ukraine  (S. BARTOLE, G. PAPUASHVILI, V. BÍLKOVÁ)
CDL(2015)039  Anglais  09/10/2015 -  Publique
Draft Opinion on the proposed Constitutional Amendments regarding the Judiciary of Ukraine  (J. SCHOLSEM, H. SUCHOCKA, K. TUORI, P. PACZOLAY, G. PAPUASHVILI, E. TANCHEV, R. KIENER)
CDL(2015)037  Anglais  24/09/2015 -  Publique
Draft Opinion on the Temporal Validity of Draft Transitional Provision 18 of the Constitution of Ukraine   (H. SUCHOCKA, K. TUORI, A. DELCAMP)
CDL(2015)035  Anglais  03/09/2015 -  Publique
Draft Joint Opinion on the draft amendments to some legislative acts concerning prevention and fight against political corruption of Ukraine   (P. PACZOLAY, B. JOUAN, D. Smilov, R. KATZ, M. FRENDO, Q. REED)
CDL(2015)035  Français  03/09/2015 -  Publique
Projet d'avis conjoint relatif à des projets de modification de quelques textes législatifs concernant la lutte contre la corruption politique et sa prévention en Ukraine  (P. PACZOLAY, B. JOUAN, D. Smilov, R. KATZ, M. FRENDO, Q. REED)
CDL-REF(2015)033  Anglais  02/09/2015 -  Publique
Draft Law on Integrity Checking of Ukraine 
CDL-PI(2015)016  Anglais  24/07/2015 -  Publique
Preliminary Opinion on the proposed constitutional amendments regarding the judiciary of Ukraine  (J. SCHOLSEM, H. SUCHOCKA, K. TUORI, P. PACZOLAY, G. PAPUASHVILI, E. TANCHEV, R. KIENER)
CDL-PI(2015)016  Français  24/07/2015 -  Publique
Avis préliminaire sur la proposition de révision constitutionnelle concernant le pouvoir judiciaire de l'Ukraine  (J. SCHOLSEM, H. SUCHOCKA, K. TUORI, P. PACZOLAY, G. PAPUASHVILI, E. TANCHEV, R. KIENER)
CDL-PI(2015)008  Anglais  24/06/2015 -  Publique
Preliminary Opinion on the Constitutional Amendments regarding the Territorial Structure and Local Administration of Ukraine   (H. SUCHOCKA, K. TUORI, A. DELCAMP)
CDL(2015)023  Anglais  09/06/2015 -  Publique
Draft Final Opinion on the Law on Government Cleansing (Lustration Law) of Ukraine as would result from the amendments submitted to the Verkhavna Rada on 21 April 2015  (H. SUCHOCKA, G. PAPUASHVILI, B. VERMEULEN, V. BÍLKOVÁ, A. PETERS, G. REISSNER)
CDL(2015)018  Anglais  03/06/2015 -  Publique
Draft opinion on draft constitutional amendments on the immunity of the members of the parliament and judges of Ukraine  (H. SUCHOCKA, S. BARTOLE, K. TUORI)
CDL(2014)052  Anglais  28/11/2014 -  Publique
Draft Opinion on the Law on Government cleansing (« Lustration Law ») of Ukraine   (H. SUCHOCKA, G. PAPUASHVILI, H. HAENEL, B. VERMEULEN, V. BÍLKOVÁ, A. PETERS, G. REISSNER)
CDL-REF(2014)047  Anglais  05/11/2014 -  Publique
Law on the Public Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine (Unofficial translation) 
CDL-REF(2014)046  Anglais  21/10/2014 -  Publique
Law on Government Cleansing ("Lustration Law") of Ukraine 
CDL-EL(2014)005prog  Anglais  06/10/2014 -  Publique
Workshop on electoral dispute resolution, Tuesday 7 October 2014 - Draft programme 
CDL(2014)034  Anglais  24/07/2014 -  Publique
Preliminary opinion on the Draft law amending the Constitution of Ukraine, submitted by the President of Ukraine on 2 July 2014   (J. SCHOLSEM, H. SUCHOCKA, S. BARTOLE, K. TUORI, P. PACZOLAY, G. PAPUASHVILI, E. TANCHEV, A. DELCAMP, G. Marcou, R. KIENER)
CDL(2014)034  Français  24/07/2014 -  Publique
Avis préliminaire sur le projet de loi portant modification de la constitution de l'Ukraine soumis par le Président de l'Ukraine le 2 juillet 2014  (J. SCHOLSEM, H. SUCHOCKA, S. BARTOLE, K. TUORI, P. PACZOLAY, G. PAPUASHVILI, E. TANCHEV, A. DELCAMP, G. Marcou, R. KIENER)
CDL-REF(2014)012  Anglais  13/03/2014 -  Publique
Constitution of Ukraine, text provided by the Ukrainian authorities on 13 March 2013 
CDL(2013)054  Anglais  29/11/2013 -  Publique
Draft Opinion on Proposals amending the Draft Law "On Amendments to the Constitution, Strengthening the Independence of Judges" of Ukraine   (H. SUCHOCKA, K. TUORI, J. HAMILTON, E. TANCHEV)
CDL(2013)037  Anglais  26/09/2013 -  Publique
Draft Joint Opinion on draft amendments to legislation on the election of people's deputies of Ukraine  (P. PACZOLAY, J. PILGRIM)
CDL(2013)037  Français  26/09/2013 -  Publique
Projet d’avis conjoint sur les projets d’amendements à la loi sur l’élection des députés d’Ukraine   (P. PACZOLAY, J. PILGRIM)
CDL(2013)039  Anglais  20/09/2013 -  Publique
Draft Opinion on the Draft Law on the Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine  (H. SUCHOCKA, K. TUORI, P. PACZOLAY, J. MCBRIDE, N. EȘANU, E. SVANIDZE, M. LYNGBO, L. BACHMAIER WINTER)
CDL-REF(2013)041  Anglais  04/09/2013 -  Publique
The Law of Ukraine On the Public Prosecutor’s Office 
CDL(2013)019  Anglais  07/06/2013 -  Publique
Joint Opinion on the draft laws on election of peoples deputies and on Central Election Commission  (P. PACZOLAY)
CDL-REF(2013)015  Anglais  04/06/2013 -  Publique
Law of Ukraine on national referendum 
CDL(2013)029  Anglais  31/05/2013 -  Publique
Draft Opinion on the Law on National Referendum of Ukraine  (K. TUORI, P. PACZOLAY, A. SANCHEZ NAVARRO)
CDL-REF(2013)025  Anglais  29/05/2013 -  Publique
Draft Amendments to the Electoral Legislation of Ukraine  
CDL-REF(2012)033  Anglais  07/09/2012 -  Publique
Draft law on the public prosecutor's office of Ukraine 
CDL(2011)101  Anglais  02/12/2011 -  Publique
Draft opinion on the draft law on principles of the state language policy of Ukraine  (S. BARTOLE, J. VELAERS)
CDL-REF(2011)061  Anglais  23/11/2011 -  Publique
Law on principles of the state language in Ukraine 
CDL(2011)085  Anglais  05/10/2011 -  Publique
Draft joint opinion on the draft law on freedom of assembly of Ukraine  (J. HAMILTON, A. VASHKEVICH, S. BANIC, D. Goldberger, S. Ostaf, N. Jarman)
CDL(2011)059  Anglais  03/10/2011 -  Publique
Draft joint opinion on the draft law on election of people's deputies of Ukraine  (S. DARMANOVIĆ, A. ENDZIŅŠ, D. BISSON)
CDL(2011)087  Anglais  29/09/2011 -  Publique
Draft joint opinion on the draft law amending the law on the judiciary and the status of judges and other legislative acts of Ukraine  (H. SUCHOCKA, J. HAMILTON, S. Gass, P. Lemmens)
CDL(2011)070  Anglais  29/09/2011 -  Publique
Draft joint opinion on the draft law on the bar and practice of law of Ukraine  (D. MERIDOR, L. MIHAI, K. HELLER, R. MULLERAT, R. JOKUBAUSKAS)
CDL(2011)069  Anglais  15/09/2011 -  Publique
Comments on the draft law on the bar and practice of law of Ukraine  (K. HELLER)
CDL(2011)068  Anglais  15/09/2011 -  Publique
Comments on the draft law on the bar and practice of law of Ukraine  (L. MIHAI)
CDL(2011)067  Anglais  15/09/2011 -  Publique
Comments on the draft law on the bar and practice of law of Ukraine  (D. MERIDOR)
CDL-REF(2011)037  Anglais  12/08/2011 -  Publique
Draft Law on Freedom of Peaceful Assembly of Ukraine 
CDL-REF(2011)040  Anglais  22/07/2011 -  Publique
Draft law of Ukraine on the bar and practice of law 
CDL-REF(2011)034  Anglais  28/06/2011 -  Publique
Draft Law on the election of members of Parliament of Ukraine 
CDL(2011)015  Anglais  11/03/2011 -  Publique
Draft Opinion on the concept paper on the establishment and functioning of a constitutional assembly of Ukraine  (K. TUORI, E. TANCHEV, F. SEJERSTED)
CDL(2011)010  Anglais  11/03/2011 -  Publique
Draft Opinion on the draft law on languages in Ukraine  (S. BARTOLE, J. VELAERS, M. Galdia)
CDL-REF(2011)001  Anglais  07/01/2011 -  Publique
Draft law on languages in Ukraine and explanatoy note and comparative table 
CDL-EL(2010)034  Anglais  14/12/2010 -  Publique
Draft election code of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine 
CDL(2010)126  Anglais  10/12/2010 -  Publique
Draft opinion on the constitutional situation in Ukraine  (K. TUORI, D. MAUS, G. PAPUASHVILI, E. TANCHEV, A. NUSSBERGER)
CDL-EL(2010)033  Anglais  10/12/2010 -  Publique
Draft opinion on the draft election code of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine  (S. DARMANOVIĆ, N. EȘANU)
CDL(2010)116  Anglais  18/11/2010 -  Publique
Judgement of the constitutional court of Ukraine - 30 September 2010 
CDL(2010)099  Anglais  08/10/2010 -  Publique
Draft joint opinion on the law on peaceful assemblies of Ukraine by the Venice Commission and OSCE/ODHIR  (C. GRABENWARTER, J. HAMILTON, N. VULCHANOV, F. FLANAGAN, H. HAENEL, D. Goldenberger)
CDL(2010)081  Anglais  22/09/2010 -  Publique
Draft Law on Peaceful Assemblies of Ukraine 
CDL(2010)064  Anglais  02/07/2010 -  Publique
Draft Law of Ukraine on the Judiciary and the Status of Judges 
CDL(2010)065  Anglais  30/06/2010 -  Publique
Preliminary Comments on the Draft Law on the Judicial System and the Status of Judges of Ukraine  (H. SUCHOCKA)
CDL(2010)063  Anglais  30/06/2010 -  Publique
Preliminary Comments on the Draft Law on the Judicial System and the Status of Judges of Ukraine  (J. HAMILTON)
CDL(2009)175  Anglais  04/12/2009 -  Publique
Draft Joint Opinion on the order of organising and conducting peaceful events of Ukraine by the Venice Commission and OSCE/ODIHR  (C. GRABENWARTER, F. FLANAGAN, H. HAENEL)
CDL(2009)165  Anglais  06/11/2009 -  Publique
Draft Law on order of organising and conducting peaceful events of Ukraine 
CDL(2009)156  Anglais  30/09/2009 -  Publique
Comments on the Draft Law on the Judicial System and the Status of Judges of Ukraine  (H. SUCHOCKA)
CDL(2009)155  Anglais  30/09/2009 -  Publique
Comments on the Draft Law on the Judicial System and the Status of Judges of Ukraine  (J. HAMILTON)
CDL-EL(2009)023  Anglais  24/09/2009 -  Publique
Law on the Elections of the President of Ukraine 
CDL(2009)111  Anglais  21/09/2009 -  Publique
Draft Law on the Judicial System and the Status of Judges of Ukraine 
CDL(2009)100  Anglais  08/07/2009 -  Publique
Preliminary Opinion on the Draft Law of Ukraine on the Office of the Public Prosecutor  (H. SUCHOCKA, J. HAMILTON)
CDL(2009)098  Anglais  05/06/2009 -  Publique
Draft Opinion on the Draft Law of Ukraine amending the Constitution presented by the President of Ukraine  (H. SUCHOCKA, K. TUORI, P. PACZOLAY, A. NUSSBERGER, G. Marcou)
CDL(2009)094  Anglais  02/06/2009 -  Publique
Comments on the Draft Law of Ukraine ameding the Constitution presented by the President of Ukraine  (H. SUCHOCKA)
CDL(2009)093  Anglais  02/06/2009 -  Publique
Comments on the Draft Law of Ukraine ameding the Constitution presented by the President of Ukraine  (A. NUSSBERGER)
CDL(2009)068add  Anglais  16/04/2009 -  Publique
Explanatory note to the draft Law on amending the Constitution of Ukraine 
CDL(2009)034  Anglais  05/03/2009 -  Publique
Draft Opinion on the Draft Law amending the Constitution of Ukraine presented by People's Deputies Yanukovych, Lavrynovych, et al.  (H. SUCHOCKA, P. PACZOLAY, A. NUSSBERGER)
CDL-EL(2008)023  Anglais  05/12/2008 -  Publique
Comments on the Draft Law on the all-Ukrainian Referendum by Mr O. Lavrynovych (Member of Parliament of Ukraine)  (A. SANCHEZ NAVARRO)
CDL(2008)072  Anglais  06/06/2008 -  Publique
Draft Opinion on the Draft Constitution of Ukraine prepared by a Working Group headed by Mr V.M. Shapoval  (H. SUCHOCKA, S. BARTOLE, K. TUORI, P. PACZOLAY, A. NUSSBERGER)
CDL-EL(2008)010  Anglais  03/06/2008 -  Publique
Comments ont the Draft Laws on the All-Ukrainian Referendum and on Local Referendum of Ukraine  (A. SANCHEZ NAVARRO)
CDL-EL(2008)009  Anglais  27/05/2008 -  Publique
Draft Laws on the All-Ukrainian Referendum and on Local Referendum of Ukraine 
CDL(2008)054  Anglais  26/05/2008 -  Publique
Comments on the Draft Constitution of Ukraine prepared by a Working Group headed by Mr V.M. Shapoval  (A. NUSSBERGER)
CDL(2008)046  Anglais  28/04/2008 -  Publique
Draft Constitution of Ukraine 
CDL(2007)084  Anglais  24/09/2007 -  Publique
Draft Opinion on the Draft Amendments to the Law on the Status of People's Deputy in Ukraine  (S. BARTOLE, P. PACZOLAY)
CDL(2007)071  Anglais  21/08/2007 -  Publique
Draft Amendments to the Law on the Status of People's Deputy in Ukraine 
CDL(2007)070  Anglais  10/08/2007 -  Publique
Comments on the Draft Amendments to the Law on the Status of People's Deputies of Ukraine  (S. BARTOLE)
CDL(2007)069  Anglais  10/08/2007 -  Publique
Comments on the Draft Amendments to the Law on the Status of People's Deputies of Ukraine  (P. PACZOLAY)
CDL(2007)047  Anglais  29/05/2007 -  Publique
Draft Opinion on legislative provisions concerning early elections in Ukraine  (A. SANCHEZ NAVARRO)
CDL(2007)062  Anglais  25/05/2007 -  Publique
Draft Opinion on the Draft Law on the Parliamentary Opposition in Ukraine 
CDL(2007)056  Anglais  14/05/2007 -  Publique
Information on the Draft Law on Parliamentary Opposition and Other Legislation in Ukraine  (N. I Petrova)
CDL(2007)044  Anglais  07/05/2007 -  Publique
Draft Law on State Register of Voters of Ukraine 
CDL(2007)033rev  Anglais  23/03/2007 -  Publique
Draft Preliminary Opinion on the Draft Law on the Parliamentary Opposition in Ukraine  (S. BARTOLE, P. PACZOLAY)
CDL(2007)038  Anglais  12/03/2007 -  Publique
Draft Opinion on the Draft Law on the Judiciary and the Draft Law on the Status of Judges of Ukraine  (H. SUCHOCKA, J. HAMILTON, G. Oberto, A. Zalar)
CDL(2007)033  Anglais  08/03/2007 -  Publique
Draft Preliminary Opinion on the Draft Law on the Parliamentary Opposition in Ukraine  (S. BARTOLE, P. PACZOLAY)
CDL(2007)029  Anglais  07/03/2007 -  Publique
Comments on the Draft Law on Parliamentary Opposition in Ukraine  (S. BARTOLE)
CDL(2007)025  Anglais  07/03/2007 -  Publique
Comments on the Draft Law on Parliamentary Opposition in Ukraine  (P. PACZOLAY)
CDL(2007)035  Anglais  06/03/2007 -  Publique
Comments on the Draft Law on the Judiciary and the Draft Law on the Status of Judges of Ukraine  (H. SUCHOCKA)
CDL(2007)034  Anglais  06/03/2007 -  Publique
Comments on the Draft Law on the Judiciary and the Draft Law on the Status of Judges of Ukraine  (J. HAMILTON)
CDL(2007)006  Anglais  08/02/2007 -  Publique
Draft Law on the Parliamentary Opposition in Ukraine 
CDL(2006)097  Anglais  04/12/2006 -  Publique
Draft Law on the Status of Judges of Ukraine 
CDL(2006)096  Anglais  04/12/2006 -  Publique
Draft Law on the Judiciary of Ukraine 
CDL(2006)072  Anglais  09/10/2006 -  Publique
Draft Opinion on the Draft Law on the Insertion of Amendments on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organisations in Ukraine  (G. MALINVERNI, L. CHRISTIANS)
CDL(2006)073  Anglais  06/10/2006 -  Publique
Draft Opinion on the Draft Law of Ukraine amending the Constitutional Provisions on the Procuracy  (H. SUCHOCKA, J. HAMILTON, P. Cornu)
CDL(2006)071  Anglais  03/10/2006 -  Publique
Joint Opinion on the Draft Law on Peaceful Assemblies of Ukraine  (C. GRABENWARTER, G. MALINVERNI, H. HAENEL, D. Goldberger)
CDL(2006)070  Anglais  03/10/2006 -  Publique
Constitution of Ukraine, as of 25 May 2006 
CDL(2006)069  Anglais  27/09/2006 -  Publique
Draft Opinion on the Draft Law on the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine  (J. SCHOLSEM, K. TUORI)
CDL(2006)063  Anglais  14/09/2006 -  Publique
Draft Law on Peaceful Assemblies in Ukraine 
CDL(2006)060  Anglais  05/09/2006 -  Publique
Draft Law on the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine 
CDL(2006)041  Anglais  06/06/2006 -  Publique
Comments on the Draft Law on Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine concerning the Prokuratura  (H. SUCHOCKA)
CDL(2006)042  Anglais  02/06/2006 -  Publique
Comments on the Draft Law on Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine concerning the Prokuratura  (J. HAMILTON)
CDL-EL(2005)055  Anglais  08/12/2005 -  Publique
Draft Joint Opinion on the Law on Elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine  (A. SANCHEZ NAVARRO, T. ANNUS, J. PILGRIM, J. Middleton)
CDL-EL(2005)046  Anglais  17/10/2005 -  Publique
Comments on the Draft Law on Election of People's Deputies of Ukraine adopted on 7 July 2005  (T. ANNUS)
CDL(2005)046  Anglais  03/06/2005 -  Publique
Draft Opinion on the Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine as adopted on 8 December 2004  (S. BARTOLE, K. TUORI)
CDL-EL(2005)022  Anglais  02/06/2005 -  Publique
Law on State Register of Voters of Ukraine 
CDL-EL(2005)021  Anglais  02/06/2005 -  Publique
Law on Parliamentary Elections of Ukraine 
CDL(2005)036  Anglais  25/04/2005 -  Publique
Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine adopted on 8 December 2004 
CDL(2004)083  Français  04/10/2004 -  Publique
Projet d'avis concernant le projet de loi amendant la loi de la République d'Ukraine sur le Ministère public  (H. SUCHOCKA, J. HAMILTON)
CDL(2004)096  Anglais  30/09/2004 -  Publique
Comments on the procedure of amending the Constitution of Ukraine  (H. KJERULF THORGEIRSDOTTIR)
CDL(2004)099  Anglais  27/09/2004 -  Publique
Comments on the procedure of amending the Constitution of Ukraine  (K. TUORI)
CDL(2004)094  Anglais  27/09/2004 -  Publique
Draft Opinion on the procedure of amending the Constitution of Ukraine  (K. TUORI, H. KJERULF THORGEIRSDOTTIR, F. FLANAGAN)
CDL(2004)081  Anglais  27/09/2004 -  Publique
Comments on the Draft Law on the Status of Indigenous Peoples of Ukraine  (M. LAZAROVA TRAJKOVSKA)
CDL(2004)080  Anglais  27/09/2004 -  Publique
Comments on the Draft Law on the Status of Indigenous Peoples of Ukraine  (P. VAN DIJK)
CDL(2004)079  Anglais  27/09/2004 -  Publique
Draft Law on the Status of Indigenous Peoples of Ukraine 
CDL(2004)095  Anglais  23/09/2004 -  Publique
Comments on the procedure of amending the Constitution of Ukraine  (F. FLANAGAN)
CDL(2004)082  Anglais  22/09/2004 -  Publique
Draft Opinion on the Draft Law on the Status of Indigenous Peoples of Ukraine  (P. VAN DIJK, M. LAZAROVA TRAJKOVSKA)
CDL(2004)083  Anglais  20/09/2004 -  Publique
Draft Opinion on the Draft Law amending the Law of Ukraine on the Office of the Public Prosecutor  (H. SUCHOCKA, J. HAMILTON)
CDL(2004)060  Anglais  10/06/2004 -  Publique
Comments on the Draft Law of the Republic of Ukraine on the Public Prosecutor's Office  (H. SUCHOCKA, J. HAMILTON)
CDL(2004)060  Français  10/06/2004 -  Publique
Observations concernant le projet de loi de la République d'Ukraine sur le Ministère Public  (H. SUCHOCKA, J. HAMILTON)
CDL(2004)052  Anglais  03/06/2004 -  Publique
Draft Law of the Republic of Ukraine on the Public Prosecutor's Office 
CDL(2004)051  Anglais  03/06/2004 -  Publique
Comments on the Draft Law on the conception of the State Ethnic Policy of Ukraine  (P. VAN DIJK)
CDL(2004)050  Anglais  03/06/2004 -  Publique
Draft Law on the Conception of the State Ethnic Policy of Ukraine 
CDL(2004)048  Français  03/06/2004 -  Publique
Observations concernant le projet de loi de la République d'Ukraine sur le Ministère public  (H. SUCHOCKA)
CDL(2004)048  Anglais  03/06/2004 -  Publique
Comments on the Draft Law of the Republic of Ukraine on the Public Prosecutor's Office  (H. SUCHOCKA)
CDL(2004)002  Français  26/01/2004 -  Publique
Projet d'avis sur deux projets de loi modifiant la loi sur les minorités nationales en Ukraine  (F. MATSCHER)
CDL(2004)002  Anglais  26/01/2004 -  Publique
Draft Opinion on Two Draft Laws amending the Law on National Minorities in Ukraine  (F. MATSCHER)
CDL(2003)093  Anglais  08/12/2003 -  Publique
Draft Opinion on Three Draft Laws proposing amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine  (S. BARTOLE, K. TUORI, H. KJERULF THORGEIRSDOTTIR, F. FLANAGAN)
CDL(2003)098  Anglais  04/12/2003 -  Publique
Comments on the three Draft Laws proposing amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine  (S. BARTOLE)
CDL(2003)097  Anglais  03/12/2003 -  Publique
Comments on the Draft Laws amending the Law on National Minorities in Ukraine  (F. MATSCHER)
CDL(2003)096  Anglais  03/12/2003 -  Publique
Comments on the three Draft Laws proposing amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine  (H. KJERULF THORGEIRSDOTTIR)
CDL(2003)095  Anglais  03/12/2003 -  Publique
Comments on the three Draft Laws proposing amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine  (K. TUORI)
CDL(2003)094  Anglais  03/12/2003 -  Publique
Comments on the three Draft Laws proposing amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine  (F. FLANAGAN)
CDL(2003)088  Anglais  27/11/2003 -  Publique
First Draft Law amending the Law on National Minorities in Ukraine 
CDL(2003)033  Français  26/06/2003 -  Publique
Observations sur le projet de loi sur les amendements à la Constitution de l'Ukraine  (G. BATLINER)
CDL(2003)031  Anglais  26/06/2003 -  Publique
Comments on the Draft Law on Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine  (K. TUORI)
CDL(2003)041  Anglais  06/06/2003 -  Publique
Draft Opinion on the Draft Law on Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine  (S. BARTOLE, K. TUORI, G. BATLINER, F. FLANAGAN)
CDL(2003)035  Anglais  27/05/2003 -  Publique
Comments on the Draft Law on Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine  (F. FLANAGAN)
CDL(2003)034  Anglais  27/05/2003 -  Publique
Comments on the Draft Law on Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine 
CDL(2002)104  Anglais  28/06/2002 -  Publique
Draft Opinion on the Ukrainian Legislation on Political Parties  (V. STOICA)
CDL(2001)134  Anglais  11/12/2001 -  Publique
Opinion on the present law and on the draft law of Ukraine on the Public Prosecutor’s Office  (H. SUCHOCKA)
CDL(2001)128  Anglais  07/12/2001 -  Publique
Opinion on the present law and on the draft law of Ukraine on the Public Prosecutor’s Office  (J. HAMILTON)
CDL(2001)119  Anglais  29/11/2001 -  Publique
Law of Ukraine on the Public Prosecutor's Office 
CDL(2001)078  Anglais  03/07/2001 -  Publique
Opinion on the Draft Law of Ukraine “On the Judicial System”  (J. SAID PULLICINO, A. ELLUL)
CDL(2001)059  Anglais  22/06/2001 -  Publique
Concept of the State Ethnic and National policy of Ukraine  (F. MATSCHER)
CDL(2001)055  Anglais  14/06/2001 -  Publique
Opinion on Draft Law of Ukraine on the "Judicial System" (CDL (2001) 46)  (H. SUCHOCKA)
CDL(2001)051  Français  08/06/2001 -  Publique
Avis consolidé sur le Projet de réforme constitutionnelle de l'Ukraine 
CDL(2001)051  Anglais  08/06/2001 -  Publique
Consolidated Opinion on the Ukraine Constitutional Reform Project 
CDL(2001)046  Anglais  28/05/2001 -  Publique
The Law of Ukraine - Judicial System 
CDL(2001)042  Anglais  10/05/2001 -  Publique
Concept of the State Ethnic and National Policy of Ukraine 
CDL(2000)073  Français  27/09/2000 -  Publique
Projet d’avis sur la mise en œuvre du référendum en Ukraine  (G. MALINVERNI, S. BARTOLE, G. BATLINER)
CDL(2000)073  Anglais  27/09/2000 -  Publique
Draft opinion on the implementation of the referendum in Ukraine  (G. MALINVERNI, S. BARTOLE, G. BATLINER)
CDL(2000)014rev  Français  31/03/2000 -  Publique
Référendum constitutionnel en Ukraine. Avis adopté par la Commision lors de sa 42e réunion plénière (Venise, 31 mars 2000)  (H. STEINBERGER, G. MALINVERNI, S. BARTOLE, G. BATLINER, C. SVOBODA)
CDL(2000)014rev  Anglais  31/03/2000 -  Publique
Constitutional Referendum in Ukraine. Opinion adopted by the Commission at its 42nd Plenary session (Venice, 31 March 2000)  (H. STEINBERGER, G. MALINVERNI, S. BARTOLE, G. BATLINER, C. SVOBODA)
CDL(2000)014  Anglais  17/03/2000 -  Publique
Constitutional referendum in Ukraine: Draft consolidated opinion prepared by the secretariat based on individual opinions  (H. STEINBERGER, G. MALINVERNI, S. BARTOLE, G. BATLINER, C. SVOBODA)
CDL(2000)011  Anglais  17/03/2000 -  Publique
Constitutional referendum in Ukraine: Individual opinion  (S. BARTOLE)
CDL(2000)010  Anglais  14/03/2000 -  Publique
Constitutional referendum in Ukraine: Individual opinion  (C. SVOBODA)
CDL(2000)009  Anglais  14/03/2000 -  Publique
Constitutional referendum in Ukraine: Individual opinion  (H. STEINBERGER)
CDL(2000)008  Français  14/03/2000 -  Publique
Référendum constitutionnel en Ukraine: Observations individuelles  (G. MALINVERNI)
CDL(2000)007  Français  14/03/2000 -  Publique
Référendum constitutionnel en Ukraine: Observations individuelles  (G. BATLINER)
CDL(1999)089  Anglais  04/01/2000 -  Publique
Opinion on the draft law of Ukraine on the judicial system  (H. SUCHOCKA, H. TORFASON, J. SAID PULLICINO)
CDL(1999)087  Anglais  07/12/1999 -  Publique
Opinion on a proposed law on the judiciary of Ukraine  (H. TORFASON)
CDL(1999)086  Anglais  07/12/1999 -  Publique
Draft law of Ukraine on the judiciary  (J. SAID PULLICINO)
CDL(1999)045  Anglais  20/09/1999 -  Publique
Law on elections of people's deputies of Ukraine 
CDL(1999)064  Anglais  01/01/1999 -  Publique
Law of Ukraine on the Judicial System 
CDL(1998)038  Français  11/05/1998 -  Publique
Avis sur le concept de la réforme des organes centraux du pouvoir exécutif en Ukraine  (J. ROBERT)
CDL-JU(1998)032  Anglais  01/01/1998 -  Publique
"General concepts of implementation of international law"  (G. MAAS GEESTERANUS)
CDL(1998)031  Français  01/01/1998 -  Publique
Concept de la réforme des organes centraux du pouvoir exécutif en Ukraine 
CDL(1997)001  Français  06/01/1997 -  Publique
Projet d'avis sur la Constitution de l'Ukraine 
CDL(1997)001  Anglais  06/01/1997 -  Publique
Draft opinion on the Constitution of Ukraine 
CDL(1997)010  Anglais  01/01/1997 -  Publique
Comments on the law of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine  (S. HOLOVATY)
CDL(1997)004  Anglais  01/01/1997 -  Publique
Comments on the law on the Constitutional Court of Ukraine  (S. BARTOLE)
CDL(1997)018rev  Anglais  01/01/1997 -  Publique
Opinion on the law on the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, adopted at the 31st plenary meeting of the Commission  (S. BARTOLE, J. KLUCKA)
CDL(1997)005rev  Anglais  01/01/1997 -  Publique
Comments on the law on the Constitutional Court of Ukraine  (J. KLUCKA)
CDL(1996)020  Anglais  10/05/1996 -  Publique
Opinion on the draft Constitution of Ukraine: (text approved by the Constitutional Commission on 11 March 1996 (CDL (96) 15): adopted at the 27the Meeting of the Venice Commission on 17-18 May 1996  (A. MILENKOVA, H. STEINBERGER, S. BARTOLE, L. AGUIAR DE LUQUE, J. KLUCKA, G. BATLINER, C. SVOBODA)
CDL(1996)020rev  Anglais  10/05/1996 -  Publique
Opinion on the Draft Constitution of Ukraine (text approved by the Constitutional Commission on 11 March 1996 (CDL (96) 15)) adopted at the 27th Meeting of the Venice Commission on 17-18 May 1966  (A. MILENKOVA, H. STEINBERGER, S. BARTOLE, L. AGUIAR DE LUQUE, J. KLUCKA, G. BATLINER, C. SVOBODA)
CDL(1996)014  Anglais  12/03/1996 -  Publique
Comments on the draft Constitution of Ukraine / the State prosecution  (C. SVOBODA)
CDL(1996)014  Français  12/03/1996 -  Publique
Remarques sur le projet de Constitution d'Ukraine, le parquet d'Etat  (C. SVOBODA)
CDL(1996)089  Anglais  01/01/1996 -  Publique
Law on the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, Kyiv, 1996 
CDL(1996)067  Anglais  01/01/1996 -  Publique
Comments on the Constitution of Ukraine  (A. MILENKOVA, S. BARTOLE, J. KLUCKA, G. BATLINER)
CDL(1996)058  Anglais  01/01/1996 -  Publique
Constitution of Ukraine, adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on 28.06.96 
CDL(1996)025  Anglais  01/01/1996 -  Publique
Comments on the draft Constitution of Ukraine  (H. SUCHOCKA)
CDL(1996)019  Anglais  01/01/1996 -  Publique
Comments on the draft Constitution of Ukraine (CDL(96)15)  (A. MILENKOVA, H. STEINBERGER, S. BARTOLE, L. AGUIAR DE LUQUE, J. KLUCKA, G. BATLINER, C. SVOBODA)
CDL-NAT(1996)002  Anglais  01/01/1996 -  Publique
Replies to the questionnaire on the consequences of state succession for nationality 
CDL(1996)001  Anglais  01/01/1996 -  Publique
Drafts for a new Ukrainian Constitution 
CDL-IMM(1996)002prov  Anglais  01/01/1996 -  Publique
Annex 1: Tables summarising replies to the questionnaire on parliamentary immunity 
CDL(1995)063  Français  18/10/1995 -  Publique
Avis sur le projet de Constitution de l'Ukraine (CDL(95)28) / Chapitre III / Le pouvoir du peuple  (A. MILENKOVA)
CDL(1995)063  Anglais  18/10/1995 -  Publique
Opinion on the draft Constitution of Ukraine: the People's Power  (A. MILENKOVA)
CDL(1995)039  Français  28/08/1995 -  Publique
Avis sur l'avant - projet de la Constitution de l'Ukraine: chapitre IV: l'exécutif  (H. STEINBERGER)
CDL(1995)039  Anglais  28/08/1995 -  Publique
Comments on the preliminary draft Constitution of Ukraine (CDL(95)38) - Part IV: The Executive  (H. STEINBERGER)
CDL(1995)060  Anglais  01/01/1995 -  Publique
Opinion on the draft Constitution of Ukraine  (J. HELGESEN)
CDL(1995)060  Français  01/01/1995 -  Publique
Avis sur le projet de Constitution de l'Ukraine  (J. HELGESEN)
CDL(1995)050  Français  01/01/1995 -  Publique
Avis : Accord constitutionnel de l'Ukraine  (N. V Vitrouk)
CDL(1995)049  Anglais  01/01/1995 -  Publique
Opinion: Constitutional Agreement Ukraine  (G. MAAS GEESTERANUS)
CDL(1995)048  Anglais  01/01/1995 -  Publique
Opinion: Agreement between the Supreme Rada and the President  (C. SVOBODA)
CDL(1995)047  Français  01/01/1995 -  Publique
Avis : Accord constitutionnel de l'Ukraine  (A. MILENKOVA)
CDL(1995)046  Anglais  01/01/1995 -  Publique
Opinion Ukraine: The present constitutional situation  (S. BARTOLE)
CDL(1995)028  Anglais  01/01/1995 -  Publique
Draft Constitution of Ukraine / Preliminary partial draft 
CDL(1995)025  Anglais  01/01/1995 -  Publique
The Constitution of Ukraine / adopted 20.04.1978 
CDL(1995)017  Anglais  01/01/1995 -  Publique
Draft Law of Ukraine on the Autonomous of Republic of Crimea 
CDL(1995)051rev  Anglais  01/01/1995 -  Publique
Memorandum: the Contemporary Constitutional Order in Ukraine  (S. HOLOVATY)
CDL(1993)042  Français  15/07/1993 -  Publique
Réunion sur le projet de Constitution de l'Ukraine: Note du secrétariat 
CDL(1993)042  Anglais  25/06/1993 -  Publique
Meeting on the draft Constitution of Ukraine: Secretariat memorandum 
CDL(1993)048  Anglais  01/01/1993 -  Publique
Draft Constitution of Ukraine 27 May 1993 
CDL(1993)022  Anglais  01/01/1993 -  Publique
Draft Constitution of Ukraine 
CDL(1992)046  Anglais  01/01/1992 -  Publique
Constitution of Ukraine 
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